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Charlie made his eight o’clock watch the next morning. It didn’t matter how hard you partied, or how knockout gorgeous the sheila might be, you didn’t let your mates down. You would show up for duty on time and do your job, even if you had to stand in a cold shower for half an hour to sober up.

He didn’t need the cold shower to sober up this time, but he did need it to cool down. He woke up with a boner so hard he could’ve used it to pound nails. Even the cold shower didn’t do it. He had to have a wank before he left for the engine room. He couldn’t get Petula out of his mind.

Pet had wanted to spend the whole night with him. Charlie knew from experience he should get her back to her cabin while the alleyways were empty. Smuggling a sheila out in the morning could be done, and had been done frequently by his mates, but he preferred not taking the risk unless he absolutely had to do it.

Charlie used his personal copy of the contraband key to unlock the door to the passenger side of the ship. He didn’t want Pet wandering around the ship in the middle of the night alone, so he walked her back to her cabin. She invited him in.

As much as he hated to do it, he declined the offer. He knew he had to get some rest before his watch started at eight o’clock. They agreed to meet that afternoon. He told her he would leave the details with Morgy.

He used his key again to get back to his cabin. That key had a history. When the lock on the door broke, the Captain decided to replace it with a German lock. It came with four-sided keys, which supposedly could not be duplicated.

The Captain kept a key, and gave a few to the master-at-arms for distribution among the ship’s security officers. The Chief Engineer also got one. It didn’t take long before one of his mates got the Chief Engineer drunk and waited for him to pass out so he could borrow the key.

Before returning it, he asked Charlie if he could figure out a way to make a copy. Unable to copy a four-sided key the usual way, Charlie made a wax impression of all four sides before giving it back. Once he had the impressions, he used a rat-tail file to duplicate the grooves onto pieces of metal. Then he silver-soldered the four sides together.

He made several copies. He kept one, and gave one to his mate who had borrowed it. He also made copies for several other crew members, good lads he knew he could trust. No one ever suspected anyone had copies, since everyone believed the key couldn’t be duplicated.

Later he gave one to Morgy. Morgy’s job included overseeing the stewards for the Monkey Bar, who would often deliver food and drinks to the passengers’ cabins. Many times Morgy would also help out and make deliveries, to the crew as well as to the passengers. When he would be asked to escort a woman for a late-night meeting with a crew member, no one would question his being in the passenger section of the ship.

Charlie continued his work on the soot blowers that morning, and again got himself filthy. When his early shift ended at noon, he wanted to catch Morgy before he left his meeting with the stewards who would be on duty in the bar that day.

Knowing the Monkey Bar wasn’t yet open for business, he saw no harm in going there, again looking crusty. Sure enough, he saw Morgy in a huddle with his stewards, going over the day’s work. He waited in the background until Morgy dismissed his staff.

Morgy had his back turned, so he didn’t see Charlie behind him.

“G’day, mate.”

Morgy jumped. “Holy dooley! What are you trying to do? Bury me at sea?”

Charlie grinned. “Christ, why would I want to kill ya, mate? I need you alive, not dead as a herring.”

“Now, there’s a comfort.” As he had the night before, Morgy gave Charlie a once-over. “Been working on the soot blowers again?”

“Spent all morning on ’em. Tonight’s watch should finish ’em off. After my day off tomorrow, I get to work on the bilge pumps.”

“Glamorous work for a ladies’ man.”

“Yeah, I know. I got to go clean up, but wanted to tell you, I’ll need your help again. Pet wants to hook up with me this afternoon.”

Morgy put the clipboard he had in his hand on a table and crossed his arms over his chest. “Is that a fact? Why would she want to do that?”

“I s’pose she enjoyed herself last night.”

“You think so?”

“What, you don’t think she did?”

“I don’t know.” Grinning like a shot fox, Morgy looked past him. “Petula, did you enjoy yourself last night?”

“I certainly did, Morgan. That’s why I’m here.”

When he heard her voice, Charlie wanted to crawl under a rock. “Shit! Pet?”

“Hello, Charles.”

Knowing he looked like hell, he still turned around to face her. There she stood, wearing a smart flowered sundress. “What the devil are you doing in here? The bar isn’t open yet.”

“I know, but the door was open. I stopped by to see Morgan, obviously for the same reason you’re here.”

“I just got off my watch, and haven’t been back to my cabin yet.”

“Why don’t I go with you?”

Charlie glanced at Morgy. He got the message. “You go on ahead, Charlie. I’ll bring Pet along directly.”

“Thanks, mate. I owe you one.”

“You wanker! You owe me more than one!”

“One of these days, I’ll pay you back.” He winked at Pet. “See you in a few minutes, love.” Charlie hurried back toward the engine room, again taking the longer route to his cabin. He had to hustle, or Morgy and Pet would beat him to the door.

He beat Pet to his cabin. Hoping to at least wash the dirt off his face before she got there, he went to his loo, pulling his arms out of his boiler suit as he walked. He then rubbed some soap and water on his face.

Before he could rinse it off, he heard the knock on his door. He quickly splashed some water on his face, then grabbed a towel and rubbed it dry. When he opened the door, both Pet and Morgy stood there.

“Didn’t know you were joining us, mate.” He gave Morgy a questioning look.

“No worries. Pet asked me to come with her for a few. She wants to ask us something.” Morgy followed Pet into Charlie’s cabin. Then Charlie closed the door.

Pet sat down on the bunk, as she had the night before.

Morgy pulled out the desk chair. Still in his dirty boiler suit, Charlie remained standing. “What’s on your mind, Pet?”

When Petula looked up, her eyes stopped at his chest. “It’s hard to remember, with your being half undressed.”

Morgy tittered. “Oh, my dear, I tell him that every time he comes to the bar with his coveralls open. A girl can’t think straight with that chest out in the open air.”

Charlie couldn’t believe Morgy had said what he said in front of Pet. He hurriedly put his arms back into the sleeves of his boiler suit. “You have to forgive my mate, Pet. Sometimes he has verbal diarrhea and runs at the mouth.”

Morgy chastised him. “Oh, stop being such a whinge. Petula knows I fancy you as much as she does.”

Suddenly concerned that Pet would think he and Morgy were more than friends, Charlie quickly added, “And Pet also knows we’re good mates and that’s all.”

Not to be outdone, Morgy retorted, “After last night, I’m sure she knows that very well.”

Pet agreed. “I certainly do, except I think I prefer him clean. Do you always get this dirty?”

Glad that Pet had changed the subject, Charlie spoke up before Morgy had a chance to say anything more. “Depends on what I do during my watch. Most days I get pretty damn cruddy.”

“It’s rather attractive, in an earthy sort of way.”

Directing his comment at Charlie, Morgy quipped, “Oooh, I do like her.”

Already feeling a woody coming on, Charlie agreed. “Yeah, so do I.” He wanted to get Morgy out of his cabin, so he tried to get things moving along. “What did you want to ask us, Pet?”

“I want to host a party in my cabin, with you two and some of your mates. I have a few friends on board who would like to meet some men.” Pet pointedly looked at Morgy. “Those include male friends.”

Charlie spoke before Morgy could. “Pet, we can’t do that. You’ll get all our arses thrown off the ship—”

Morgy interrupted. “Not so fast, Charlie. We’ve done it before.”

“Yes, but not in a passenger suite. We have parties in our cabins.”

“So let’s do it in here.”

Petula appeared skeptical. “You’ve had parties in these small cabins? The three of us nearly fill it up.”

Charlie glanced at Morgy. “What was the most we ever did?”

“Ten. That’s our voyage best.”

“You fellows crammed ten people in one of these tiny cabins? That’s not possible!”

Morgy grinned. “My dear, it is possible. We’ve done it. It makes for meaningful relationships.”

“I would suppose so!”

Curious about the friends she mentioned, Charlie wanted to know more. “Who are your friends, Pet? Can we trust them?”

“You can absolutely trust them. They work for me.”

“I don’t understand.”

“The women are models. We just had a show in Sydney. The man is my assistant, Derrick.” She smiled at Morgy. “He would definitely fancy you.”

Ignoring the last comment she made, Charlie asked, “How many women?”

“Three. If Morgan pairs with Derrick, then we need three more men.”

Morgy jumped up from his chair, then sat back down beside Pet. “Since he’s too damn filthy to do it, let me.” With that, he hugged her tightly. “The answer, my dear Pet, is yes! We can do ten.”

Petula gasped for air as the bear hug squeezed the breath out of her. When she could speak, she again offered her suite. “We would be more comfortable in my cabin. I have so much room, it’s obscene.”

Charlie didn’t have to say no this time. Morgy did it for him. “Darling, we can’t do that. If anyone would complain because of the noise, or if the crew would be seen in the passenger section at night, we’d all be put off the ship at the next port.”

Petula appeared mildly disappointed, but agreed. “All right, then. When?”

Charlie jumped in. “Tomorrow night would be spot-on. I have the day off. What about you, Morgy?”

“I can switch shifts tomorrow with someone, and work the early shift at the bar. That would give me tomorrow evening free.”

“Pet, does that work for you?”

“It certainly does, Charles. You just have to find three more men for my girls.”

“The only problem there is figuring out which three. Morgy, what do you think?”

“Let me mull it over. I’ll come up with some willing blokes to show the ladies a good time.”

“I’m sure you can, Morgan. I have every confidence in you. And what about food and drink? I’ll pay for anything we need.”

Morgy tapped his cheek. “I’ll have everything delivered on a cart to your suite. No one will question that. Then we’ll bring it down here when it’s time.” He turned around and looked at the cluttered desk. “Charlie, clean up this mess so we have a table for the food.”

“My pleasure, mate. I’ll just stuff it all under my bunk.”

Morgy threw his hands in the air. “Heterosexual men are completely hopeless!” He got up to leave. “Shall we say tomorrow at seven o’clock?”

Petula clapped her hands. “That will be splendid. I’ll tell my girls to wear something appropriate for sitting on the floor.”

“And make sure what you wear is washable. You never know what might get on it,” Charlie chimed in.

Morgy opened the door. “With what I expect will happen, very little would be good.” With that, he went back to work.

Feeling a bit awkward about Pet being in his cabin when he needed to shower, he thought to offer her a drink. “Would you care for a G and T, or is it too early for you?”

“A tonic with no gin would be splendid.”

“You got it.” Relieved he had a distraction, Charlie found his bottle of tonic water and poured a glassful for Pet. When he handed it to her, he thought to excuse himself. “I need to shower before I get any closer to you. Right now, I’m not fit to be close to a dingo.”

“Do you want to be close to a dingo?”

The question threw Charlie for a moment. Then he noticed the twinkle in her eyes and knew she had just yanked his chain. “I’d rather be close to you. Dingoes bite.”

“Maybe I do, too. You don’t know everything I might do.”

Charlie’s partial woody instantly became a full-blown erection. “Pet, you’re playing with fire here. I don’t think you want me on top of you before I shower. More talk like that, and you’re about to have soot in your blond hair.”

“Let me shower with you. We have time, don’t we?”

“My next watch doesn’t start until eight o’clock tonight. Damn straight we have time.”

“Well, then, let’s get you cleaned up.”

Charlie could hardly believe she meant it. When Pet stood up and took his hand, he knew he had found himself one hell of a sheila. Since he’d never been with anyone so willing before, he had to ask her, “Are you sure about this?”

“I told you last night, you are man enough to do the job. I meant it.”

“What job is that, Pet?”

“You are man enough to satisfy me. You have no idea how long I’ve been looking for a man like you. Wait until you meet my assistant. Then you may understand.”

“Morgy will be happy, won’t he?”

“Your friend will be quite happy. Most men in my profession prefer trousers to skirts. Even when they are sexy enough to put dew on my flower, they aren’t interested in me.”

“They have to be frigging crazy! How could any man walk away from you?”

“Plenty have.”

“Frigging hell, I want you right now.” Charlie tried to pull Pet closer to kiss her.

She put her hand on his chest and flexed her fingers in his chest hair. “My wonderful, filthy sailor, let’s scrub you up.”

Charlie took offense at her remark. “You best be getting this straight. I’m an engineer, not a sailor.”

She laughed, a beautiful, sparkling sound. “I am so sorry, my wonderful, filthy engineer. Unless you want me to find you a dingo to frig, you’d better let me wash you.”

Trying to hide his shock that a sheila of her breeding would use such language, he retorted, “I’m not frigging any damn dog when I have you in my cabin.”

“I thought you might feel that way. Let’s take a shower.”

Pet took Charlie’s hand and squeezed it. He desperately wanted to fuck her, but knew he would put her off if he didn’t clean himself up. So he figured he would let her lead the way. She did, through the door to the shower.

“Your loo is just as small as your cabin!” Charlie’s toilet had a commode, a sink and a shower stall. Two people could barely fit in the remaining space.

Charlie stepped away from her as far as he could in the tight quarters. “Careful, Pet, you’ll get your dress dirty. I don’t want you to rub up against me.” He grinned. “At least not until I shower.”

“That’s not until we shower.” Pet lowered the spaghetti straps on her dress. Charlie just stood there, watching her. “Do you want me to undress you? Take off your clothes!”

Charlie knew that as soon as he took off his boiler suit, Pet would plainly see his reaction to her being there. Rather than hiding it, he figured he would make the most of it. “You’d best be hanging that pretty frock in the closet by my bunk.” Charlie slipped his arms out of his coverall sleeves. “I have to take off my boots, and they’re covered with soot. Don’t want it to get on you.”

Petula took his advice. Stepping just outside the door, where Charlie could still plainly see her, she pulled her dress over her head. Once again, she had nothing on underneath. It took a considerable amount of willpower for Charlie to not have a wank staring at her naked tits and pussy. Instead, he chastised her.

“Jesus Christ, Pet. You’re going to get yourself into a shit-load of trouble running around the ship like that. My mates can sniff a hot pussy at a hundred paces. Most of us were raised in the bush, if you get my drift.”

Petula laughed. “Charles, you worry too much. I can take care of myself.” She moved out of sight while she hung up her dress.

As he sat down on the toilet to take off his boots, Charlie whispered, “I fucking bet you can.”

“What did you say? I didn’t hear you?” Pet yelled from around the corner.

“I said I bet you can take care of yourself.”

She reappeared in the doorway. “Of course, I can.” Charlie couldn’t help himself, he stared at her tits. “For God’s sake, Charlie! Take off your clothes.” She came back in and stood in front of him, her blond pussy now only a few centimeters from his face.

This is what Charlie wanted. Now that he had her naked, he wanted to see how far he could push her. “If you want me in the nick so bad, then I think you should help me get there.”

“So you do want me to undress you.”

Charlie held up his foot. “Can’t get the suit off with my boots still on.” He put both hands behind his head, leaned back and waited.

Exasperated, Pet put her hands on her hips, which made her tits jut out even more. “You have a set of bollocks, don’t you?”

“Just got off my watch.” He closed his eyes, while keeping his foot poised in the air. “I could use forty winks. Take your time.” He knew he had her. His prick twitched in anticipation.

“Well, aren’t you being a bloody bit of business!” Pet grabbed his boot. She was so focused on pulling it off, she didn’t notice he’d opened his eyes to watch. She tugged hard and almost fell backward when it let loose. After regaining her balance, she grabbed his other ankle. “Lift your frigging foot.”

Without saying a word, he obliged. All the while, Pet’s tits bounced with her efforts. The view he had couldn’t be beat. She tugged again and the boot came off. This time, she managed it better, but not before she got soot all over her legs.

Her hair had fallen over her eyes. Before Charlie could stop her, she involuntarily brushed it back, leaving long black streaks on her forehead and in her hair.

“You know, Pet, you’ve gone from being a tidy sheila to being a grub like me.”

Pet looked down at herself. “Bloody hell. You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

“Look in the mirror.”

Petula glanced in the mirror over the sink. “Bugger! I even got it in my hair.” She walked right past Charlie and stepped in the shower. “I’m taking a shower. You can join me, or not. Up to you.”

Charlie followed her into the shower, still wearing his boiler suit. Before Pet had a chance to turn on the water, he spun her around and yanked her against him. Her breasts flattened against his chest, and her pale skin took on the same dark hue as his.

Before she had a chance to whinge about his still having his clothes on, he kissed her. He dug his fingers into her bare arse and held her pelvis tightly against his groin. He knew she could feel his erection, he wanted her to feel it. Charlie rubbed himself against her leg, not caring that he got her even dirtier.

This sheila wanted shagging, and could handle it being rude. Charlie kissed her hard, forcing his tongue deep into her mouth. She sucked it the way she had his dick the night before.

Pet tried to pull his coveralls down over his hips, not realizing they were still snapped the length of his groin. When the snaps popped in one long rat-a-tat-tat, she jumped and nearly bit Charlie’s tongue. He moved his head just in time.

He steadied her and whispered, “Easy, Pet.”

“Oh, Lord, did I rip them?”

“Hell, these things are indestructible. You just pulled the snaps open.”

“Will you please take those bloody things off?” She caressed him through his underpants. “I don’t know anyone who showers with their clothes on.”

“You’ve already started undressing me, why don’t you finish it?”

Petula immediately yanked his coveralls down, taking his underpants with them. Once she stripped him bare, she tossed his soiled clothes onto the toilet floor and closed the shower door.

“Stand behind me, Pet. The water’s cold when it first starts up. Don’t want you getting hit with it.”

“Give me the soap and the rag.”

Charlie handed her the bar of soap and waited for her to be fully behind him. Then he turned on the water. When the cold water hit him straight on, he thought for sure he would wilt. But his organ stayed stiff. A moment later, he felt her hand wrap around his dick. She must have had the same thought.

“No worries, my Pet. You’ll get your shag.”

“I don’t doubt it.” As the water warmed, she slowly pumped his prick. “Let’s get us both clean, then have at it.”

Using the bar of soap and a washrag, she scrubbed him like a sailor swabbing the deck with a mop. Dirty water rolled off his skin and went down the drain. He wondered if she’d wash his arse the same way. Sure enough, she shoved the rag between his cheeks and rubbed his arsehole. He nearly creamed. If she touched his prick like that, he surely would.

“Take it easy, Pet. My fatty almost became a skinny.”

She giggled. “Sorry, didn’t mean to nearly make you shoot off.”

“Let me wash you.”

Charlie took the soap, not bothering with the rag. He washed her as she had done him, rubbing the bar everywhere, especially between her legs. She leaned against him and moaned. “I want to frig so bad.”

“So do I.” He cupped his hand and filled it with water, then rinsed the soap from between her legs. With the water pelting against them, he backed her up against the tile wall. He leaned against her and whispered into her ear, “Are you ready for it, Pet?”

“Fuck me, Charlie. Fuck me hard, like you did last night.”

He spread her legs with his knees and found his mark. Then he lunged forward. Petula groaned, and squirmed against the wet tile. He had her riveted to the wall. Grabbing her wrists, he pinned her arms over her head.

Then, like a piston in an engine, he fucked her, hard, just like she wanted. He showed no mercy, pounding her pussy, slapping his pelvis against hers, driving his cock deep into her body.

With every thrust, she squealed, the sound muffled by the running water and contained in the shower stall. He grunted as he ground his prick into her. The effort to hold on until she finished took everything he had, but he knew from the night before it would be worth it.

Suddenly she shrieked, “Charlie!” and rapidly thumped her pelvis against him. He felt her pussy grab him as her muscles contracted in orgasm. On the very brink of shooting his load, he remembered he hadn’t put on a condom.

He jerked his prick loose from her cunt, and it banged against her leg. Still holding her wrists over her head, Charlie leaned forward and humped her slippery thigh. He groaned when the white cream shot out of him and ran down her leg. A moment later, the water washed it away.

Do It To Me

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