Читать книгу Non-Obvious 2017 Edition - Рохит Бхаргава - Страница 38



1 Wait a Moment – The beauty and challenge of the Internet is that it occurs in real time. We have an idea, and we can share it immediately. It’s easy to think that if you can’t be the first person to comment on something, that your thoughts are too late. That is rarely true. “Real time” should not mean sharing a comment from the top of your head within seconds. Instead, you should aim to redefine it so your comment is still relevant beyond the particular moment you write it with social media. This means you might choose to take 15 minutes (or longer!) to think about how you want to share it.

2 Write and then Rewrite – Anyone who has ever had to write for a long time will tell you that the ultimate way to get better is just to force yourself to do it even if whatever comes out isn’t particularly polished. When it comes to being thoughtful with writing, even the most talented writers take the time to rewrite instead of simply sharing the first thing that they write down.

3 Embrace the Pauses – One of the things speakers try to learn as soon as they spend any time standing in front of an audience is how to become comfortable with silence. It’s not an easy thing to do. Yet when you can use pauses effectively, you can emphasize the things you really want people to hear or remember. This same principle works whether you are on stage or just engaged in a conversation. The trick is to use those pauses as times to find the right words so you can be more thoughtful when you eventually do share your point of view.

Non-Obvious 2017 Edition

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