Читать книгу Non-Obvious 2017 Edition - Рохит Бхаргава - Страница 34

How to Be Fickle


Being fickle may seem like a bad thing, but that isn’t always true.

When we hear the word, we tend to think of all the negative situations where we abandon people or ideas too quickly, but there is an upside to learning how to be purposefully fickle.

Being fickle means capturing ideas without needing to fully understand or analyze them in that same moment.

On the surface, this may seem counterintuitive. After all, when you find a great idea why wouldn’t you take the time to analyze it and develop a point of view? There are certainly many situations when you do this already.

But you probably never do the opposite. A part of becoming an idea curator is saving ideas for later digestion. Of course you can always think about them when you find them, but you don’t always need to.

For example, here are three interesting stories which I recently saw and saved:

 Coca-Cola decided to disconnect voicemail for all employees at its corporate headquarters in Atlanta.

 Richard Branson allows Virgin staff to take as much holiday as they want.

 A Trader Joe’s employee gave a gift of flowers to a flustered mom of adopted kids who was leaving the store after an embarrassing toddler meltdown because the employee herself had been adopted and she just wanted to say thanks.

When I saved each of the stories above, I didn’t make the broader connection to tie them together. Only when I reviewed them at the end of the year while researching trends did I realize that each of these stories says something unique about the state of employee relationships with their employers and empowerment.

There was a theme, but it was only by setting those stories aside and choosing to analyze them later that I had enough perspective to see that connection. Being fickle isn’t about avoiding thought—it is about freeing yourself from the pressure to recognize connections immediately and make it easier to save an idea for later analysis.

Non-Obvious 2017 Edition

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