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The first Chapter.
ОглавлениеAn impeachment of Witches power in meteors and elementarie bodies tending to the rebuke of such as attribute too much unto them.
HE fables of Witchcraft have taken so fast hold and deepe root in the heart of man, that fewe or none can (nowadaies) with patience indure the hand and correction of God. For if any adversitie, greefe, sicknesse, losse of children, corne, cattell, or libertie happen vnto them; by & by they exclaime uppon witches. Job. 5.As though there were no God in Israel that ordereth all things according to his will; punishing both just and unjust with greefs, plagues, and afflictions in maner and forme as he thinketh good: but that certeine old women heere on earth, called witches, must needs be the contrivers of all mens calamities, and as though they themselves were innocents, and had deserved no such punishments. Insomuch as they sticke not to ride and go to such, as either are injuriouslie tearmed witches, or else are willing so to be accounted, seeking at their hands comfort and remedie in time of their tribulation, Matth. 11.contrarie to Gods will and commandement in that behalfe, who bids us resort to him in all/2. our necessities.
Such faithlesse people (I saie) are also persuaded, that neither haile nor snowe, thunder nor lightening, raine nor tempestuous winds come from the heavens at the commandement of God: but are raised by the cunning and power of witches and conjurers; insomuch as a clap of thunder, or a gale of wind is no sooner heard, but either they run to ring bels, or crie out to burne witches; or else burne consecrated things, hoping by the smoke thereof, to drive the divell out of the aire, as though spirits could be fraied awaie with such externall toies: howbeit, these are right inchantments, as Brentius affirmeth. In concione.
But certeinlie, it is neither a witch, nor divell, but a gloriousaa Psal. 25. God that maketh the thunder. I have read in the scriptures, that Godbb Psal. 83. maketh the blustering tempests and whirlewinds: and I find that it iscc Eccles. 43. the Lord that altogither dealeth with them, and that theydd Luke. 8. Matth. 8. blowe according to his will. But let me see anie of them allee Mark. 4. 41. Luke. 8. 14. rebuke and still the sea in time of tempest, as Christ did; or raise the stormie wind, as fGodf Psal. 170. did with his word; and I will beleeve in them. Hath anie witch or conjurer, or anie creature entred into the gtreasures g Job. 38, 22. of the snowe; or seene/2. the secret places of the haile, which GOD hath prepared against the daie of trouble, battell, and warre? I for my part also thinke with Jesus Sirach,Eccles. 43. that at Gods onelie commandement the snowe falleth; and that the wind bloweth according to his will, who onelie maketh all stormes to cease; andhh Leviti. 26. verse. 3, 4. who (if we keepe his ordinances) will send us raine in due season, and make the land to bring forth hir increase, and the trees of the field to give their fruit.
But little thinke our witchmongers, that the iLordi Psal. 78, 23. commandeth the clouds above, or openeth the doores of heaven, as David affirmeth; or that the Lord goeth forth in the tempests and stormes, as the Prophet kNahumk Nahum. 1. reporteth: but rather that witches and conjurers are then about their businesse.
The Martionists acknowledged one God the authour of good things, and another the ordeiner of evill: but these make the divell a whole god, to create things of nothing, to knowe mens cogitations, and to doo that which God never did; as, to transubstantiate men into beasts, &c. Which thing if divels could doo,/3. yet followeth it not, that witches have such power. But if all the divels in hell were dead, and all the witches in England burnt or hanged; I warrant you we should not faile to have raine, haile and tempests, as now we have: according to the appointment and will of God, and according to the constitution of the elements, and the course of the planets, wherein God hath set a perfect and perpetuall order.
I am also well assured, that if all the old women in the world were witches; and all the priests, conjurers: we should not have a drop of raine, nor a blast of wind the more or the lesse for them. For lthe l Job. 26, 8. Job. 37. Psalme. 135. Jer. 10 & 15. Lord hath bound the waters in the clouds, and hath set bounds about the waters, untill the daie and night come to an end: yea it is God that raiseth the winds and stilleth them: and he saith to the raine and snowe; Be upon the earth, and it falleth. The mwindm Ose. 13. of the Lord, and not the wind of witches, shall destroie the treasures of their plesant vessels, and drie up the fountaines; saith Oseas. Let us also learne and confesse with the Prophet David, that wenn Psa. 39, &c. our selves are the causes of our afflictions; and not exclaime upon witches, when we should call upon God for mercie.
The Imperiall lawe (saith Brentius)In epist. ad Jo. Wierum. condemneth them to death that trouble and infect the aire: but I affirme (saith he) that it is neither in the power of witch not divell so to doo, but in God onelie. Though (besides Bodin, and all the popish writers in generall) it please Danæus, Hyperius, Hemingius, Erastus, &c. to conclude otherwise. The cloudsoo Exod. 13. Isai. 66. Ps. 18, 11. 19. are called the pillers of Gods tents, Gods chariots, and his pavillions. And if it be so, what witch or divell can make maisteries therof? S. Augustine saith, August. 3. de sancta Trinit.Non est putandum istis transgressoribus angelis servire hanc rerum visibilium materiem, sed soli Deo: We must not thinke that these visible things are at the commandement of the angels that fell, but are obedient to the onelie God.
Finallie, if witches could accomplish these things; what needed it seeme so strange to the people, when Christ by miracle pcommandedp Mar. 4, 41. both seas and winds, &c. For it is written; Who is this? for both wind and sea obeie him./
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