Читать книгу Business Plans For Dummies - Paul Tiffany - Страница 46
Bankers, backers, and bootstrappers
ОглавлениеBefore you jump on the venture-capital bandwagon, here’s something else to remember: VCs are definitely not philanthropists. They take a big chunk of your company in return for the cold cash they provide. And they often demand a role in directing or even running your business, taking seats on your board of directors, or even naming the CEO. You’d probably do the same if it was your money.
On the other hand, you can fund your start-up the old-fashioned way — from pay-as-you go bootstrapping, family and friends, or via a formal business loan. There are even crowdfunding sites that can provide you a platform to source online equity financing. One key advantage of this route is that you get to keep all the voting equity (legal ownership) in the company. And you get to run your business any way you please — you’re the top dog and no questions asked.
Stop for a moment here to consider just what kind of new business you’re contemplating. If it’s a software-based venture — such as an online dating service, a YouTube.com video sharing site, or an educational tutoring site — you might not need much to get started other than a computer connection, your own ability to code, and the time to do so. If this is the case, perhaps clearing out some space in your room and draining your pitiful little so-called savings account is all that’s needed, since “sweat equity” is your major contribution as you bootstrap your way to riches. But on the other hand, if your new venture requires raw materials, dedicated manufacturing space, machinery, and trained personnel, it’s going to cost you up front before a penny of revenue comes in. Is that little piggy bank account up for this level of drainage? If you do have large start-up costs, another option is to take the route that many businesses follow and pay your way forward with either donations from close relatives or a more formalized business loan.