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Peace Breeds Paradise

Peace breeds paradise. Peace lets it circulate in the wind and air, lets every country and nation treat everyone equal and fair! Imagine our world at peace, soldiers won’t have to die; mothers won’t have to cry; sweethearts will no longer have to mourn, grieve, and say goodbye. Peace takes away hurt and pain; peace should fall down from the heavens like pouring rain. Peace should be sought (and seek) by everyone we know and meet. Peace is the enemy of evil beasts who hate to see God-given peace. Peace should be the world’s goal and aim. Peace from the heavens is from whence it came. Peace breeds paradise, a good life, a great husband, or an outstanding wife whose purpose is to bring love, joy, happiness. Put peace in our lives.

Paradise is a Godly place for the whole human race; no crime, wickedness or vice. Peace has natural riches untold; more sacred than diamonds or gold. Let there be peace on Earth, peace at home, peace at work; peace at play every night and day; peace in our cities and towns; peace should have no limits or bounds. Peace in our neighborhood and streets; let peace be ours to keep; peace to pay our bills; peace of mind; peace in our time.

Let peace radiate and shine; peace to know we are not sick or ill, but feeling healthy and strong. There is always peace after a storm; peace rights what was wrong. Peace is born in the early morning dawn; may peace never be gone. Peace in our families for no charge or fee; let peace always be free. Peace is beautiful feelings of serene tranquility, thankful that we have peace. Peace breeds joy when all the world never ever has to tear down or destroy. Peace means no wars; peace should never be ignored.

Let peace flow from shore to shore; without peace, the world will be no more. Let peace in our life sit and stay each and every day. Peace should never be deferred or be just a passing word that we heard. Peace is humble, gentle, and soft like a butterfly or baby bird. Peace is unique, meek, and sweet. Peace is motivating, celebrating, all about communicating—a joyous way to live life. Peace…let it grow and increase; never stop or cease, but an everyday feast. Peace thrives on honesty.

With truth, let us pass on peace to our children and youth. Peace should never be bought, but taught. Peace should be more than just a thought. Let there be peace in our time; no more wars, fighting; no more vice or crime. Peace is divine, a gift for all mankind. Let peace radiate, generate, and shine with peace of mind. All living life will be enhanced if peace is given a chance! All of the world will sing and dance with Godly romance that brings love with understanding in advance. Peace should have a permanent job and should never freelance. Let us all give peace a chance! Peace means paradise in our life.

Scattered Thoughts

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