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February 24


Seeing ourselves in the aura of Grace, we will not be deceived by pride, but will ever humbly expect and get all things from the hands of an all loving God. ∼Father John Doe

Of course, pride in and of itself is not bad. We ought to be proud of the good we do, our accomplishments, and the joy we bring into the lives of others. We even ought to be proud of our recovery. It is false pride, however, that is the deceiver. False pride tells us that we are better than others, that our solutions are the best, and that our opinions are “right.” False pride tells us we know why others slip, and that we know what the group conscience should be. The old saying “Pride goeth before a fall” is true. When false pride deceives us, we will fall. But through prayer and meditation, we also know that we can find God’s grace again. Prayer and meditation is the direct line that keeps pride from running our lives.

There but for the grace of God,

goes my false pride.

We must always remain a group of equals helping equals to attain sobriety through the grace of their Higher Power.

∼Chemically Dependent Anonymous P 94

Conscious Contact

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