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As already discussed, you may not have access to modern amenities during an emergency, so you’re going to need food that’s been preserved in a manner that doesn’t depend on refrigeration or possibly even cooking. There are several different ways that you can do this, and this chapter previews some of the most popular and successful methods of food preparation and cooking featured throughout this book.

Alternative Cooking Methods

Many of the foods that you’re going to prepare are ready to eat, but if the emergency event extends beyond a day or two, you’ll get pretty tired of cold food. Also, if you’re a coffee drinker or a person who likes to wash in warm water, you’ll probably want to have a heat source handy that doesn’t require electricity. There are several options out there, and all of them have their ups and downs. It is best to have more than one cooking method available, just in case.

Open Wood Fires

Without a doubt, this is the most popular way to cook without power, especially if you need an alternative source of heat for more than a day or two. If you plan to cook over an open fire, you can either use a campfire-type pit or you can build a fire pit that already has racks, a flue, and whatever other accessories you’d like to build into it.

If you decide to cook with wood, you’ll need to have a plentiful stock of dried wood and a way to light it. Wet wood won’t burn and it will create an excessive amount of smoke that can affect the flavor of your food. Also, you can only use it outside, so plan to cook in all weather conditions if this is one of your methods.

Tools that you’ll need:



 Rack, tripod, or special cooking rack with legs

 Iron skillets, a Dutch oven, iron or copper kettles, or any combination of these

 Wooden or metal spoons and spatulas with longer handles

 Pot holders or towels to move your cookware

 Cast iron or other metal fire poker or wooden stick

Barbecue Grill

You can always use your barbecue grill to cook with. Stock up on charcoal or fuel, and as with an open fire, be prepared to cook in inclement weather. The downside here is that fuel supplies are limited to what you store, although you can always burn wood in it if you run out of charcoal or propane. If you opt to do this, though, make sure you remove the fuel tanks completely prior to building a wood or charcoal fire in your gas grill.

Supplies that you’ll need:

 Fire starter if you’re using charcoal or wood


 Barbecue utensils

 Skillets, Dutch ovens, pots, or a combination of these to cook foods that you can’t prepare on the racks

Fireplace or Wood-Burning Stove

The advantages to using your fireplace or wood-burning cookstove as an alternative cooking method are many. The biggest two advantages probably are that you can cook inside in any weather and that as long as you have wood, you have a fuel source. However, if it’s hot outside, your house is going to become really hot from the residual heat. You’ll need the same equipment that you’d need for cooking on a campfire.

Camp Stove

The advantage to using a camp stove is that it’s portable. If you need to leave in a hurry, you have a heat source that you can toss in the car or strap to your bug-out bag without adding much weight. The downsides are that you need fuel for it and you can’t use it indoors. Expect to get about an hour of heat from a 16.4-ounce fuel bottle.

Solar Oven

A solar oven consists of solar panels and a black pot that holds your food. The solar panels trap the heat and direct it to the pot. It doesn’t require any fuel other than the sun, but if it’s a cold or overcast day, it won’t be effective enough to cook with.

Rocket Stove

A rocket stove is a small, single-burner stove that uses wood to efficiently trap heat in a high-temperature combustion chamber. The smaller ones are portable, but you’ll need wood to fuel them.

Volcano Stove

These are wonderful gadgets to keep in your emergency kit because they’re light, portable, self-contained, and extremely efficient. You can use wood, charcoal, or propane, and many of them already have racks on them. The concept is that the heat is funneled directly to the food instead of being lost to the environment.

Stove in a Can

These amazing little tools are lightweight and easy to throw into your bug-out bag or emergency kit. They’re simply little heat cells that you place in the bottom of a can to convert it into a stove.

Alternative Food Sources

There are several different sources from which you can gather foodstuffs for your emergency food supply, but the most important thing to remember is that you need to rotate your emergency food supply. The best way to do that is to use your emergency supply as part of your usual food stores. You shouldn’t be stocking your pantry with foods that you wouldn’t eat anyway; make your emergency supply a larger version of what you already buy, with perhaps just a little more emphasis on canned proteins such as tuna and chicken.

One thing that you’ll need to remember, however, is the idea that sugar and excess calories are always bad. In an emergency situation, you’re going to need calorie-dense foods in order to meet your energy requirements, because you may not be eating three to five low-calorie meals per day. You may need to get all of your energy from one or two food bars.

The Value of Condiments

Imagine how much easier it would be to live on canned chicken for a week if you had some mayonnaise, canned gravy, mustard, teriyaki sauce, and maybe some pickle relish. Condiments can make all of the difference in the world and they’re cheap. They will also be great barter items because everybody is going to be sick of eating plain meat and vegetables. Seasonings will also make your life easier and will be valuable, so don’t forget them when you’re building your stockpile.

Commercially Preserved Foods

The idea of starting your supply may seem daunting, but it’s actually quite easy. Just buy a little bit extra each time that you go to the store. It doesn’t even have to be much. Start with buying two cans of chicken broth or tuna instead of one. It’s that easy; but of course, if you can buy more, then your supply would build faster.

Be careful when you buy commercially canned or boxed foods because they’re often full of salt and preservatives. Also, remember that you can’t go by the serving size listed on the can or box. You know your appetite and that of your family. If each of you can eat a can of tuna, then use an entire can as one serving when you’re doing your planning.

If you use coupons and take advantage of buy-one-get-one-free sales at the grocery store, you can build your emergency supply fairly inexpensively and quickly.

Meals Ready to Eat (MREs)

originally created by the military, these are vacuum-packed meals that are ready to eat right out of the package. These can range from single-food meals such as green beans to full meals such as lasagna. In recent years, technology has even advanced to the point where these meals heat themselves via a chemical reaction with just a few spoonfuls of water dropped in the outside layer of the pack. These are great for your bug-out bag because they’re light and generally packed with nutrients and calories.

Meal-Replacement Bars

You’ve seen them in the supermarkets and convenience stores, and you’ve probably even had at least one meal-replacement bar in your life. They’re a great food for your bug-out bag because they’re portable, macronutrient-rich, and easy to eat on the run. They also don’t weigh much or take up much space. As with all processed foods, watch the sodium content so they don’t make you thirsty.

Home-Canned Foods

Preserving foods via canning has been practiced for centuries, and it simply involves heating the food to a temperature that kills all harmful bacteria and pushes air out of the jar so that harmful bacteria can’t grow inside of the jar. There are three primary ways to can foods: water bath (or boiling water) canning, pressure canning, and dry canning. The first two are by far the most common, but all three methods are reviewed in this book, accompanied by some fabulous recipes.

Dehydrated Foods

This process involves removing the water from produce and meats to greatly reduce the rate of spoilage. Once the water is out of the food, it can be dry-canned or vacuum-packed and kept for years without losing much of the nutritional value. You can dehydrate foods fairly easily at home using a food dehydrator that costs very little. But try to get one with heat settings so you can dry foods at the temperatures recommended for best results. Dehydrated foods can be rehydrated in a few hours by soaking the food in water or another liquid.

Freeze-Dried Foods

This is a fairly expensive process because of the equipment required, so most people just buy freeze-dried foods. It involves instantly flash-freezing the food so it remains in basically the same nutritional state that it was in prior to being freeze-dried. You lose very little of the nutritional value when you freeze-dry food.

Vacuum-Packed Foods

Vacuum-packing involves sealing a food product in plastic that has had all of the air sucked out of it. Spoilage can still occur, however, and if a food required refrigeration prior to being vacuum-packed, it will still need to be refrigerated after vacuum-packing.

These are the most common methods of preparing foods for long-term storage. Canning and dehydrating will be discussed more in depth over the next several chapters.

Building Your Bug-Out Bag

If your house was on fire, a flood was coming, or another event requiring you to leave quickly occurred, wouldn’t it be good to have all of your important documents and some emergency items altogether in one spot where you could quickly grab them? Of course it would, and that’s exactly what a bug-out bag is: a bag that’s already packed with vital items and a small supply of food in case you need to “bug out” in a hurry. You may hear this emergency bag referred to by the following names:

 72-hour bag

 GOOD (Get out of Dodge) bag

 Go bag

 PERK (Personal Emergency Relocation Kit) bag

Regardless of what you call it, there are many different reasons to pack one. The idea originated with military personnel who were accustomed to being called out in a hurry and has been adopted by civilians who believe in being prepared.

How Do You Decide What to Put in Your Bug-Out Bag?

What food goes in your bug-out bag depends upon several factors, including:

 What type of event you’re preparing for

 Who’s going to carry it

 How far it will be carried

 Where you’re going to store it

 Geographical needs

Regardless of these factors, several items should be in every bug-out bag. See the back of the book for a bug-out bag checklist that includes food, water, and some standard items that should be in every bag, plus some optional items such as medications, blankets, pet food, and maps.

The Preppers Cookbook: Essential Prepping Foods and Recipes to Deliciously Survive Any Disaster

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