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Table of Contents

Author. Title of Work. Date.
Accum, F. Adulterations of Food 1820
Ackroyd, W. History and Science of Drunkenness 1883
Adair, R. G. The Question of the Times 1869
Agg-Gardner, J. T. Compulsory Temperance (Fortnightly) 1884
Alcock, Rev. T. Observations on ... a late Act of Parliament 1756
Alford, S. S. On Drink-Craving 1875
Ames, R. Bacchanalian Sessions 1693
Anderson, A. Trade and Commerce 1762
Anstie, Dr. F. E. Stimulants and Narcotics 1864
On the Uses of Wines 1877
Armstrong, Dr. J. The Art of Preserving Health 1744
Arnold, R. A. English Drunkenness 1877
Ashton, J. Old Times 1885
Assheton, Dr. W. A Discourse against Drunkenness 1692
Arthur, T. S. Ten Nights in a Bar-Room 1871
Aspin, J. A Picture of the Manners, &c. 1825
Atkinson, F. P. A Cause of Alcoholism 1879
Austin, Major Cup Draining. (Bristol Magazine) 1857
Bacon, G. W. Alcohol at the Bar 1878
Baker, W. R. The Curse of Britain 1840
Intemperance the Idolatry of Great Britain 1851
Barnaby, A. Proposals for laying a Duty on Malt 1696
Barber, M. A. S. Bartholomew Faire 1641
Barclay, Dr. J. Ale, Wine, Spirits 1861
Barrow, J. H. Temperance and Teetotalism 1845
Barry, Sir E. Observations on the Wines of the Ancients 1775
Basil, S. Homilia Contra Ebrios
Bayly, Mrs. Ragged Homes 1860
Baynes, C. R. Two Discourses on Sickness of Wine 1669
Beale, J. A Treatise of Cyder 1665
Beardsall, F. Nature and Properties of Wines 1839
Beaumont, Dr. T. A Lecture on Ardent Spirits 1830
Beddoes, Dr. T. A Guide for Self-Preservation 1793
Beecher, Dr. Lyman Sermons on Intemperance 1826
Beggs, T. Dear Bread and Wasted Grain 1856
Bell, Dr. J. Action of Spirituous Liquors 1791
Bennet, Dr. D. W. Alcohol: Use and Abuse 1883
Bernard, S. De Ordine Vitæ
Bickerdyke, J. Curiosities of Ale and Beer
Bradley, R. The Riches of the Hop Garden 1729
Brewster, J. The Evils of Drunkenness 1832
Bridgett, T. E. The Discipline of Drink 1876
Brown, Dr. A. Advice respecting Water Drinking 1707
Browne, Sir T. Pseudodoxia Epidemica 1646
Browne, Dr. Peter Discourse of Drinking Healths 1716
Of Drinking in Remembrance of the Dead 1715
Bruce, E. Digest of Evidence before the Committee of Parliament 1835
Brunton, Dr. L. The Influence of Stimulants 1883
Burgh, J. A Warning to Dram Drinkers 1751
Burn, J. H. Descriptive Catalogue of London Traders 1855
Burne, Peter The Teetotallers Companion 1847
Burns, Dr. D. Drink, Drunkenness and the Drink Traffic 1862
The Bible and Total Abstinence 1869
The Bases of Temperance Reform 1872
Christendom and the Drink Curse 1875
Buckingham, J. S. Evidence on Drunkenness 1834
Earnest Plea for the Reign of Temperance 1851
History and Progress of the Temperance Reformation 1854
Bucknill, J. C. Habitual Drunkenness 1878
Bury, E. The Deadly Danger of Drunkenness 1671
Butler, W. R. The Idolatry of Britain
The Curse of Britain 1838
Buxton, C. How to stop Drunkenness (North British Review) 1855
Caine, W. Thoughts on Wines and Temperance 1882
Capil On the Laws of Drunkenness
Carlysle, Dr. A. Pernicious Effects of Liquors 1810
Moral Influence of Fermented Liquors 1837
Carpenter, Dr. W. B. Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquors 1851
The Moderate Use, &c. 1853
Carpenter, Dr. W. B. Physiology of Temperance 1853
Carpenter, Dr. A. Alcoholic Drinks not Necessaries 1882
Chadwick, Sir E. Various Reports, Speeches, &c., dating from 1842
Chadwick, Dr. J. An Essay on Alcoholic Liquors 1849
Charleton, Dr. Mystery of Vintners 1692
Child, S. Every Man his own Brewer 1797
Christison, Sir R. A Treatise on Poisons 1829
The Habit of Intemperance 1861
Clark, Sir Andrew Alcohol in Small Doses 1881
An Enemy of the Race 1882
Clarke, S. The British Gauger 1762
Close, Dean Why I have taken the Pledge 1860
Collier, J. P. Collection of Ordinances 1790
Collinson, J. Crack Club 1858
The Gaol Cradle 1875
Confalonarius, J. B. De Vini Naturâ 1535
Conybeare, W. J. Social Essays 1855
Cornwalleys, H. The Law of Drinking 1705
Cornaro, L. De Vitæ Sobriæ Commodis 1678
Coryn, H. A. W. Moral and Physical Advantages of Total Abstinence 1888
Couling, S. The Traffic in Intoxicating Drinks 1855
History of the Temperance Movement 1862
Teetotalism v. Alcohol 1863
Crane, J. T. The Arts of Intoxication 1877
Crespi, Dr. A. Various Essays and Lectures, dating from 1870
Cruikshank, G. The Bottle 1847
A Sequel to The Bottle 1848
The Glass 1853
Daniel, Geo. Merrie England in ye Olden Time 1842
Democritus in London 1852
Darby, C. Bacchanalia 1680
Deacon The Innkeeper’s Album 1823
Dearden, J. Short Account of Drunkenness 1840
Decker, Th. The Gull’s Horne-booke 1609
English Villaines Prest to Death 1632
Defoe, Dan. The Poor Man’s Plea 1698
De Laune Present State of London 1681
Denham, Sir J. Calf’s Head Club 1713
Dewhurst, W. H. Physiology of Drunkenness 1838
Dickson, Dr. Fallacies of the Faculty 1839
Digby, Sir K. Closet Opened 1677
Disney, John. View of Ancient Laws against Immorality 1710
Doran, Dr. Table Traits 1854
Dossie, R. On Spirituous Liquors 1770
Downham, John Disswasion from Drunkenness 1613
Druik, Dr. L. Cheap Wines 1865
Duncan, Dr. Wholesome Advice 1706
Dunckley, H. The Shame and the Glory of Britain 1849
Dunlop, J. National Intemperance 1828
The Wine System of Great Britain 1831
Philosophy of Drinking Usages 1839
Earle, John Microcosmographie 1628
Edgar, John Drinks of the Hebrews 1837
Edmunds, Dr. J. Non-Alcoholic Treatment 1876
Alcoholic Drinks as Diet 1879
Edwards, Edwin Collection of Old English Inns 1873
Edwards, Henry Charities and Old English Customs 1842
Ellis, Mrs A Voice from the Vintage 1843
Pictures of Private Life 1844
Ellison, Canon The Church Temperance Movement 1878
Esquiroz, Alphonze The English at Home
Evelyn, John Tyrannus; Sumptuary Laws 1661
Fairholt, F. W. Lord Mayor’s Pageants 1843
Farrar, Archdeacon Numerous Lectures, Articles, &c.
Fleetwood, Bishop Chronicon Preciosum 1707
Flower, R. Observations on Beer 1802
Forbes, Sir J. Temperance: An Enquiry 1847
Forster, Dr. T. Physiological Reflections 1812
Fosbroke, T. D. British Monachism 1817
Fredericus, J. De Ritu Bibendi
Freeman, G. Exhortation from Drunkenness 1663
French, R. V. History of Toasting 1881
Personal Advantages of Abstinence 1878
Frinus, D. Spirits and Wine Offending Man’s Body 1668
Friscolinus In Ebrietat
Gairdner, Dr. W. E. On Alcoholic Stimulants 1861
Gale, Rev. H. Apostolic Temperance 1856
Garbult, R. A Sober Testimony 1675
Gascoigne, G. The Pryncelye Pleasure at Kenilworth 1576
The Steele Glas, a Satyre 1576
Gay, John Poem on Wine 1727
Gayton, Edmund Art of Longevity 1659
Geree, John Potion for the Cure of Unnatural Health-Drinking 1648
Gesner, C. Contra Luxum Conviviorum
Gibson, E. Earnest Dissuasive 1750
Gilmore, A. Our Drinks 1856
Gladstone, Rev. G. Good Templarism 1873
Godschall, W. M. Monitions concerning Ale-house Keepers 1787
Goodwin, M. An Address to the Nobility on Distillation 1819
Googe, B. Noageorgus 1570
Gough, J. B. Autobiography of 1879
Orations 1886
Gratarolus, W. De Vini Naturâ 1565
Greenfield, W. S. Alcohol, its Use and Abuse 1878
Greenwood, J. The Seven Curses of London
Greenwood, E. Lectures on Intemperance 1837
Grier, R. M. Numerous Pamphlets, Articles, &c. 1870-89
Grindrod, R. B. Bacchus 1839
Grose, F. Worn out Characters of the Last Age
Gunning, H. Reminiscences of Cambridge from 1780
Gustafson, Axel The Foundation of Death 1884
Gutch, J. Collectanea Curiosa 1781
Guthrie, Dr. T. A Plea for Drunkards
Guy, Dr. Intemperance (Weekly Record) 1857
Hales, S. The Unwholesomeness of Liquors 1750
Hall, Thomas Funebria Floræ 1660
Hall, J. Drink Thirst: Its Treatment 1880
Harris, R. The Drunkard’s Cup 1635
Harris, Dr. Sylvanus Inebriety 1872
Harwood, Dr. E. Of Temperance and Intemperance 1774
Haynes, M. Against Drunkenness 1701
Heath, Benjamin The Case of the County of Devon
Henderson, Dr. A. History of Ancient and Modern Wines 1824
Henry, Rev. W. Earnest Addresses against Drinking, &c. 1761
Heslop, T. P. The Abuse of Alcohol 1872
Our Drinking Customs 1878
Heywood, Thomas London Harbour of Health 1635
The Marriage Triumph 1613
Philocothonista; or, The Drunkard Opened 1635
London Speculum 1637
Higginbottom, J. On the Treatment of Disease without Stimulants (Brit. Med. Journ., Vol. II.) 1862
Hill, J. Friendly Warnings v. Drunkenness 1831
Hingeston, H. Dreadful Alarm 1703
Hobson Household Expenses of Sir John Howard 1466
Hodgkin, Dr. Promoting Health 1835
Hone, W. Everyday Book. Year Book 1825
Hopkins, W. B. H. Sc. Temperance 1871
Hornby, W. The Scourge of Drunkenness 1614
Horsely, J. Toxicologist’s Guide 1866
Horsely, J. W. Numerous Articles, Lectures, &c. 1875-89
Hospinianus De Festis Christianorum 1593
Hoyle, W. Intemperance and Crime 1864
Total Abstinence 1874
Our National Drink Bill 1884, &c.
Howard, C. The Touchstone of Adulteration
Hudson, Thomas Numerous Articles, Lectures, &c. 1849-89
Hughes, W. Complete Vineyard 1665
Husenbeth Guide to the Wine-cellar
Huss Alcoholismus Chronicus 1851
Ingestre, Viscount Meliora; or, Better Times 1852
Ancient Laws and Customs of the Burghs
Inwards, J. Essays on Temperance 1849
Jeaffreson, J. C. A Book about the Table 1875
Jeffreys, Archibald The Religious Objections 1840
Alcoholic Wines 1845
Jenkins, E. The Devil’s Chain 1876
Jerrold, D. Cakes and Ale 1852
Johnson, J. Laws and Canons 1720
Jole, W. Warning to Drunkards 1680
Jones, A. The Dreadful Character of a Drunkard 1660
Junius, R. The Drunkard’s Character 1638
Kempe, A. J. Losely MSS. Illustrative of English Manners 1835
Kennet, Bishop Parochial Antiquities 1695
Kerr, Dr. N. The Action of Alcoholic Liquors 1876
Intemperance and its Remedy 1878
Diseases from Alcohol 1882
The Truth about Alcohol 1884
Numerous Articles and Lectures
Kester De immoderatâ Adbibendi consuetudine
Kirton, J. W. Intoxicating Drinks 1879
Knight, T. Pomona Herefordiensis 1809
Lacey, W. J. The Case for Total Abstinence 1889
Lamb, C. Essays of Elia 1833
Lambarde, W. Lamentable Complaints 1641
Lankester, Dr. E. On Food 1861
Larwood, J. History of Signboards 1866
Lees, Dr. F. R. History of the Wine Question 1840
Essays on the Temperance Question 1853
Agreement for Legislative Prohibition 1856
Science Temperance Text Book, &c., &c. 1884
Lawson, Sir W. Numerous Articles, Lectures, Parliamentary Speeches, &c.
Lemerry, L. Treatise of Foods and Drinkables (Translated by Dr. D. Hay) 1745
Levi, Leone On the Wine Trade and Duties 1866
Consumption of Spirits 1872
Levison, J. L. Hereditary Tendency of Drunkenness 1839
Lewis, David Britain’s Social State 1872
The Drink Problem, and its Solution 1883
Lightbody, J. The Gauger’s Companion 1694
Livesey, J. Lecture on Malt Liquor 1832
Reminiscences 1867
Lucas, Dr. T. P. The Laws of Life and Alcohol 1877
Lupton, D. The Country Carbonadoed 1632
Lash, W. J. H. Chronic Alcoholism 1873
Macdonald, G. B. Apology for the Disuse of Alcohol 1841
Macnish, R. Anatomy of Drunkenness 1834
Macpherson, D. Annals of Commerce 1805
Macrae, D. Dunvarlich
Madox, T. History of the Exchequer 1769
Madden, F. Privy Purse Expenses of Queen Mary 1831
Madden, R. H. Stimulating Drinks 1847
Maffei, Scipio De Compotationibus Academicis
Maguire, J. F. Father Mathew 1863
Malcolm, J. P. Manners and Customs of London 1811
Maltman, J. Teetotalism 1889
Marchant, W. T. The Praise of Ale 1888
Marcet, W. On Chronic Alcoholic Intoxication 1862
Markham, J. English Housewife 1683
Martyndale, H. F. Analysis of the Calendar
Mayor, Prof. J. E. B. Modicus Cibi 1880
Miller, Rev. J. The Coffeehouse 1737
Miller, Dr. J. Alcohol, its Place and Power 1861
Mills, J. The Merrie Days of England 1859
Misson, M. Memoirs and Observations 1719
Morewood, S. History of Inebriating Liquors 1838
Moxon, H. E. The Laws Affecting Publicans
Mudie, R. Babylon the Great 1824
Mudge, Dr. H. Nature and Obligations of Temperance 1862
Muirhead, J. P. Drinking Songs 1875
Mulder, Prof. C. J. Chemistry of Wine 1857
Munroe, Dr. H. Alcohol not Food 1867
Myrc, John Liber Festivalis
Nash, Th. Pierce Pennilesse 1595
Nichols, John The Progresses of Queen Elizabeth, James I., &c. 1788
Illustrations of Manners and Expenses
Nichols, J. G. London Pageants 1837
Norris, Edw. Establishment of the Household of H. Algernon Percy 1770
Nott, Dr. Lectures 1863
Obsopœus, Vinc. De Arte Bibendi 1578
Oinophilos, Bon. (Pseud) Praise of Drunkenness 1812
Osborne, S. J. Hints for the Amelioration, &c. 1841
Page, Th. An Earnest Appeal on the Effects of Beer-houses 1846
Paris, Dr. J. A. On Diet 1837
Paris, M. Paradise of Dainty Devices 1576
Parkes, Dr. E. A. Public Health 1876
Parsons, Benj. Anti-Bacchus 1840
Partridge, S. An Admonition to the Keepers of Inns
Pasquil Palinodia and his Progress to the Tavern 1634
Peacham, T. The Art of Living in London 1642
Pegge, S. The Form of Cury 1780
Introduction and Condition of the Vine in England (Arch. i. 319)
Pengelly, W. Signs of Hotels, &c.
Phelps, C. A Caveat against Drunkenness 1676
Phillips, J. Cyder 1708
Pigot, J. M. B. De Morbis Ebriosorum 1807
Poole, T. Treatise on Strong Beer 1785
Powell, J. The Assyse of Ale
Powell, F. Bacchus Dethroned 1870
Porphyry De Abstinentia
Pulman, J. P. R. Book of the Axe 1841
Prynne, W. Healthe’s Sicknesse 1628
Pymlico; or Runne Red Cap 1609
Rae, Rob. Handbook of Temperance History
Randall, Th. Arislippus 1652
The Virtues of a Pot of Good Ale 1642
Reade, A. A. Study and Stimulants 1883
Redding, C. History and Description of Modern Wines 1833
Reeve, Th. God’s Plea for Nineveh 1657
Reid, W. The Evils of Modern Drinking 1850
Temperance Cyclopædia 1851
Our National Vice 1858
Reid, Th. Intemperance Considered 1850
Ricket, E. Gentleman’s Table Guide 1873
Rich, Barnaby The Irish Hubbub 1617
Richardson, Dr. B. W. On Alcohol (Cantor Lectures) 1875
Researches on Alcohol 1877
Total Abstinence 1878
Dialogues on Drink 1878
Richardson, Dr. B. W. Drink and Strong Drink 1882
Asclepiad, passim 1884-9
Rigby, J. The Drunkard’s Perspective 1656
Ridge, Dr. J. The Temperance Primer 1879
Non-Alcoholic Treatments 1889
Ritchie, W. Scripture Testimony 1874
Robson, W. De Effect Vini et Spiritus 1803
Roberts, G. Social History of the Southern Counties 1856
Rosewell, H. Religious Revel 1711
Russell, A. G. Drinking and Disease 1868
Russom, J. Evil Effects of Beer-shops 1849
Rye, W. B. England as seen by Foreigners 1865
Rymer, Thomas Roxburghe Revels 1834
Samuelson, J. The History of Drink 1878
Beer Scientifically and Socially Considered 1870
Scrivener, M. A Treatise against Drunkenness 1685
Sedgwick, J. A. New Treatise on Liquors 1725
Shannon, Dr. On Brewing and Distillation 1805
Sharman, H. R. A Cloud of Witnesses 1884
Shaw, T. G. Wine 1864
Sheen, J. R. Wines and other Fermented Liquors 1864
Sherlock, F. Shakespeare on Temperance, &c. 1882
Sinclair, Sir J. History of Revenue 1785
Smith, Albert Wassail-Bowl 1843
A Bowl of Punch 1848
Smith, Dr. Edward Action of Tea and Alcohol 1860
The Action of Alcohol (Journ. Soc. Arts) 1862
On the Action of Foods 1859
Smith, J. The Temperance Reformation 1875
Speechly, W. The Culture of the Vine 1790
Strenock, J. God’s Sword drawn against Drunkards 1677
Strutt, J. Horda 1774
Stubs, P. The Anatomie of Abuses 1583
Stuckins De Antiquorum Conviviis
Symonds, J. A. Wine, Women, and Song 1884
Taylor, John Drinke and Welcome 1637
A Relation of the Wine Taverns 1636
Drunkenness an indirect Cause of Crime 1860
Teare, J. The Principle of Total Abstinence 1846
Terrington, W. Cooling Cups 1880
Thomson, Thomas Diet for a Drunkard 1612
Thomson, Dr. S. Use and Abuse of Alcoholic Liquor 1850
Thorpe, B. Ancient Laws and Institutes 1840
Thrupp, J. The Anglo-Saxon Home 1862
Thudichum, J. L. W. On the Origin, Nature, &c., of Wine 1872
Timbs, John Clubs and Club Life 1872
Tomline Monastic and Social Life
Tovey, C. Wit ... distilled from Bacchus 1878
British and Foreign Spirits 1864
Trotter, Dr. T. Essay on Drunkenness 1804
Tryon, Dr. T. The Way to Wealth 1683
Tuckerman, H. T. The Collector
Turner, Dr. W. A New Boke of the Properties of Wines 1568
Ullmus, J. F. De Ebrietate Fugiendâ 1589
Venner Via Recta ad Vitam Longam 1628
Vizetelly, H. History of Champagne 1882
Ward, Samuel Woe to Drunkards 1622
Ward and Clark Warning Piece 1682
Ward, Ned The Complete Vintner 1721
Bacchanalia 1698
Ward, George The Opinions of Medical Men 1868
Warner, R. Antiquitates Culinariæ 1791
Weston, Agnes Temperance Work in the Navy 1879
Whistlecraft, W. The Monks and the Giants 1818
Whitaker, T. The Blood of the Grape 1638
White, G. Hints, Moral and Medical 1840
Whitewell, E. Evidence on Sunday-Closing 1880
Wightman, Mrs. Arrest the Destroyer’s March 1877
Whyte, J. The Alcoholic Controversy 1880
Wilson, Dr. C. The Pathology of Drunkenness 1855
Wilson, C. H. The Myrtle and Vine 1800
Winskill, P. T. History of the Temperance Reformation 1881
Winslow, F. The Death March of Drinkdom 1881
Woodward, J. A Dissuasive from Drunkenness 1798
Worlidge, J. Vinetum Britannicum 1676
Worth, W. P. Cerevisiarii Comes 1692
Wright, J. Country Conversations of Drinking, &c. 1694
Wright, T. Homes of other Days 1871
Whittaker, Thomas Life’s Battle in Temperance Armour 1884
Youmans, E. The Basis of Prohibition 1846
Young, F. The Epicure 1815
Young, T. England’s Bane 1617
Yonge, R. Blemish of Government 1655


Nineteen Centuries of Drink in England

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