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Pet stood beside Charlie, briskly rubbing her hair with a towel. While he dried himself, he admired the scenery. When Pet raised her head, she saw him watching her and swatted him with her towel. “Make yourself useful. Did my hair get clean?”

“Looks clean to me.” He gave her a blatant once-over. “Nope, don’t see any dirt anywhere.”

“Thanks for the inspection.”

“Hey, it’s what I do. I inspect engines for dirt all the time. Your assembly is just easier on the eyes.”

Pet glanced at his now flaccid dick. “Do I get to inspect your piston?”

“Anytime you want, my Pet.” Charlie tossed his towel over the shower door. “Hey, I’m sorry about forgetting a rubber. Hope you don’t mind how I handled it.”

“No drama about getting off at Edgehill. I use condoms as a second layer of protection. I’m on the pill.”

“Hell, if I’d known that, I wouldn’t have pulled out!”

“Well, you’ll know for next time, if we forget again.”


“I forgot, too. When I went to see Morgan, I didn’t bring my bag. Didn’t think I would be seeing you quite so soon.”

“We should get dressed. I need to get you back to your room.” Charlie went to get some clothes. Pet followed him.

“Already? I thought you said your next watch doesn’t start until eight o’clock.”

“It doesn’t start till eight. But I don’t think you want to stay cooped up in my cabin all damn day. You should have a swim and get some sun.”

“Could we get some lunch in the dining room? I’m hungry.”

“Can’t do it, Pet. I eat in the officers’ mess. The passengers’ first-class dining room is off-limits.”

“But the Captain eats in the dining room. I sat beside him at dinner last evening. The night before, I sat between the Ship’s Chaplain and a doctor. What bores they were! At least the Captain could manage a conversation.”

Charlie stared at her in disbelief. “You fucking sit at the Captain’s table for dinner? Jesus Sufferin’ Christ, Pet! Only the high and mighty sit at that table.”

Petula’s eyes sparkled. For the first time, Charlie noticed they were hazel. “I’ve done all right for myself. It seems the Captain must know that.”

“No shit!” Wanting to end the conversation right there, Charlie abruptly bent over to pull out a small trunk from under his bunk. Then he rummaged for a clean pair of socks and underpants. Pet didn’t move from beside the desk. She stood there, totally nude, with her arms crossed over her breasts. Charlie looked up at her. “Aren’t you going to get dressed?”

“Eventually. First I want to know what the fuck difference it makes where I sit for dinner.”

Charlie didn’t pull any punches. “It’s called first class for a reason. You’re way outta my league, Petula. If you let anything slip at that table about knowing me personally, that’s grounds for my dismissal.”

“You think I would do that to you?”

“Not intentionally. But after a few drinks, who the hell knows?”

Petula squeezed past him to get to the closet. “You’re being a frickin’ snob!”

“I’m what?”

She pulled her dress off a hanger and clenched it in her fist. “You’re being a frickin’ snob! I felt the wall go up when I told you about the dining room.”

“I know the rules.”

“Yes, and we’ve broken most of them by now. This isn’t about the rules, it’s about class.” Pet stepped into her dress and pulled it up to her breasts. “I never bloody well thought I would be on this side of the fence.”

“What does that mean?” Charlie put on his underpants and then took his turn getting clothes out of the closet.

“You might like to know, my father was a merchant. He sold fruits and vegetables. When I first went to London to model, some restaurants wouldn’t serve me because of my accent.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Of course, you didn’t. No one does. I’ve spent years making my accent posh so no one could pinpoint my hometown. Going to Sydney as much as I have has helped. I’ve got enough Aussie in my speech now to really make them wonder.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because I like you. Without a doubt, you’re the most interesting person I’ve met on this ship, and that includes everyone at the Captain’s table.”

“When I saw you yesterday, I really thought you might be upper-crust, a duchess or something. I still had Morgy bring you to my cabin.”

“But the British monarchy isn’t your world. In your world, the Captain is king, and I know the Captain. I sit at his ridiculous table every night, and am bored to tears.” She adjusted the spaghetti straps on her shoulders. “What did you say? I’m way out of your league? Why is that true now, and it wasn’t last night or earlier today?”

Charlie didn’t know what to say, so he focused on putting on his clothes. “I have to get you back to your suite.”

“You didn’t answer me.”

“I don’t have an answer.”

“Then maybe you’ll have an answer for this. Come to my suite with me. I’ll order us a late lunch, and then leave word I’m dining in my cabin tonight. I want to have dinner with you. If we can’t do that publicly, we’ll do it privately.”

Charlie knew he should say no. Everything in him shouted, Say no! But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. This sheila had something special. It didn’t surprise him that she had made something of herself. He had never known anyone with such unbridled spirit.

She reminded him of the brumbies Yooralla had told him about. She claimed the name “brumby” for the wild Aussie horses had come from the Aborigine word “baroomby” for “wild,” just like her name had come from the word meaning “love.”

Charlie didn’t know if that was true, but he felt more than a little bit of something when he connected something Yooralla had told him to Pet.

Pet broke him out of his reverie. “You aren’t answering me. I suppose that means no.” He could hear the disappointment in her voice.

He went to his desk to retrieve his special key. “I have to be back here by seven o’clock to get ready for my watch at eight.”

“Does that mean you’ll do it?”

“That’s what it means.” Petula’s smile warmed him like sunshine. Charlie didn’t embarrass easily, but Pet’s unabashed delight that he had agreed made him flush. “If we’re doing this, let’s go.”

“Yes, sir!” Pet saluted, and then hugged him. “Don’t worry, Charlie, we’ll be careful.”

“We have to be, or I’ll be helping you design boiler suits after they kick me off the ship.”

Petula poked him in the side. “Could be a new fashion trend, you never know.”

“C’mon, you. Stay behind me.”

Charlie cracked the door and peeked out into the alleyway. Pet hunkered down behind him. She whispered, “Is there anyone out there?”

“No, it’s empty, and it’s a straight shot to the door.” He took her hand. “Once we’re on your side, we have to hustle to your suite.”

“With you dressed in your regular clothes, the other passengers will just think you’re one of us.”

“It’s not the passengers I’m worried about.”

Charlie quickly led her down the hall to the door. Thanking his lucky stars that he had it, he used his custom-made key to unlock the barrier between her world and his. He cracked the door open. Again, Pet whispered, “Is anyone there?”

“Just an old couple going toward the stairs. The coast is clear. Let’s move.” Charlie and Pet hurried through the door, which Charlie quietly closed and locked.

“Charlie, I’m not sure I remember how to get to my suite from here.”

“I know the way. We have to follow those folks up the stairs to the B Deck.” He took her hand again and deftly guided her down the long alleyway toward the stairs. Once they climbed the staircase to the upper deck, they continued down the hall.

He paused at an intersecting passageway. Before making the turn, he peeked around the corner. He jerked his head back. “Wait. One of Morgy’s stewards is delivering room service.”

“Let me watch. If he sees me, it won’t matter.”

Charlie switched places with Pet. He heard the steward talking to the passenger receiving the delivery. Then he heard the door close and the steward whistling as he walked away. Charlie whispered, “That’s Joey. He’s always whistling. Drives Morgy nuts.”

“I know where we are now. That’s the hall to my suite down there.”

“Give Joey a few seconds to get ahead of us. Then we’ll make a run for it.”

“This is so cool!”

“Yeah, right.”

Pet leaned against him, her arse pressing into his groin. He couldn’t believe it when he felt his dick getting hard. Pet also felt it, and wiggled her bottom against him. “I could go again, too.”

Charlie squeezed her arse cheek. “Let’s get to your cabin and we’ll see to it.”

Charlie heard Joey’s whistling receding as he left the deck. Pet grabbed his hand and yanked him forward. “It’s empty now. Let’s hit the road, Jack.”

“My name is Charlie. You know that.”

As Pet dragged him down the alleyway toward her suite, he heard her mutter, “That’s a song. You really need to spend more time off this ship!”

As they approached the door to B232, Charlie realized he didn’t bring the key Pet had given him to copy, and Pet didn’t have her bag. “Where’s your key?”

“I don’t have it. I left my door unlocked.”

“That’s a fucking stupid thing to do!”


“It isn’t safe.”

Pet’s laughter echoed in the empty alleyway. “What, do you think some sailor on the ship will come in and molest me?”

“No mate of mine would do that, but some crusty old gent who hasn’t had any for a time might.”

Pet opened the door to her cabin. “I’ll take my chances. If someone does come in, you’ll protect me, won’t you?”

“Depends on what they intend to do. I might fancy watching.”

Charlie followed Pet into her cabin and closed the door behind him. He knew the suites were spacious, but Pet’s was especially so. It had two rooms, a sitting room and a separate bedroom. The heavy golden drapes on the glass balcony doors were open, and the sunshine streamed into the room. A large spray of fresh flowers sat on a small oak table next to the wine-colored sofa.

Pet unexpectedly turned around. He had been checking out the cabin and nearly bumped into her. “Do you like that sort of thing?”

“What sort of thing?”



“On what?”

“On what I’m watching.”

“Would you fancy watching two women together?”

“Frigging shit, yes! I wouldn’t be a man if I didn’t fancy that!”

Pet trailed her finger down his chest. “How much would you fancy it?”

“Plenty.” Charlie wrapped his arm around her waist. “Are you just being a tease, or do you have something in mind?”


“On what?”

“On how much stamina you have.”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“That means you have to be able to do us both.”

Charlie considered the proposal. “How much time between?”

“Half an hour?”

Charlie knew he could manage that. “That’s good enough. Who is she?”

“One of my models. She’s coming to the party tomorrow night. Her name is Jennifer.”

Charlie suddenly put two and two together. “You like girls, too?”

“Sometimes. Jennifer is special. She’s a good friend. We help each other when men are scarce.”

“Well, now, isn’t this a kick in the arse!” Charlie stared into her hazel eyes. “You’re a wild one, aren’t you?”

“When I have the opportunity, I am.”

He held her tightly. “Just how wild are you?”

“Wild enough to make you remember me for quite a long time.” Pet pushed away from him and walked to the other side of the cabin.

“Where are you going?”

“Before anything happens, I’m calling for some food. I haven’t eaten since nine o’clock.”

“I haven’t eaten since seven. That’s not stopping me.”

“Considering how peckish I am, it’s stopping me. I’ll call for some food to be delivered now, and order dinner for three at six o’clock. It would be lovely if Jennifer would join us.”

“Where’s Jennifer now?”

“I have no idea!”

“Maybe you should find out. She could come now, and we could have some lunch together before things heat up.”

“That’s actually a good idea.”

“Yeah, I have one every now and again.”

“So do I.” Pet picked up the phone and dialed. Rather than calling room service, Charlie heard her say, “Hello, Jen? I’m glad I caught you in your cabin. Could you come to my room? I have someone here I’d like you to meet.” Pet paused for a moment, then said, “Great. See you in a few minutes.”

Charlie tried to sound cool, even though his blood boiled at the thought of having two sheilas at the same time. “She’s coming?”

“She’ll be here directly.” Before Pet put down the phone, she called and ordered sandwiches and beer, and also requested the dinner menu. Then she called the main dining room to offer her apologies that she would not be joining the Captain for dinner that night and would be taking dinner in her cabin.

Charlie wandered around the suite. They could easily divide this space into four of the crew’s cabins, and have enough left over for a tidy galley to share.

“Quite a cabin you have here. I’ve only been in the first-class digs a few times, when we’ve had the Ortensia docked for repairs. Had some time to kill, so I had a look around.”

“I let them know well in advance when I’m traveling, and ask for this suite. I usually get it.”

“You travel to Sydney often?”

“At least once a year.”

“Why every year?”

“I have a house in both cities. I divide my time between them.”

“You live in both cities?”

Pet laughed. “You could say that. But I’m talking about my business, not my home. I own Petula Kinlan Fashions, and have a house in London and in Sydney. That’s where the clothes I design are made, shown and sold.”

“Sounds pretty fucking posh.”

“Wealthy women must think so. It seems no matter what I charge for Pet originals, they are willing to pay what I ask.”

“That’s how you can afford this?”

“Absolutely! This trip’s a working vacation for me. I get so bored with nothing to do, I sit and sketch. Some of my best designs have been done in this cabin.” Pet went to an oak cabinet with glass doors in the corner, where she had several bottles of liquor. “Would you like a drink while we’re waiting?”

“I’ll have a G and T if you’re offering.”

Pet turned around to mix the cocktail. While watching her, Charlie had an almost uncontrollable urge to lift her skirt. His erection had become damned uncomfortable. A good rub against her bare bum truly appealed to him. Before he could act on his impulse, she turned around and handed him a glass.

“Do you see how much space I have? We would be so much more comfortable having the party in here.”

“Sorry, Pet. Can’t do it.”

“But you’re here now.”

“Yes, and I bloody well shouldn’t be. I told you, we’d have our arses in a sling if we’re caught.”

“You won’t budge on this, will you?”

“Nope. We’re having a party in my cabin tomorrow night. You’re welcome to come with your friends. If that’s not good enough for you, then my mates will find us some women in tourist that don’t mind the close quarters.”

“That’s a bit harsh, isn’t it?”

“No more than you not taking into account we could lose our jobs. I won’t be responsible for my mates being put out because of a sheila.”

“All right, I surrender.” Pet sipped her drink. “You don’t take any hostages, do you?”

“I speak my mind, always have.”

“I like that. And I like you.” Someone knocked at the door. “That’s probably Jennifer.”

“Find out for sure. I’ll duck out of sight if it’s a steward with the food.”

“Who is it?”

“It’s Jen.”

Petula answered the door. Before Charlie saw her, he heard her say, “Why all the mystery, Pet? What’s going on?”

“Come in. I have a friend for you to meet.” Pet led her inside and formally introduced them. “Charlie, this is my friend Jennifer. Jen, this is Third Assistant Engineer Charles…” Pet paused, then said, “I’m sorry, Charlie, I’m afraid I don’t know your last name.”

Charlie didn’t answer immediately. His voice left him when he saw Jennifer. She held out her hand to shake his. “Hello, Charles. How very lovely to meet you.”

He took her hand. “Nice to meet you, too.” He glanced at Pet. “It’s Weston, if you want to know.”

“I do want to know.” Pet went to get Jennifer a cocktail. “Jen, Charlie has a poster in his cabin with a woman who looks like you. You’ll see it tomorrow night.”

“That’s quite a coincidence. Who is she?”

Still holding Jennifer’s hand, Charlie replied, “Don’t know who she is. I call her Yooralla.”

Pet added, “Charlie knew someone named Yooralla. It’s Aboriginal.”

“I know the word. My mother is an Aborigine.”

Charlie smiled broadly. “I knew you had to be! If you don’t mind my asking, are you mixed?”

“My father is British.”

“By God, that is a coincidence! Yooralla had the same mix. She was nearly as beautiful as you are.” Jennifer’s uncanny resemblance to Yooralla held Charlie spellbound. She had the same dark eyes, tawny skin and full lips. Except for Jen being several inches taller and having longer hair than Yooralla, Charlie would have had trouble telling them apart.

“Why, thank you. That’s very kind.”

Pet brought Jennifer a glass. Charlie reluctantly let her hand go. “Let’s sit down and talk. The sandwiches should be here soon.” Pet poked Charlie in the side as she walked by. “I knew you’d fancy Jen.” Pet had no idea how much.

Pet sat down on an armchair, leaving the sofa free for Charlie and Jennifer. Directing her question to Charlie, Jen asked, “How did you meet Pet? I’ve been trying to get to know a few of the crew members for ages, and can’t seem to manage it.”

Charlie glanced at Pet, and Pet nodded. Charlie understood he could trust Jennifer. “I saw Pet at the pool and asked my friend Morgy to keep an eye out for her at the Monkey Bar.”

Petula offered, “And I saw Charlie inspecting the lifeboats, and made it a point to find him.”

Charlie continued, “One thing led to another, and here we are.”

Jennifer studied them. “So you two have…” She trailed off, but her question was understood.

“Have we, Charlie?”

“We’ve shagged, if that’s what you’re asking me.”

“Brilliant!” Jennifer raised her glass to both of them in a toast. “Here’s to shagging. Cheers!” She belted back a healthy swallow of her G and T. Charlie and Pet echoed her sentiment with their drinks.

“We’re having a party in my cabin tomorrow night. You’re invited if you’d care to come,” Charlie offered.

“But I understood we’re not allowed in the crew’s part of the ship.”

“We’re not, Jen. But Charlie has found a way to smuggle us in.”

“Splendid! Will there be other men there?”

“I expect a few of my mates will come.”

“Dear Pet, you’ve found yourself a diamond in the rough.”

“I know I have.” Pet gave Jennifer a pointed look. “And I’m sharing my treasure.” The two women seemed to speak without words for a moment. “Are you in?”

“You know I am!” Turning back to Charlie, Jennifer smiled. “This will be delightful!”

“Pet here says you two help each other out when pickings are scarce?”

Jennifer appeared confused. “I don’t understand.”

“Jen, I told Charles we’ve had to depend on each other when there isn’t a man around.”

“Oh!” Jennifer put her hand on Charlie’s leg. A surge of heat moved in his groin. “Pet and I have known each other forever. We have what could be called an ‘intimate friendship.’”

“I figured that much out.”

“I expect you did.” Jennifer slid her hand a bit farther up Charlie’s thigh, enough to make him involuntarily shift his position. He wanted her to touch his business, and had to force himself to sit still. If Jennifer noticed his discomfort, she didn’t let on.

He pulled his attention away from Jennifer and glanced at Pet. It took him aback when he saw her staring directly at his crotch. Jennifer might not have realized what she did to him, but Pet sure as shit did!

Not that he minded two gorgeous sheilas eyeing him like a couple of hungry Tasmanian devils, but he knew they had real food coming any minute. No doubt one of Morgy’s mates would be delivering it. He removed Jennifer’s hand from his leg and stood up. “Ladies, lunch is on the way. This is dessert.”

Petula also stood. She wrapped her arms around Charlie’s neck and deliberately rubbed her pelvis against him. “What do you think of him, Jen?”

“You tell me, Pet. Did he make you happy?”

“He made me quite happy. I’m still smiling.”

“Then I think he’ll do the same for me, won’t you, Charles?”

Charlie never once backed down from a fight, no matter what the odds. In this case, he knew these two sheilas could kill him. He smiled, figuring what a way to go. Without responding to Pet’s advances or Jennifer’s question, he matter-of-factly asked, “Where do I hide when the food comes?”

“What?” He could tell Pet had forgotten about being peckish.

“Remember, you ordered sandwiches and beer? The steward will wheel the cart in here. He can’t see me.”

Pet stepped back and looked around. “Yes, of course. I suppose you have your choice of the loo or the closet.”

“I’ll take the loo.” He stopped for a moment and listened. “Do you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

“Whistling in the corridor. It’s Joey. Let me know when he’s gone.” Charlie went to the toilet and closed the door.

He listened at the door. Within seconds, he heard the knock, and then heard Pet answer. Sure enough, he recognized Joey’s voice.

While Pet took care of receiving the delivery, Charlie splashed some cold water on his face. While drying off, he noted with some amusement Pet also had a bathtub. He couldn’t remember the last time he soaked in a tub. The crew only had shower stalls.

He had calmed himself enough to be able to have a piss while he had the chance. The old saying “when it rains, it pours” really applied to this one. He had two gorgeous sheilas waiting for him. As attractive as he found Pet, it was Jennifer who really had him by the knackers. She had the same exotic features as Yooralla, complete with the smoldering pout that drove Charlie crazy.

He hadn’t told Pet that Yooralla was why he went to sea. After Yooralla broke off with him to go with some bloke who had money, he’d decided to get licensed and sign on with a ship. He applied on the Ortensia, and they took him on. He’d been sailing on her now for three years. He had no idea what had become of Yooralla.

But now seeing Jennifer, he felt his fascination with the striking woman in his past bubble to the surface again. It might not be Yooralla, but he could still enjoy her company. He fully intended to do just that.

Charlie went back to the door and listened. He heard Pet ordering dinner for three in her cabin, and she asked Joey to have it delivered at six o’clock. He glanced at his watch. They had several hours before he had to leave. Plenty of time.

Jennifer knocked on the toilet door. “It’s all right, Charles. The steward is gone.”

Charlie came out and immediately saw the roll-in cart, set as a table for three, complete with chairs already arranged around it. The sandwiches were on plates and the beer poured into mugs. “Did Joey question why you had three places?”

“Not at all. I simply said someone else would be joining us momentarily and would be staying for dinner.”

Jennifer threaded her arm through Charlie’s and led him to the impromptu table. “How long can you stay?”

“My next watch is at eight. I told Pet I should be on my way by seven.”

“Let’s eat, and then we can get to know one another better.”

Wanting to make sure Pet didn’t mind Jennifer coming on to him, Charlie winked at her. “I already know Pet pretty damn well, but I expect there’s more to find out.”

“Oh, yes, dear Charlie, I can assure you, there’s more coming.” Charlie could see the now-familiar sparkle in her hazel eyes and knew everything was spot-on.

It surprised Charlie when these two lithe women attacked their sandwiches with the same gusto as he did. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was until he started eating. The beer washed it all down nicely. All the while, the ladies continued to flirt with him. The afternoon promised to be a memorable one.

They had nearly finished eating, when someone knocked on the door. Charlie looked at Pet, and she shrugged her shoulders.

He whispered, “Find out who it is.”

In a surprisingly calm and pleasant voice, Pet called out, “Who is it?”

“It’s Captain Driscoll, Miss Kinlan. May I come in?”

Charlie jumped up and exhaled, “Jesus Christ!” Then he bolted into the loo.

Do It To Me

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