Читать книгу Advanced Antenna Array Engineering for 6G and Beyond Wireless Communications - Richard W. Ziolkowski - Страница 4

List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 An illustration of a 64‐element antenna‐in‐package (AiP) assembly...Figure 1.2 Three levels of AiP implementation by TMYTECH.Figure 1.3 An illustration of a potential ISTN architecture for 6G and beyon...Figure 1.4 High‐level architecture of a digital beamformer (DBP) for recepti...Figure 1.5 Hybrid antenna arrays. (a) The basic architectures of transmitter...Figure 1.6 Options for implementing analog subarrays. The blocks φ and Figure 1.7 Typical implementation of a 4 × 4 Butler matrix (BM) connected to...Figure 1.8 Illustration of Luneburg lenses. (a) Spherical. (b) Cylindrical....Figure 1.9 Specific atmospheric attenuation (dB/km) at the indicated altitud...Figure 1.10 Illustration of (a) an integrated elliptical lens antenna and (b...Figure 1.11 Illustration of Fresnel lenses. (a) Original Fresnel lens. (b) C...Figure 1.12 Illustration of (a) SIMO and (b) MIMO multi‐beam antennas.

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Topology of a classic 4 × 4 BM.Figure 2.2 Model of the modified 4 × 4 BM that has no crossovers. Source: Fr...Figure 2.3 Simulated model of the dual‐layer 4 × 4 BM. Source: From [5] / wi...Figure 2.4 Simulated model of the circularly polarized multi‐beam array fed ...Figure 2.5 Simulated model of a SIW‐based 8 × 8 BM. Source: From [9] / with ...Figure 2.6 Simulated model of the dual‐layer 8 × 8 BM. Source: From [10] / w...Figure 2.7 Topology of a 4 × 8 BM that delivers nonuniform amplitudes at its...Figure 2.8 Classic and innovative 4 × 8 BM topologies. (a) Classic configura...Figure 2.9 Topology and simulation model of a dual‐layer 4 × 8 BM that distr...Figure 2.10 Topology of a BFN for a 2‐D multi‐beam array.Figure 2.11 BFN layout (left) that feeds the 2 × 2 planar array (right), whi...Figure 2.12 Multilayer BFN that delivers nonuniform amplitudes to the elemen...Figure 2.13 Multilayer 2‐D BFN that delivers nonuniform amplitudes to the el...Figure 2.14 Developed topologies of a planar 16 ×16 2‐D BFN. (a) Without the...Figure 2.15 16 × 16 2‐D BFN developed in [19]. (a) Simulated model. (b) Fabr...Figure 2.16 Multilayer 16 ×16 2‐D BFN that delivers nonuniform amplitudes to...Figure 2.17 16 ×16 2‐D BFN that delivers nonuniform amplitudes to the elemen...Figure 2.18 Illustration of a Nolen matrix and one of its nodes. Source: Fro...Figure 2.19 Configuration of the traditional Rotman lens. Source: From [25] ...Figure 2.20 SIW‐based Rotman lens. Source: From [25] / with permission of IE...Figure 2.21 SIW‐based dual‐layer Rotman lens with ridged delay lines. Source...Figure 2.22 SIW‐based dual‐layer Rotman lens with reduced SLL that delivers ...Figure 2.23 Conformal SIW‐based dual‐layer Rotman lens. Source: From [29] / ...Figure 2.24 SIW‐based offset‐fed parabolic reflector lens. Source: From [30]...Figure 2.25 SIW‐based offset‐fed parabolic reflector lens that realizes full...Figure 2.26 SIW‐based pillbox‐configured multi‐beam slot array. There are th...Figure 2.27 SIW‐based pillbox‐configured multi‐beam slot array realized with...Figure 2.28 SIW‐based modified pillbox reflector‐fed multi‐beam slot array w...Figure 2.29 Multi‐beam slot array fed by a dual offset Gregorian reflector s...Figure 2.30 SIW‐based Cassegrain lens BFN for a multi‐beam array. The symbol...

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Mushroom EBG structure [1]. (a) Top and side views. (b) When it i...Figure 3.2 Measured results of the two‐element microstrip patch antenna arra...Figure 3.3 Configurations with different types of DGSs. (a) 3‐D view of two ...Figure 3.4 Simulated |S21| values with and without the DGS between two weakl...Figure 3.5 Configuration of the microstrip decoupling array. (a) Top view. (...Figure 3.6 Measured results of the array with and without the back‐to‐back U...Figure 3.7 The DCS and UMTS PIFAs are arranged on the same side of the PCB. ...Figure 3.8 Simulated and measured values of |S11|, |S22|, and |S21| as funct...Figure 3.9 Top view of the arrangement of the PIFAs on the PCB when the feed...Figure 3.10 Simulated |S21| values as functions of the source frequency when...Figure 3.11 Arrangement of the PIFAs on the same side of the PCB when the sh...Figure 3.12 Simulated and measured S‐parameters of the PIFA arrangements. (a...Figure 3.13 Schematic of an AADS‐augmented array. The height of the AADS abo...Figure 3.14 A 2 × 2 dual‐polarized dipole array. (a) Perspective view of the...Figure 3.15 The measured and simulated S‐parameters of the 2 × 2 array with ...Figure 3.16 The GCLL meta‐structure configuration. (a) The physical geometry...Figure 3.17 The π‐shaped meta‐structure configuration. (a) The physical...Figure 3.18 GCLL meta‐structure simulation results. (a) Predicted S‐paramete...Figure 3.19 The retrieved effective medium parameters of the π‐shaped e...Figure 3.20 Simulation results of the π‐shaped resonator. (a) S‐paramet...Figure 3.21 The retrieved effective medium parameters of the π‐shaped e...Figure 3.22 Diagram of the dual‐polarized arrays with (a) arbitrary and (b) ...Figure 3.23 Diagram of a dual‐polarized array with an arbitrary polarization...Figure 3.24 Two‐element array loaded with decoupling meta‐structures having ...Figure 3.25 Simulated S‐parameters for the array with the decoupling meta‐st...Figure 3.26 Simulated S‐parameters for the array without the decoupling meta...Figure 3.27 Simulated S‐parameters as functions of the (a) offset distance dFigure 3.28 Simplified model of using parasitic elements to reduce the mutua...Figure 3.29 Geometry of the dual‐slot‐element antenna. Its dimensions are gi...Figure 3.30 Simulated S‐parameters as functions of the source frequency. The...Figure 3.31 Two‐element dual‐polarized array loaded with the hybrid decoupli...Figure 3.32 Simulated reflection coefficients and port isolation levels for ...Figure 3.33 Surface current distributions of the two‐element array loaded on...Figure 3.34 Simulated port isolations between the co‐pol ports for the two‐e...Figure 3.35 Surface current distributions of the two‐element array loaded on...Figure 3.36 Simulated port isolations between the co‐pol ports for the two‐e...Figure 3.37 Two‐element CP array loaded with the planar hybrid decoupling st...Figure 3.38 Simulated reflection coefficients and port isolation levels of t...Figure 3.39 Simulated AR values as functions of the source frequency for the...Figure 3.40 Surface current distributions. (a) Two‐element CP array loaded w...

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 The schematic power flow when exciting Antenna 1 in two cases. (L...Figure 4.2 The schematic configuration of Antenna Array 1 in two cases. (a) ...Figure 4.3 Illustrations of cylindrical and spherical mantle cloaks.Figure 4.4 The (a) H‐plane and (b) E‐plane gain patterns of the first antenn...Figure 4.5 Simulated reflection coefficients of the two dipoles in three cas...Figure 4.6 Multilayer metasurface‐based mantle cloak for monopole antenna....Figure 4.7 3G/4G dual‐band dual‐polarized base station antenna array. (a) Sc...Figure 4.8 Simulated S‐parameters of the individual LB and HB antenna elemen...Figure 4.9 Simulated current distributions on a single section of the array ...Figure 4.10 Radiation patterns of the HB sub‐array without (solid line, blac...Figure 4.11 De‐scattering choke design. (a) Equivalent circuit of the choke....Figure 4.12 Two models used to assess the scattering suppression ability of ...Figure 4.13 Magnitude of the induced HB currents obtained with Model 1 and M...Figure 4.14 Two models used to assess the influence of the choke on the LB p...Figure 4.15 Comparison of the induced LB current magnitudes obtained from Mo...Figure 4.16 The introduction of chokes into the LP dipole arms. (a) Subdivid...Figure 4.17 Determination of the length of the segments in the LB arms. (a) ...Figure 4.18 Configuration of the optimized choked LB radiator.Figure 4.19 The choked LB antenna. (a) Perspective view. Configuration of (b...Figure 4.20 The electric field distribution in the xz‐plane at 1.7, 2.0, and...Figure 4.21 Comparison of the HB radiation patterns when only the HB array i...Figure 4.22 S‐parameters of the choked and the unaltered LB radiator.Figure 4.23 Comparison of the radiation patterns of the choked LB element an...Figure 4.24 Fabricated prototype of the dual‐band dual‐polarized interleaved...Figure 4.25 Simulated and measured reflection coefficients at the (a) HB and...Figure 4.26 Simulated and measured radiation patterns of the left column HB ...Figure 4.27 Simulated and measured HPBW and realized gains of the left colum...Figure 4.28 Simulated and measured radiation patterns of the LB antenna when...Figure 4.29 Simulated and measured HPBW and realized gains of the LB antenna...Figure 4.30 The spiral‐based HB radiator version of the dual‐band dual‐polar...Figure 4.31 Simulation model to design the spiral choke. It represents an in...Figure 4.32 Magnitudes of the induced currents on the spiral structure for d...Figure 4.33 Magnitudes of the currents induced on the spiral structure with ...Figure 4.34 Simulation model of the finite spiral structure illuminated by t...Figure 4.35 Magnitudes of the induced currents on the finite‐length spiral s...Figure 4.36 Top view of the interleaved 4G/5G BSA array with the spiral LB r...Figure 4.37 The electric field distributions in the xz‐plane when the radiat...Figure 4.38 Comparison of the HB radiation pattern in the vertical xz‐plane ...Figure 4.39 Interleaved 4G/5G BSA array with the spiral LB radiator. (a) Per...Figure 4.40 Simulated S‐parameters of the spiral LB antenna in the interleav...Figure 4.41 Radiation patterns in the x‐z plane of the spiral LB anten...Figure 4.42 The interleaved 4G/5G BSA array with the spiral LB radiator. (a)...Figure 4.43 Fabricated prototype of the interleaved 4G/5G BSA array with the...Figure 4.44 Magnitudes of the (a) simulated and (b) measured reflection coef...Figure 4.45 Magnitudes of the simulated and measured reflection and transmis...Figure 4.46 Simulated and measured radiation patterns in the x‐z plane...Figure 4.47 Simulated and measured results of the HB subarrays. (a) HPBW in ...Figure 4.48 Simulated and measured radiation patterns in the x‐z plane...Figure 4.49 LB antenna’s simulated and measured HPBW and gain values.Figure 4.50 Tri‐band 3G/4G/5G BSA.

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Typical configuration of a differential RF (a) receiver, and (b) ...Figure 5.2 Block diagram of (a) single‐ended, and (b) differential circuitry...Figure 5.3 Block diagram of (a) mixed‐mode, and (b) differential signals.Figure 5.4 Traditional microstrip patch antennas. (a) Linear polarization. (...Figure 5.5 Wideband patch antennas. (a) 3D model. (b) Back view of the upper...Figure 5.6 Wideband patch antennas. (a) Equivalent circuit. (b) Reflection c...Figure 5.7 Simulated performance characteristics of the single feed and the ...Figure 5.8 Simulated H‐plane radiation patterns of the LP patch antenna at 4...Figure 5.9 Simulated current distributions on the single feed LP patch anten...Figure 5.10 Simulated current distributions on the differential‐fed LP patch...Figure 5.11 Wideband differential‐fed CP patch antenna design. (a) 3D isomet...Figure 5.12 Simulated performance characteristics of the single feed and dif...Figure 5.13 Simulated radiation patterns of the CP patch antenna in the y0z‐...Figure 5.14 Illustration of a differential‐fed distributed microstrip antenn...Figure 5.15 Some differential‐fed antenna arrays reported in the literature....Figure 5.16 Diagrams representing power dividers having multiple cascaded co...Figure 5.17 Some design examples of single‐ended‐to‐balanced power dividers ...Figure 5.18 Layout of a slotline‐to‐balanced‐microstrip line transition.Figure 5.19 Side view of the electric fields in the substrate between the bo...Figure 5.20 The developed SETB PD. (a) Layout. Source: (a) From [25] / with ...Figure 5.21 Synthesized differential‐mode S‐parameters of the SETB PD.Figure 5.22 Simulated and measured S‐parameters of the SETB PD prototype. (a...Figure 5.23 Configuration of a four‐element array fed by a differential feed...Figure 5.24 Electromagnetic model of the developed DFN based on the SETB PD ...Figure 5.25 LP differential array. (a) Isometric view of the 3D model. (b) B...Figure 5.26 Radiation patterns of the four‐element differential array fed by...Figure 5.27 The two differential‐fed antenna array configurations. (a) 1 × 4...Figure 5.28 Circular‐polarized 1 × 4 differential array: (a) 3D model. Sourc...Figure 5.29 Comparison of the array performance of the single feed and diffe...Figure 5.30 Electromagnetic model of a DFN that can feed a four‐element CP a...Figure 5.31 Prototype of the DFN connected to a differential‐fed 1 × 4 CP ar...Figure 5.32 Simulated and measured radiation patterns of the 1 × 4 different...Figure 5.33 Simulated and measured peak realized gain and axial ratio values...Figure 5.34 2 × 2 differential CP array fed by the DFN. (a) Isometric view o...Figure 5.35 Radiation patterns of the 2 × 2 differential CP array fed by the...Figure 5.36 AR values of the 2 × 2 differential CP array fed by the DFN.Figure 5.37 2 × 4 Butler matrix configurations. (a) Traditional single‐ended...Figure 5.38 Prototype of the Butler matrix driving the multi‐beam 1 × 4 diff...Figure 5.39 Simulated and measured E‐plane patterns of the LP differential a...Figure 5.40 The extended 2 × 8 Butler matrix DFN configuration used to drive...Figure 5.41 E‐plane radiation patterns of the eight‐element LP differential ...Figure 5.42 Configuration of a 4 × 8 Butler matrix feeding an eight‐element ...Figure 5.43 Simulated E‐plane radiation patterns for an eight‐element LP dif...

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 FSS multilayered element (Red represents metal and white represen...Figure 6.2 Transmission performance of the planar transmitarray element with...Figure 6.3 Bent transmitarray element slot length L parameter studies. (a) T...Figure 6.4 Conformal transmitarray configuration. (a) 3D perspective view. (...Figure 6.5 Phase distribution on the conformal transmitarray before bending....Figure 6.6 Graphical depiction of the phase of the elements on the conformal...Figure 6.7 Photographs of the conformal transmitarray prototype. (a) Front v...Figure 6.8 Simulated and measured input reflection coefficients of the confo...Figure 6.9 Simulated and measured radiation patterns at 25.5 GHz. (a) E‐plan...Figure 6.10 Simulated and measured realized gain versus frequency: (a) Confo...Figure 6.11 Side views of two different conformal transmitarrays. (a) Passiv...Figure 6.12 Different operating states of the beam scanning conformal transm...Figure 6.13 Photographs of the reconfigurable transmitarray prototype in the...Figure 6.14 Measured input reflection coefficients of the reconfigurable con...Figure 6.15 H‐plane realized gain patterns at 25.0 GHz for the different out...Figure 6.16 Measured cross‐polarization realized gain levels in the H‐plane ...Figure 6.17 Beam steering range limit of the prototype conformal transmitarr...Figure 6.18 Three transmitarray antennas to achieve the three beam direction...Figure 6.19 Huygens surface. (a) Sketch of the EM field and the induced curr...Figure 6.20 Developed Huygens element unit cell. (a) 3D view. (b) Top and bo...Figure 6.21 Simulated surface impedance values as functions of the source fr...Figure 6.22 Simulated Zm values as functions of the source frequency for dif...Figure 6.23 Simulated amplitude and phase of |S21| for Element 1 as function...Figure 6.24 Simulated current distributions on the metallic traces in Elemen...Figure 6.25 Conformal Transmitarray. (a) 3D view. (b) 2D side view. (c) 2D s...Figure 6.26 Simulated S21 amplitude and phase of Element 1 when it is excite...Figure 6.27 Photographs of the conformal transmitarray prototype in the meas...Figure 6.28 Simulated and measured values of the input reflection coefficien...Figure 6.29 Simulated and measured values of the boresight‐realized gain of ...Figure 6.30 Simulated and measured realized gain patterns of the prototype H...Figure 6.31 Transmitarray contour design. (a) Elliptical section. (b) Corres...Figure 6.32 Comparison of the exact and approximated phase error.Figure 6.33 Refocusing schematic.Figure 6.34 Transmitarray configuration having feed system with 2 N + 1...Figure 6.35 Simulated magnitude and values of |S21| as functions of the slot...Figure 6.36 Simulated E‐ and H‐plane realized gain patterns with d00 = 205 m...Figure 6.37 Geometry used to calculate the horn feed position.Figure 6.38 Simulated gain of the multi‐beam transmit array at 21 GHz. (a) M...

7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 1‐D reconfigurable FP LWA. (a) 3D view of a short portion of the ...Figure 7.2 Reconfigurable 1‐D FP LWA cross section (left) and the transverse...Figure 7.3 Phase and magnitude of the reflection coefficient associated with...Figure 7.4 Phase of the PRS reflection coefficient for plane waves incident ...Figure 7.5 Leaky‐mode dispersion curves (LPRS = 22 mm). (a) and (b) Frequenc...Figure 7.6 HFSS‐simulated leaky‐mode electric‐field pattern inside the FP PR...Figure 7.7 Simulated normalized H‐plane patterns for the reconfigurable FP L...Figure 7.8 Leaky‐mode pointing angle of the reconfigurable FP LWA as a funct...Figure 7.9 Reconfigurable FP LWA prototype. (a) Top views of the prototype a...Figure 7.10 Measured reflection coefficient values as functions of the sourc...Figure 7.11 Simulated and measured S‐parameters as functions of the reverse ...Figure 7.12 Photograph of the experimental setup of the pattern measurements...Figure 7.13 Measured normalized patterns at 5.6 GHz for different reverse bi...Figure 7.14 Measured and simulated performance characteristics of the reconf...Figure 7.15 Period‐reconfigurable LWA. (a) Perspective view. (b) Top view....Figure 7.16 Unit cell of the period‐reconfigurable LWA. (a) Configuration. (...Figure 7.17 Radiation efficiency of one unit cell when the diode is forward ...Figure 7.18 Current distributions on the patch when the diode is not biased....Figure 7.19 Variation of the scan angle θn as a function of the period Figure 7.20 Normalized patterns of the period‐reconfigurable LWA when its pe...Figure 7.21 Illustration of introducing a second array shifted from the orig...Figure 7.22 Array factor (AF) explanation on the harmonic suppression method...Figure 7.23 The harmonic suppression method is used to remove the n = −1 har...Figure 7.24 Normalized patterns of the period‐reconfigurable when the n = −3...Figure 7.25 Beam scanning normalized radiation patterns of the isotropic‐poi...Figure 7.26 Beam scanning angle for each beam generated by the period‐reconf...Figure 7.27 Comparison of the normalized patterns of the electric field radi...Figure 7.28 Prototype of the period‐reconfigurable LWA. (a) Antenna substrat...Figure 7.29 Simulated normalized patterns of the scanned beams radiated by t...Figure 7.30 Measured results of the beam scanning radiation patterns normali...Figure 7.31 The simulated (at 5 GHz) and measured (at 4.87 GHz) gain values ...Figure 7.32 The simulated and measured beam angles of the 14 scanned beams w...Figure 7.33 The simulated and measured sidelobe levels of each of the 14 sca...Figure 7.34 S‐parameters of the period‐reconfigurable LWA. (a) Simulated and...Figure 7.35 Normalized attenuation constant α/k0 for each of the 14 bea...Figure 7.36 Power percentages and antenna efficiency for each of the 14 beam...Figure 7.37 T‐type equivalent circuit of a 1‐D conventional CRLH unit cell....Figure 7.38 Dispersion curves for different values of in the CRLH unit cel...Figure 7.39 Dispersion curves for different values of and in the unit ce...Figure 7.40 Dispersion curves for different values of , , and in the uni...Figure 7.41 Single‐layer frequency‐based continuous beam scanning CRLH LWA d...Figure 7.42 The properties of the unit cell of the frequency‐based continuou...Figure 7.43 The frequency‐based continuous beam scanning CRLH LWA. (a) S‐par...Figure 7.44 Side view (not to scale) of the developed fixed‐frequency beam s...Figure 7.45 The fixed‐frequency beam scanning CRLH LWA configuration. (a) To...Figure 7.46 A 3D view (not to scale) of the fixed‐frequency beam scanning CR...Figure 7.47 Capacitance values of CV1 and CV2 as functions of the simulated ...Figure 7.48 S‐parameters as functions of the simulated main beam direction a...Figure 7.49 Sidelobe level (SLL) and realized gain as functions of the simul...Figure 7.50 Simulated radiation patterns for the antenna’s six operating sta...Figure 7.51 Realized gain as a function of the frequency for six operating s...Figure 7.52 Photographs of the fabricated fixed‐frequency beam scanning CRLH...Figure 7.53 Measured realized gain patterns for five of the antenna’s operat...Figure 7.54 Measured realized gain patterns for four of the antenna’s operat...Figure 7.55 Simulation model of the designed 2‐D scanning LWA.Figure 7.56 Simulation model of the horn BFN. Design parameters: dp = 15.00,...Figure 7.57 Phase inverter designs [43]. (a) Simulation model of the 180° ph...Figure 7.58 Simulated SIW‐to‐HMSIW transition model, E‐field distribution an...Figure 7.59 Simulation model of the HMSIW‐based LWA [43]. (a) Perspective vi...Figure 7.60 Simulated HMSIW‐based LWA results for its states S1 and S5. (a) ...Figure 7.61 Simulated gain patterns of the HMSIW‐based LWA. Solid line: with...Figure 7.62 Fabricated prototype and measurement setup.Figure 7.63 Simulated and measured S‐parameters.Figure 7.64 Simulated 3 dB contours showing the total coverage area of the H...Figure 7.65 Simulated and measured normalized co‐ and cross‐polarization pat...Figure 7.66 Directivity and realized gain results of the HMSIW‐based LWA for...

8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 The array factor and its periodicity for dx = dy = λ/2, Tu =...Figure 8.2 Design details of the parasitic‐patch‐based antenna used in the M...Figure 8.3 Simulated performance characteristics of the parasitic patch‐base...Figure 8.4 Two versions of the 128‐element array layout. (a) Conventional fu...Figure 8.5 The gain patterns of the thinned and full arrays, both with 128 e...Figure 8.6 A histogram comparison of the maximum SLL obtained for the 128 el...Figure 8.7 Configuration of a 3 × 3 planar array (a) with, and (b) without r...Figure 8.8 Illustration of the definitions of the CoP and XP directions.Figure 8.9 Design details of the U‐slot‐loaded microstrip antenna element ut...Figure 8.10 The synthesized flat‐top CoP patterns and XP patterns at the ini...Figure 8.11 The synthesized rotation angles and excitation phases at the ini...Figure 8.12 The fabricated 24‐element U‐slot microstrip antenna array with r...Figure 8.13 The measured CoP and XP patterns as well as the full‐wave simula...Figure 8.14 The synthesized circular flat‐top (a) CoP and (b) XP patterns an...Figure 8.15 The synthesized element‐rotated planar array that radiates the s...Figure 8.16 Schematic diagram of a nonuniformly spaced linear array and the ...Figure 8.17 The element‐rotated dipole array with both the global and local ...Figure 8.18 The sum and difference patterns obtained by the joint rotation a...Figure 8.19 The synthesized and full‐wave simulated sum and difference patte...Figure 8.20 An example of the antenna radiation patterns for a linear array ...Figure 8.21 The dual‐beam for the 24‐element linear array synthesized with t...Figure 8.22 The dual‐beam pattern of the 32‐element linear array includes on...

Advanced Antenna Array Engineering for 6G and Beyond Wireless Communications

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