Читать книгу Richard Mulcahy - Pádraig Ó Caoimh - Страница 5
Introduction. The Political Life of Richard Mulcahy, 1890–1959
1. Inspired: The Socio-Political Milieu, 1886–1913
2. Zealous: Home Rule and the Irish Volunteers, 1913–16
3. Committed: Rebellion and Reorientation, 1916–17
4. Assiduous: Volunteer Command, 1917–19
6. Pragmatic: Truce, Treaty and Debate, July–December 1921
7. Purposeful: Split, January–June 1922
8. Adamant: The Regular Army, June–December 1922
9. Aloof: The Free State Army, December 1922–June 1923
10. Ambivalent: Demobilisation, Reform and Dissent, June 1923–March 1924
11. Recalcitrant: Mutiny, March 1924
12. Disillusioned: Inquiry, March–June 1924
Conclusion. Enduring: Transition, 1913–24
Text Abbreviations
1. Particular Phases in the History of the IRB, 1858–1916
2. Extract from a Seán MacEoin Document on the IRB Supreme Council’s Attitude to Government, 1919–24
3. Jephson O’Connell’s Evidence on the Revived IRB, as Submitted in Writing to the Army Inquiry Committee, 6 May 1924
4. Extracts from Attorney-General Hugh Kennedy’s Memorandum on the Army and its Relationship with Government, 3 April 1923
Endnote Abbreviations
Sources and Select Bibliography