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About the Authors


Roberto Ballini is a Full Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Camerino (Italy) and Past President of the Italian Organic Chemistry Division. The scientific activity of Prof. Ballini is mainly dedicated to Organic Synthesis, with particular interest on the chemistry of nitroalkanes that, thanks to their highly chemical versatility, can be easily employed for new generation of C—C single and C=C double bond, for the cleavage of C—C bond, for their conversion into other important functionalities, thus as key building blocks in the synthesis, often under sustainable conditions, of a large variety of important “fine chemicals” such as natural products featuring enhanced biologically activity, pharmaceuticals, etc.

The scientific activities have been evidenced by:

1 More than 250 publications, including more than 20 reviews, mainly dedicated to the chemistry of nitroalkanes.

2 The role of Editor of the Green Chemistry Books: (i) Eco-Friendly Processes and Procedures for the Synthesis of Fine Chemicals (2009) and (ii) Green Synthetic Processes and Procedures (2019); both of Green Chemistry Series of Royal Chemical Society, Cambridge.

3 The preparation, as main author, of four Book chapters on the field of “Nitroalkanes.”

Alessandro Palmieri obtained his Laurea degree cum laude in Chemistry in 2002 at the University of Camerino (Italy) where, five years later, he received the PhD degree in Chemical Sciences. Then, in the period 2007–2010 he held a postdoctoral fellowship and in 2008 he moved, as visiting postdoctoral fellow, to the ITC laboratory at the University of Cambridge (Prof. Steven V. Ley). After the experience as assistant professor (2010–2013), in 2014 he was appointed associate professor in Organic Chemistry at the University of Camerino. Currently, his research interests involve (i) the chemistry of aliphatic nitro compounds, (ii) the realization of new one-pot protocols for generating and derivatizing heterocyclic systems, (iii) the preparation and use of solid supported reagents, (iv) the development of new sustainable processes, and (v) flow chemical protocols.


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