Читать книгу Advanced Antenna Array Engineering for 6G and Beyond Wireless Communications - Richard W. Ziolkowski - Страница 3

List of Tables


1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Use cases for digital and hybrid beamforming.

2 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Optimized parameters of the choked antenna.Table 4.2 Optimized parameters of the baluns for the choked antenna.Table 4.3 SSBW of spirals with different combinations of dimensions.

3 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Theoretical specifications of the Huygens surface’s impedance elem...Table 6.2 Properties of the optimized unit cells.Table 6.3 Simulation results of the transmitarray designs with different cho...Table 6.4 Feed positions for different beam directions.

4 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Location shift of the newly added array.Table 7.2 Activation states of elements for different beams.Table 7.3 Optimized design parameter values (in mm) of the frequency‐scannin...Table 7.4 Measured performance characteristics of the fixed‐frequency beam s...Table 7.5 Measured performance characteristics of the fixed‐frequency beam s...Table 7.6 Realized gain values for the six operating states with different v...Table 7.7 Comparison between two phase compensation methods.Table 7.8 Simulated results of the states of the HMSIW‐based LWA.Table 7.9 Beam direction (phi, theta) and corresponding realized gain (dBi) ...

5 Chapter 8Table 8.1 The obtained final rotation angles and excitation phases for the f...Table 8.2 The maximum SLL, XPL, and mainlobe ripple of the synthesized and r...Table 8.3 The rotation angles and element positions (x−n = − xn) obta...Table 8.4 The maximum SLLs for the dual‐beam pattern with one beam fixed at ...

Advanced Antenna Array Engineering for 6G and Beyond Wireless Communications

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