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Note.—The italic numerals in the side margins denote the pages of the first, the ordinary numbers those of the second edition.

The diſcouerie

of witchcraft,

Wherein the lewde dealing of witches

and witchmongers is notablie detected, the

knauerie of coniurors, the impietie of inchan-

tors, the follie of ſoothſaiers, the impudent falſ-

hood of couſenors, the infidelitie of atheiſts,

the peſtilent practiſes of Pythoniſts, the

curioſitie of figurecaſters, the va-

nitie of dreamers, the beggerlie

art of Alcu-


The abhomination of idolatrie, the hor-

rible art of poiſoning, the vertue and power of

naturall magike, and all the conueiances

of Legierdemaine and iuggling are deciphered: and many other things opened, which haue long lien hidden, howbeit verie neceſſarie to be knowne.

Heerevnto is added a treatiſe vpon the

nature and ſubſtance of ſpirits and diuels, &c: all latelie written by Reginald Scot Eſquire. 1. Iohn. 4, 1.

Beleeue not euerie ſpirit, but trie the ſpirits, whether they are of God; for manie falſe prophets are gone out into the world, &c. 1584


Diſcovery of VVitchcraft:


The common opinions of Witches con-

tracting with Divels, Spirits, or Familiars; and

their power to kill, torment, and conſume the bodies of

men women, and children, or other creatures by diſeaſes

or otherwiſe; their flying in the Air, &c. To be but imaginary

Erronious conceptions and novelties;


The lewde unchriſtian practiſes of Witchmongers, upon aged,

melancholy, ignorant, and ſuperſtious people in extorting confeſſions,

by inhumane terrors and tortures is notably detected.

ALSO { The knavery and confederacy of Conjurors.The impious blaſphemy of Inchanters.The impoſture of Soothſayers, and Infidelity of Atheiſts.The deluſion of Pythoniſts, Figure-caſters, Aſtrologers, and va- nity of Dreamers.The fruitleſſe beggerly art of Alchimiſtry.The horrible art of Poiſoning and all the tricks and convey- ances of juggling and Liegerdemain are fully deciphered.

With many other things opened that have long lain hidden: though

very neceſſary to be known for the undeceiving of Judges, Juſtices,

and Juries, and for the preſervation of poor, aged, deformed, ignorant

people; frequently taken, arraigned, condemned and executed for

Witches, when according to a right underſtanding, and a good

conſcience, Phyſick, Food, and neceſſaries should be

adminiſtred to them.

Whereunto is added, a treatiſe upon the nature, and ſubſtance of Spirits and Divels,

&c. all written and publiſhed in Anno 1584. by Reginald Scot, Eſquire.


Printed by Richard Cotes. 1651.

Size, Fol., 10¼ in. × 6⅛.


Diſcovery of Witchcraft:

PROVING, That the Compacts and Contracts of Witches

with Devils and all Infernal Spirits or Familiars, are but Erroneous Novelties and Imaginary Conceptions.

Alſo diſcovering, How far their power extendeth, in Killing, Tormenting, Conſuming, or Curing the bodies of Men, Women, Children, or Animals, by Charms, Philtres, Periapts, Pentacles, Curſes, and Conjurations.


The Unchriſtian Practices and Inhumane Dealings of

Searchers and Witch-tryers upon Aged, Melancholly and Superſtitious people, in extorting Confeſſions by Terrors and Tortures, and in deviſing falſe Marks and Symptoms, are notably Detected.

And the Knavery of Juglers, Conjurers, Charmers, Soothſayers, Figure⸗Caſters, Dreamers, Alchymiſts and Philterers; with many other things that have long lain hidden, fully Opened and Deciphered.


Are very neceſſary to be known for the undeceiving of Judges, Juſtices, and Jurors, before they paſs Sentence upon Poor, Miſerable and Ignorant People; who are frequenly Arraigned, Condemned, and Executed for Witches and Wizzards.


By Reginald Scot Eſquire.

Whereunto is added

An excellent Diſcourse of the Nature and Subſtance of DEVILS and SPIRITS, IN TWO BOOKS: The Firſt by the aforeſaid Author: The Second now

added in this Third Edition, as Succedaneous to the former, and conducing to the compleating of the Whole Work: With Nine Chapters at the beginning of the Fifteenth.* Book of the DISCOVERY.


Printed for A. Clark, and are to be ſold by Dixy Page at the Turks-Head in Cornhill near the Royall Exchange, 1665.

* [Sic.]

The Discoverie of Witchcraft

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