Читать книгу The Three Energies. The Forgotten Canons of Health and Harmony - Rami Bleckt - Страница 13

Part 1
The Three Primary Energies Determining our Lives
Chapter 5
Seeing the Gunas in our Daily Lives
Conscious Choice of Gunas Can Help Establish Successful and Lasting Projects


If we want to create a solid foundation for any successful project, we need to attract the appropriate energy consciously.

To create something we have to be active; any kind of creation in this world requires activity – rajas. Although creating takes effort, it is even more difficult to maintain (sattva) what we have created, because it involves consistent effort on a daily basis.

For us to destroy something, in most cases, little effort is required – destruction (tamas) often comes by itself. To produce a good car countless number of people need to work for many years, but any inexperienced driver can demolish it in just a few minutes. The same applies to our lives; if the guna of ignorance enters, our life can be ruined in a moment. In the Vedas it is stated that Brahma is responsible for creation, Vishnu for maintenance and Shiva for annihilation.

Each type of energy has a purpose and value; by understanding this we can make intelligent choices to help us in whatever situation we are in. We should consciously transfer ourselves to different gunas, to choose the guna whose energy we need at any given moment.

Passion is required for creative work, for example, to develop and start a new business project. This is not an easy task – passion means applying substantial effort. People who are mainly in passion are extremely energetic. Warriors (ksatriyas) must fight, and for battle they need huge amounts of energy. If we were to try to hold an ancient sword in our hand, even for ten minutes, it would be practically impossible. In history books, we read that battles used to continue for many hours or even days. In modern society wars also require great physical and psychological strength, and without passion and energy it would not be possible to endure it. That is why in Vedic culture warriors were allowed to have a few wives, to eat fish and drink wine; all these things gave the warrior the passionate energy he needed.

But after creation comes the most difficult stage: maintenance. For example, if we started a new business which was beginning to operate and develop successfully, we would need to come to sattva to further maintain it. We would have to go to work in time, prepare to meet clients, file regular financial reports, provide good customer service regardless of the kind of people we have to deal with, not let up when the business is going well etc. For modern businessmen, who are mostly under the influence of passion, these things are incredibly difficult. According to statistics, out of the huge number of new businesses created annually, only a few stay afloat after the first five years.

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England is considered to have the most beautiful lawns. Once a foreign journalist wanted to find out England’s secret of success so he enquired from some local gardeners. The answer was, “It is not difficult – the grass should be trimmed every morning at exactly 9 am and if there is no rain, it has to be watered.” “That’s all?” the journalist asked. “Yes, and do this for 300 years.” This is the nature of action in sattva.

The Three Energies. The Forgotten Canons of Health and Harmony

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