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As prefatory to this volume, it may be expedient here to introduce the credentials which I have lately received from the spirit world. With the medium of their communication, Mr. Lanning, of this city, No. 124 Arch St., I have had but little intercourse, knowing him, however, by report, as a good man and a zealous spiritualist. The communication which I owe to his mediumship, was utterly unexpected by me, never having, in any way, hinted to him, directly or indirectly, that it would be desirable to receive such an indication of confidence and approbation.

The first and only knowledge which I had of this, to me, stirring appeal, is comprised in the following letter from Lanning. The difference between the style of his own language, though very good for its purpose, and that which he ascribes to the spirits, must corroborate his allegation that this address did not originate in his brain.

On submitting the address to my spirit father, he sanctioned the idea of its proceeding from spirits.

Philadelphia, June 7, 1855.

Dear Sir: I send you the following communication, and think it to be an emanation from the spirit life. I feel not a little reluctance in so doing, for it is seldom I can get any thing for others. How it may suit your mind, I do not know, nor do I wish to impose it upon you for any thing worthy your consideration. I would hesitate much to instruct one so much my senior, and whose name I esteem, were it not that I love a cause so near your heart; and I feel that my mind is only the channel through which I have every evidence, the unseen in the spirit life, at times give their thoughts to mortals. I have no idea from what spirit it came, but know it did not originate in my own brain.

Very truly, yours, J. F. Lanning.

To Dr. Robert Hare, Philadelphia:

Prof. Robert Hare—Venerable and much-esteemed friend, it is an unwonted pleasure with us to number you as a leading mind in the ranks of this new and better gospel which is being given to the dwellers of earth. We see the many and perplexing difficulties which, to you, apparently hinder your progress in this path to light and love, and we sympathize with you in all your efforts to unfold your mind and to render it useful and happy.

Could you see the great glory which is to be the issue of your labours in the new unfoldings of spiritual science, you would not despair of your mission, nor weary in your devotion to it. Let us ask you, If there is any earthly fame or consideration that could induce you to turn back again to the familiar paths in which a life of patient labour has been spent? If there is any earthly joy or brilliant attainment which you have ever enjoyed, worthy to be compared with the little you have realized since you commenced your investigations in this the most important pursuit of your life? Ask yourself how much happiness you have found in the contemplation of that fact which has been demonstrated, not only to your wishes, but to your senses, that the thinking mind never dies; that the grave, which is but the wardrobe of the cast-off garment of the spirit, has no power over the soul; that it lives on, lives ever, and must throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity continue to unfold its powers. Ask yourself, what is earth, what is fame, what is the endearment to your present life, when contrasted or compared with the assurance which you now have, that there is no death, no loss of your individuality, no severing of the ties of friendship and love which shall not be renewed again in that fairer land, the home of the angels, whither you and all you love on earth are tending? Ponder then, our venerable friend, and ask your thirsting soul, if this knowledge is not worth more than the cost of diamonds to you? We, who have laid aside the crumbling casket which contained the priceless jewel that is never tarnished, know full well the value of this gem of knowledge which now sparkles on your vision just opened.

There are many things which we would like to say to you, but the conditions and circumstances which control our operations render it impossible for us to present to your mind the light which it so much seeks. To answer the demands of your spirit is now impossible to us. Time and the unfoldings of your mind can only solve the questions you would propound. You are well aware that the growth of your present knowledge is but the effect of earnest inquiry, of patient toil, and deep study, and experiment after experiment in your searchings for truth. Such was the only way you reached the position which you now occupy in the science so dear to you. It came in no other way, it could come in no other. The child is subjected to the necessity of first learning the alphabet before it is prepared to spell, and must understand the meaning of words before it can comprehend the sentence it reads. So in this investigation. That which is apparently of little meaning must first be learned, the alphabet must be mastered, hard words pronounced, and all must be understood before there is a fittedness for progression. The wisest on earth, aye, the wisest in spirit life, are learners, students: none but God is perfectly wise; and it is no humiliation to any mind that it contains not all of wisdom. Let us say to you that if patient in your investigations, you shall in due time obtain that which you so earnestly seek. Could we work miracles, (a thing impossible,) they would astound rather than enlighten your mind. Could we withdraw the veil which separates the vision from the things you desire to see in our spheres of life, you have no data by which you could make plain to yourself or to the eyes of your fellow-man the sights you would behold.

Go on in your searchings, our good friend: the end is not yet with you. Brilliant minds with brilliant thoughts are burning to give utterance to earth through you. You are a selected instrument of our own choosing, and we are watching and guiding in the path and to the goal you seek. You may not only “speak trumpet-tongued to the scientific world,” but in thunder-tones to those savans who think they are the masters of the keys of knowledge.

Experimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestations

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