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Basically, children have needs which are not being met. ‘You must be joking,’ you’re probably thinking, ‘They have TVs, videos, DVDs, CD players, bikes, Playstations and a wardrobe full of designer clothes. They’ve got everything they could possibly want.’ And herein could well lie the problem. None of these are essential for happy, well-behaved children, although you may think they are. What is essential for children from their parents is regular physical contact, individual attention, respect and positive time.

Young children often interrupt phone calls or parents talking for their attention. If you have been out working all day, avoid long chats on the phone when your children are desperate to see you. Wait until they are in bed. Screen calls with an answerphone. Children will interrupt less and less the older they get. If they interrupt while you are talking to someone else, tell them firmly not to interrupt and that when you have finished talking they will have your undivided attention.

Yes, Please. Thanks!: Teaching Children of All Ages Manners, Respect and Social Skills for Life

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