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Charlie glanced at his watch. Seven-fifteen. He had time to catch Morgy before he had to be in the engine room. He stepped into his fresh boiler suit and snapped it, not bothering to shower first. Hell, he could still smell the women. Why wash that off? He’d shower after his shift ended.

He had left Pet and Jennifer at seven. They’d all finished dinner and were having coffee when he got up to leave. They asked him to stay a few more minutes, but he didn’t want to risk being late. Considering what had happened earlier, he thought he’d best escape while he could.

Fortunately, most of the passengers were at dinner. He didn’t see a single person as he went back to his cabin. He quickly changed his clothes. Pet said she wanted to talk to Morgy tonight. Charlie wanted to get to him before she did.

He remembered to tuck Pet’s key into his pocket, so he could copy it. He had been ambivalent about doing it this morning. Tonight, everything had changed. If she had this same cabin every trip she made, he definitely wanted a copy of that key.

Once again taking the sanctioned route out of the crew’s quarters, he followed the maze of alleyways back to the Monkey Bar. As he expected, Morgy stood behind the bar, keeping an eye on everything and everybody. Being dinnertime, the place was quiet. He could easily chat for a few minutes and not be a bother.

“G’day, mate.”

“Well, hello! Haven’t seen your hairy arse all day today.”

“Been a bit busy.”

Morgy pretended to wipe the bar, but actually leaned over and sniffed. “Chanel Number 5. No, that’s not it.” He sniffed again. “Chantilly? Or is it Eau de Been Laid?”

“Fuck you!”

Morgy lowered his voice. “Love to. How many times can you go in one day?”

In an equally low voice, Charlie replied, “I’m at three today, and hope for one more later. And, mate, you sure as hell aren’t on the list.”

A gentleman interrupted from the other end of the bar, wanting a refill on his pint. Morgy delivered a tall one, and then came back to where Charlie stood.

Picking up where they’d left off, he asked, “All those with Petula?”

“Two with her, one with Jennifer.”

“Who’s Jennifer?”

“One of Pet’s friends. She joined us this afternoon.”

Morgy unloaded a tray of clean glasses while they talked. “No shit! Seems like that smell really is Eau de Been Laid.”

“Didn’t have time to shower. My watch starts soon.” Charlie considered having a quick pint, but figured he’d better not before going on duty. “Is everything good for the party tomorrow night?”

“Sparky is in. He didn’t know Tess had friends on board. He wants to meet them. Did you know Sparky and Tess have been an item for the last week?”

“Not till today. Jen told me.”

“I pride myself on keeping tabs on who’s doing what. That one got past me.”

Charlie grinned. “You’re as bad as an old woman spying on the neighbors.”

“Thank you, darling. Compliment accepted.”

“Who else is coming?”

“How about Dazza and Stevo? What do you think?”

Charlie knew both men well, and knew they could be trusted. But he had to make sure of a couple of things before giving Morgy a thumbs-up on the guest list. “Will Dazza do the pineapples?”

“If I ask him, he will. And I’ll have Stevo bring his red lightbulb and his reel-to-reel.”

Charlie glanced around to make sure no one could hear him. “Jennifer is part Aborigine. Make sure that isn’t a problem for these blokes.”

“We’ll hook her up with Dazza. His brother married an Aborigine. He’s fine with it all.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“I told you, I make it my business to know.”

“You make frigging everything your business.”

“I listen, and I keep my mouth shut. That’s what barmen do.”

“Well, here’s another one for your treasure chest. Miss Petula’s business is Petula Kinlan Fashions. She’s damned rich, from what I can tell. Works out of Sydney and London.”

“Fuckin’ ’ell, Charlie! She’s Petula Kinlan? I didn’t make that connection before.”

Charlie checked the time. He had to go in a few minutes. “You know who she is?”

“Bloody right I do! Her clothes are all the rage in London, and the fire has caught on in Sydney. She’s hot!”

“You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know, mate.” Charlie still wanted that pint, but asked for some tonic water instead. “Could you give me some T without the G? I’m damned thirsty.”

“Sure, mate, coming right up.” Morgy gave him a full glass, loaded with ice. “You ate some dinner, I hope.”

Charlie knocked back the whole glass in one long drink. “Yeah, I ate with Pet and Jennifer in Pet’s cabin.”

Morgy raised an eyebrow. “You went to her cabin?”

“Sure as hell did. Spent the afternoon there.”

“That’s fucking dangerous, isn’t it?”

“You don’t know the half of it. She has dinner at the Captain’s table. He showed up and wanted to know why she wasn’t on the guest list for tonight. I hid my arse in the loo until she got rid of him.”


“Exactly! Oh, and he’s got an eye for Pet, too. Wants a private dinner with her before the end of the voyage.”

“Think she’ll do it?”

“Don’t know. Anyway, I gotta go. If she shows up here tonight, tell her what you told me about the party. I’ll leave it to the two of you to figure out the food situation. After all, it’s her shout.”

“Am I taking her to your cabin again?”

“You got the key. Let her in if she wants to go.”

“Will do, mate. See you tomorrow.” As Charlie turned to leave, Morgy groused, “You didn’t ask if I can come.”

Without missing a beat, Charlie retorted, “I’ll let Derrick ask you that tomorrow night.”

Charlie left Morgy stewing in his own juices. He patted his pocket, making sure he had Pet’s key. He would make a copy tonight, and decide how to use it later.

It didn’t take long to finish up the remaining maintenance on the soot blowers. He tried not to get so dirty tonight, hoping that Pet would be waiting for him when he got back to his cabin. Of course, maybe seeing him sweaty and dirty appealed to her.

Remembering the key, he set about making the copy. He found a suitable piece of metal and clamped it with the original in a vise. Then he proceeded to hand-file the copy from the original pattern. Charlie had copied keys many times, and could manage it fairly quickly. This key didn’t present any problems. It had a simple set of ridges that he duplicated easily.

Once he tucked the two keys safely in his pocket, he finished his watch by puttering around for a bit, taking care of a few other minor maintenance jobs. When he left the engine room, he didn’t bother going back to the Monkey Bar. He headed straight for his cabin. He figured either Pet was there, or she wasn’t. If not, he could get some much needed sleep.

Charlie opened the door to his cabin. The light wasn’t on. He muttered to himself, “Guess this root rat won’t get any more tonight.” He closed the door and snapped on the light.

“Hello, Charles.”

Charlie nearly dirtied his knickers. “Bloody hell! Jen?” Jennifer was in his bunk, covered with the sheet. She appeared to be naked. “Where the fuck is Pet?”

“She’s knackered. Said she had to get some sleep, and then asked me to go see Morgy for her.”

“Pet told you to do this?”

“Not exactly. I went to see Morgy about the party. Pet told me to leave a message for you with him, that she would see you tomorrow. He told me you expected Pet to be in your cabin after your watch. I certainly didn’t want you to be disappointed. Neither did Morgy.”

“Won’t Pet be pissed off if she finds out you’re here?”

“Maybe, but I doubt it. If she minded, she wouldn’t have asked me to her cabin this arvo. Anyway, she knows you fancy her.”

“I fancy you, too.”

Jen pointed to his poster. “Is that why?”

“Partly. But you’re more beautiful than she is.”

“Do you really think so?” Jennifer threw back the sheet. Charlie’s palms started to sweat. Just as he suspected, she was in his bunk, naked.

He took his time looking her over. “Oh, yeah, Jen, I really do. You’re one hot sheila.”

“Do you fancy Aborigine women?”

Charlie cleared his throat. He didn’t know how to answer that. “I’m keen on all women, especially if they are as gorgeous as you and Pet.”

Jennifer glanced at his poster. “Fess up, Charlie. You like the color of our skin, don’t you?”

Seeing the exotic beauty of this naked woman in his bed, he couldn’t deny it. “Jen, I always have. Yooralla sealed it. Christ, all I had to do was look at her, and I could come in my knickers.”

Jennifer slowly slid her hands over her body, seductively caressing herself. “What about me, do I make you cream in your pants?”

“I’m ready to. I’d rather do it inside you.”

“Take off your clothes. I want to see your skin, too.”

“I need to shower. I just came from the engine room.”

“No, you don’t. You were sweaty today, in the bedroom. The smell made me crazy.”

“It did?”

“I’m Aborigine, remember? My mother’s family still lives among our people, even though my mother left the clan.”

Charlie slowly unsnapped his boiler suit. “Have you done a Walkabout?”

“You know about that?”

“Yooralla told me about the Dreamtime, and the Walkabout to the Belonging Place. Told me the ceremonies they do are secret.”

“Some are secret, some aren’t. I went on a Walkabout with my grandmother when I was sixteen, to learn how to connect with our ancestral spirits. My father objected, but my mother wanted me to know the ways of our clan. It’s something you never forget.”

“I reckon not. Don’t suppose you would tell me about it?”

“I can’t. It’s sacred and meant to be experienced, not explained.” Without meaning to, Charlie caught himself staring into Jennifer’s eyes, as if trying to see a vision of the Dreamtime. Jennifer saw him do it. “But I don’t think I have to tell you. You feel it in me, don’t you?”

Charlie stepped out of his boiler suit, then took off his underpants. Jennifer licked her lips and continued to touch herself as she stared at his erection.

“You have the same wildness about you that Yooralla had, like you grew up in the bush.”

“I grew up in London, but spent enough time with my mother’s family to make me more wild than tame.”

“Is that why you get on with Pet so well? She’s a wild one, too.”

“I’ve known Pet for years. We were roommates in school. That’s when we discovered we could keep each other happy. We still do, when we can’t find a man that can handle it.”

Charlie went to the edge of the bunk, but didn’t get in. He stood over Jennifer, his erect cock dangling from his groin. He wanted to look at her, the way he looked at his poster night after night. Without thinking about it, he took his cock in his fist and wanked. “You are so frigging beautiful.”

“And you are the only man who has ever taken Pet and me on at the same time, and has come back for more.”

Charlie grinned. “Hell, you ladies tried to eat me alive. But it’ll take more than the two of you to best me.”

Jennifer held her arms open. “Then we’ll have to keep trying, won’t we?”

“S’pose so.” Charlie accepted the invitation, and the challenge of keeping pace with these two hungry women. He crawled into bed beside Jennifer. “Tomorrow night, at the party, you know I’ll be with Pet.”

“I know. Who did you find for me?”

“His name is Dazza. He’s another Aussie, and a good mate of mine. Wouldn’t hook you up with just anyone.”

“Think he can handle me like you can?” Jennifer threw her leg over Charlie’s. He could feel the damp heat from her pussy on his thigh.

“He’ll give it what he’s got. If he can’t manage it, you, me and Pet can always go again.”

“We will anyway. Pet told me after you left that she wanted to, before we reach London.”

Charlie squeezed the soft flesh of Jen’s breast. “Is that a fact?”

“That’s why I came here tonight. I wanted at least one time with you alone.”

“Pet likes to run the show, doesn’t she?”

“It’s what she does. Her being the boss doesn’t bother me. But I have to tell you, it tickled me silly today when you turned it around on her.”

Charlie raised himself up on his elbow and looked into Jen’s dark eyes. “I didn’t piss her off, did I?”

Jen reached up and threaded her fingers through his hair. “Not at all. In fact, she told me she wants to keep seeing you, even after this trip.”

“No shit!”

“She’s got it all figured out. When she’s not on the ship, she’ll arrange to meet you when you dock.”

“What about you?”


“On what?”

“On you, and what you want.”

“Right now, I want you.” Charlie bent over and pressed his lips against Jen’s lush mouth. He pushed his tongue inside and kissed her. She returned the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding his face to hers.

Charlie felt her rubbing her pussy against his leg, the slippery moisture coating his thigh. As much as he wanted to prolong being in bed with her, the impulse to roll on top of her overtook him.

When he pushed her back on the bed, Jen spread her legs wide and raised her knees up. Charlie lowered himself between her legs and positioned his cock for entry.

He raised his head and again looked into those glorious dark eyes. “Are you ready, Jen?”

“Bloody ’ell, yes! Frig me, Charlie.”

He entered her slowly and deliberately, watching her face as he did. She closed her eyes and gasped as his prick pierced her. Then she did something he had never seen a woman do—she arched her back, bared her teeth and growled. He had the unsettling sense that the “Gippsland Phantom Cat” had somehow found its way on board and ended up in his bed.

Charlie wasn’t about to hurry with this one. He had all night to ride her, and having already shagged three times that day, he knew he could hold on for a bit. Jen had a different idea. She squirmed underneath him and arched her back again, trying to force him to hump harder.

He leaned down and whispered into her ear, “Jen, I’m going to fuck you slow and easy, maybe even for the rest of the night.”

“You bloody drongo! Frig me like you did this arvo!” Jen tried her best to increase the rhythm, but Charlie had control.

His pelvis lifted and lowered like an engine in low gear. “Slow and steady, Jen. That’s what we’re doing tonight. And, my beauty, you’ll love every minute of it.”

Jennifer struggled and squirmed underneath him. He knew she wanted him to jackhammer her, but he didn’t have the inclination, or the energy. This unhurried pace suited him just fine, and felt damn good.

Considering how much bigger and heavier he was, Jennifer had no choice but to let him have his way. He didn’t have the advantage of being on top earlier. Now he did, and he intended to make the most of it.

“Work with me, Jen. Relax and enjoy it, like I am. You’ll be better for it.”

When he told her to relax, he honestly didn’t think she would. However, her whole body softened underneath him, then joined with his in a syncopated rhythm.

Once her movement blended with his, they danced a dance as Australian as “Waltzing Matilda.” With each stroke of his penis inside her, Jen’s pelvis met his with a purposeful tempo, meant to slowly escalate the sensation.

Charlie could feel the pressure building in his balls. Even with the impulse to pick up the pace, he sustained the slow simmer. “How’re you doing, love?” He hoped she might be getting close.

In a dreamy, almost sleepy voice, Jennifer said, “I’m wonderful. This feels so good.”

“Yeah, it does to me, too.” He wanted to finish, but he also wanted her to get there. “Don’t go nodding off under me.”

Jennifer giggled. “Oh, dear Charles, I’m not going to sleep. I’m waiting for you to put the pedal to the floor.”

Even as he answered, he thumped her harder. “And what will happen when I do?”

Jen stayed with him as he rode her. “I’m going to make you forget Yooralla.”

Taking her at her word, Charlie cut loose. He banged her just as hard as he had Pet the night before. Her pussy stayed tight even with the slippery juice that flowed between her legs. All the while, he looked at that beautiful brown face and those gorgeous dark eyes.

Jennifer clung to him as he humped her. Even with his determination to have her finish first, when he thought of the chocolate-colored skin between her legs he was pushed over the top. Not believing he could come so hard after all the fucking he had done that day, he grunted and quivered as he shot his load inside her.

With barely enough breath to speak, he apologized. “Christ, Jen, I’m sorry. I tried to hold on, but you’re too damn hot for it.”

“Roll over, and let me finish against your leg.”

Charlie didn’t quite understand what she meant, but he obliged. He rolled off her, then found himself wedged against the wall. She quickly sat up so he could lie in the center of the bunk. Then she straddled his leg.

It didn’t matter that he was fucking exhausted, watching this gorgeous sheila rub against his thigh nearly made his eyes pop out. Her tits jiggled just centimeters from his face as she masturbated against his leg.

In what may have been one of the hottest moments he’d ever witnessed, this Aboriginal nymphet had an explosive climax right in front of his face. She threw her head back and hissed as she rubbed her soaked pussy against his leg. Her entire body shook for several seconds as her orgasm consumed her.

When she finally quieted, she fell forward onto his chest, gasping for air. He shifted to the outside edge of the bunk so she could squeeze in by the wall. Charlie stroked her hair. “Jen, are you all right?”

“I’m bloody fine. I just need to sleep.”

He knew he should get her back to her cabin, but no way in hell could he drag himself out of bed to do it. What the fuck. He had the day off tomorrow. Jennifer had already drifted off, and a few minutes later, so did he.

Do It To Me

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