Читать книгу Youth Teacher - R.H. Boyd Publishing Corporation - Страница 17

Suggestions for Effective Teaching . . . SEEKERS FOR JESUS


Step 1: — Begin class with prayer. Review last week’s lesson.

Step 2: Intro Activity — Ask students to think of their best friend or best friends. Have them describe why they are loyal to their friend(s) without sharing their names. Ask them what makes their friends good friends? Would they stand up for their friends if their friends were in trouble?

Step 3: Today’s Word — Invite a volunteer to read the print passage for today. After reading the passage, discuss how Jonathan, David and Saul must have felt.

Step 4: Consider This — Ask a volunteer to read the “Consider This” section. Discuss with the class and explore how the story relates to today’s lesson. Ask students to share any questions they might have around advocating for others.

Step 5: Last Thoughts — Ask a volunteer to read the “Last Thoughts section”. Write the word “Friendship” or “Best Friend” on the board. Have them define these words in their own words. “What is friendship?” or “What is a best friend?” Refer back to the Intro Activity—What makes a good friend?

Step 6: Closing — Allow for prayer requests, and close in prayer.

Youth Teacher

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