Читать книгу Conscious Contact - Ph.D. Ph.D. Anonymous - Страница 8

January 4


Alcoholism comes to a person; a person doesn’t go looking for it. ~Sister Maurice

It’s a pretty safe bet that none of us woke up one fine morning and announced, “I think I’ll become an addict today! I want to make my parents proud and impress my friends. Why don’t I swing by the liquor store and pick up a 12-pack and then on the way home stop by the crack house and give them any money I have left?” Just like a heat-seeking missile, chemical dependency hunts us down, and we usually are not aware of just when the disease goes off inside us. But, just because we didn’t ask for this disease doesn’t mean we get to pity ourselves. Who asks for cancer, diabetes, or multiple sclerosis? Unlike most other diseases, we actually have a choice in our recovery! Wow, what a blessing! So, instead of feeling sorry that this “terrible” disease found us, we ought to give thanks that such a glorious recovery has found us!

I turn my “dis-ease” to a sense of ease

by giving thanks that recovery found me.

We believe that, for one reason or another, a Force of a positive nature, which we call a Higher Power, guided us here to C.D.A.

∼Chemically Dependent Anonymous P 20-21

Conscious Contact

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