Читать книгу Advanced Antenna Array Engineering for 6G and Beyond Wireless Communications - Richard W. Ziolkowski - Страница 15
1.1.2 Frequency Bands
ОглавлениеAnother major challenge associated with 5G antenna arrays is the simultaneous support of all allotted frequency bands [6]. As the number of bands being considered to meet current and future 5G needs increases, significant antenna array innovations are required to support all of them. Moreover, existing 4G bands must be supported as well [7].
Owing to the stringent requirements placed on the radiation patterns produced by cellular systems and on the levels of their impedance matching to sources to maximize their realized gains, the mobile communication industry has so far adopted an approach of using different antennas to support different frequency bands. However, because of the limited space at base station antenna sites and in mobile platforms, the coexistence of these different antennas has posed serious challenges already. It is extremely difficult to maintain low coupling levels between antennas operating over the same band and even harder to suppress the scattering interactions between antennas that operate over different bands. The latter can cause significant distortions to the radiation patterns. It is with this background that the decoupling and de‐scattering issues will be addressed in Chapters 2 and 3, respectively.