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These pieces have previously appeared in the following magazines and anthologies in either the same or slightly different forms. The author is grateful to the editors who solicited and encouraged these pieces.

Ploughshares, ed. Amy Bloom

The Literary Review, ed. René Steinke

Zyzzyva, ed. Howard Junker

Chicago Review, ed. Andrew Rathman

Northwest Edge: Fictions of Mass Destruction, ed. Lydia Yuknovitch

14 Hills, ed. Jason Snyder

lowblueflame.com, ed. Brian Pera

Bookmarks/Seattle Research Institute, eds. Brian Goedde and Megan Purn

Bucknellonline magazine, ed. Carla Harryman

frisk, ed. Trisha Yost

Arcade, ed. Kelly Walker

Encyclopedia, vol. 1, A-E, eds. Tisa Bryant, Miranda F. Mellis, and Kate Schatz.

The Last Time I Saw You

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