Читать книгу The Three Energies. The Forgotten Canons of Health and Harmony - Rami Bleckt - Страница 14

Part 1
The Three Primary Energies Determining our Lives
Chapter 5
Seeing the Gunas in our Daily Lives
How to Create Paradise at Home


If we want to keep our home in sattva, it is necessary to keep it pleasant, tidy and clean every day.

It is essential to make our bed; a bed is considered to be in tamas and therefore if a bed is not made, it spreads ignorance. Even if we are very tired after coming home from work, we need to spend at least twenty minutes cleaning. It is difficult but you will feel how a completely different energy spreads around the home. If we top this of by taking a shower, we will be plunged into a completely different atmosphere. The science of Vastu (the origin of Feng-Shui) states that, “Even if your house is correctly built and organized, if it is dirty (ignorance) inside or outside, the energy of Rahu enters and quickly destroys everything”. The health and relationships of the inhabitants of the house are the first things to be destroyed.

To have family relationships in sattva, it is necessary to cook fresh food at home for ourselves and to come together to eat as a family at least several times a week. Most semi-finished foods contain passion and ignorance. If we want harmonious relationships at home, we must cook our own food, using fresh, high quality ingredients, and do it with love.

Modern marriages are usually established in passion as the main focus is sexual compatibility; as a result of it, they do not last. Sattva means maintenance: spouses respect each other, never complain or argue (particularly in front of children), the husband regularly presents flowers to his wife, and the wife makes herself look attractive for her husband and never directly contradicts him. It is said if there is peace in a family then the Goddess of fortune, Lakshmi, enters into home.

Sages state that a woman is compared to a witch if she does not greet her husband with a smile when he comes home from work, speaks harshly or does not keep their home clean; she is considered to be stupid if she argues and disagrees with her husband rather than taking a more flexible and understanding position. If a woman argues with a man after he has expressed what he thinks is a most intelligent statement, even if she is right, it is a painful stab for his big, delicate ego and he will not forgive her.

This is not only true for marital relationships. A long time ago it was noted that the statement, “The truth comes from arguments”, was concocted by people in passion. As Dale Carnegie has so accurately noticed: “Only enemies come from arguments.” The more intensely emotional the arguments, the more enmity is created.

The Three Energies. The Forgotten Canons of Health and Harmony

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