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Easily Recognizable Verbs
ОглавлениеVerbos Fácilmente Reconocibles
ABANDONAR, to abandon
ABOLIR, to abolish
ABOMINAR, to condemn, abominate
ABORTAR, to abort, miscarriage, stop
ABREVIAR, to shorten
ABROGAR, to abrogate
ABSOLVER, to acquit, absolve (RELIG)
ABSORBER, to absorb
ABUNDAR, to abound
ABUSAR, to abuse sthg, take advantage, to go too far
ACAMPAR, to camp
ACCIONAR, to activate
ACELERAR, to accelerate, speed up
ACEPTAR, to accept
ACLAMAR, to acclaim
ACOMODAR, to seat sb, to install, accommodate
ACOMPAÑAR, to go with, accompany sb
ACONDICIONAR, to condition, convert, upgrade
ACOSAR, to harass
ACREDITAR, to certify, authorize, credit
ACTIVAR, to activate
ACTUAR, to act, undertake
ACUMULAR, to accumulate
ACUSAR, to accuse, charge
ADAPTAR, to adjust, adapt
ADHERIR, to stick, adhere
ADJUDICAR, to award, adjudicate
ADMINISTRAR, to manage, run, administer
ADMIRAR, to admire
ADMITIR, to admit
ADOCTRINAR, to instruct, indoctrinate
ADOPTAR, to adopt, pass, take
ADORAR, to worship, adore,
ADORNAR, to decorate, adorn
ADULAR, to flatter
AFECTAR, to affect; upset, sadden
AFIRMAR, to confirm, declare, affirm
AFRONTAR, to face up to, confront
AGITAR, to shake, stir, agitate, wave
AGLOMERAR, to bring together, agglomerate
AGRANDAR, to make bigger, enlarge
AGRAVAR, to aggravate, increase
AGRAVIAR, to offend, insult
AGRUPAR, to group together, group, gather
AJUSTAR, to adjust, tighten, fit, regulate
ALARMAR, to alarm, alert; frighten
ALERTAR, to alert, give the alarm
ALIVIAR, to smooth, relieve, lighten, ease
ALTERAR, to alter, agitate, disrupt
ALTERNAR, to alternate; to mix, socialize
ALUDIR, to allude, refer to
AMERITAR, to merit, deserve
AMPLIAR, to expand, extend
AMPLIFICAR, to amplify
AMPUTAR, to amputate, to cut off
ANALIZAR, to analyze
ANEXAR, to attach, annex, append
ANOTAR, to note, make a note of, record
ANTECEDER, to precede
ANTICIPAR, to anticipate, foresee
ANULAR, to cancel, annul, repeal, rescind
ANUNCIAR, to announce, advertise
APARTAR, to move away, remove, separate
APELAR, to appeal
APLANAR, to level, make even, flatten
APLAUDIR, to applaud, welcome, approve
APLICAR, to apply, give
APRECIAR, to appreciate, be fond of, like
APREHENDER, to apprehend, to arrest, seize, detain
APRISIONAR, to imprison
APROBAR, to approve, pass, endorse
APROPIAR, to adapt, to appropriate, award, assign
APROVISIONAR, to supply, provision
APROXIMAR, to move closer, bring nearer
AQUIETAR, to calm down, allay
ARBITRAR, to referee, umpire, arbitrate
ARCHIVAR, to file, keep in mind, store away
ARGUMENTAR, to argue
ARRESTAR, to arrest, detain
ARROLLAR, to roll up, coil, wind; knock down
ARRUINAR, to ruin, wreck, destroy
ARTICULAR, to articulate, speak coherently
ASALTAR, to attack, storm, assault
ASCENDER, to go up, climb, promote ascend, rise
ASENTIR, to assent, agree
ASFIXIAR, to asphyxiate, suffocate
ASISTIR, to attend to, assist, accompany
ASUMIR, to assume, take over, take on
ATENDER, to attend to, deal with, look after
ATORMENTAR, to torture, torment
ATRAPAR, to catch, trap
ATRIBUIR, to attribute to, confer on
AUDITAR, to audit
AUGURAR, to predict, augur, foresee
AUMENTAR, to increase, augment, magnify
AUTOMATIZAR, to automate
AUTORIZAR, to allow, authorize, empower
AVANZAR, to advance, move forward, put forward
AVISAR, to advise, warn; catch sight of, notify
AVIVAR, to rekindle, revive, brighten, intensify