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Chapter 6

The Decision

Revolutionary Council, Command Center

Washington DC

“Gentlemen, Colonel Duncan has notified us of a serious problem. Infiltrators may have compromised the integrity of our California base. I have had Senator Forthright on the hotline from there, and he has advised us to put our initial implementation date on hold until they can clear up this problem.”

“General, what exactly do you mean by ‘serious’ problem, and if it is serious, don’t you think it would be prudent to move our dates up and not back? We have come too far to turn back now. The country is in a state of near anarchy. We must be ready to fight if we expect to win. Those liberals in all parties on the hill are giving us away faster than we can count to ten.”

Perry Newcomb, senior member of the House of Representatives and one of several conservative Democrats serving in the House, was an old FDR and Harry Truman fan.

“Perry, we have the situation under control and are working on the problem. We don’t want to move before all our forces are in place. What we are doing is as close to treason as we can get. At this time, we must take control immediately, if we are to succeed. To move ahead now could cause us to fail. No, we need a little more time to bring this to a head.”

He was a staunch Democrat of the old school and was appalled by the excessive attitude of the House and what had happened to the country and the constitution. Their lust to give and give and give without those receiving to repay or contribute was appalling. He knew the only way to restore the country’s constitutional rights was to move against the administration and the Congress. He could see it was the only way to free the people and regain the eroded world leadership. It was decided—establishing a new order within was necessary. The new world order could not be a part of the country or the American people. All borders must be reestablished and then a referendum taken to settle the inclusion of both foreign nations as a part of the United States of America. If any one nation voted against the issue, it would become null and void, and the borders would be reestablished as before. At that point, all illegal aliens would be turned back from the borders and all found in the country deported. America and her people must come first.

America must reopen her factories with jobs available for all. Perry was in this to liberate the country from the foreign domination that was taking place and to restore law and order. He was a man convinced. They were tearing the country apart, and no one cared. Well, he and the council did. If the Congress, the administration, and judicial branches didn’t care, well, then they would have to go.

Perry questioned the general. “General, if this is a very serious problem, will we be in jeopardy from the military? Installations in the surrounding areas could affect our efforts.”

“No, all the installations in that area believe there is a special testing facility that is top secret, and they will pass all incoming aircraft through without hindrance.”

“Also,” the general continued, “we have managed to assign top operatives at each installation and assault personnel to take command when we reach zero hour.”

Perry was making notes of the general’s remarks and listening intently as the general continued. “As you know, we have many personnel ready to act when the time comes. We have scrutinized, planned all phases, and planned again to ensure our success. Gentlemen, we cannot fail. We are too close. Too many people are involved now, and it is imperative we remain on our present schedule, provided of course nothing else goes wrong.”

The general reached over and picked up his computer board. He typed in his personal code and opened a modem link to California and started typing. A few minutes later, he turned to his colleagues and said, “Gentlemen, I have sent Senator Forthright and Colonel Duncan authorization to start our strike plan after they have cleared up this problem, provided we have no serious leaks. But in case the media or some small-time police agency gets involved, I have instructed them to move in a subteam and escort those involved to their base camp. They will make them comfortable until phase 1 is complete. Is everyone in agreement?”

No one moved for a few minutes, one by one, after much thought, all agreed it would be the best thing to do.

“Gentlemen, we have much to do. We are getting close, and the country will need each and every one of us. So let’s go on back and make sure everything is ready to go. Count down will start soon. Keep your computer links and smartphones on line. Should any one of them fail, you must call for a backup unit. We have them ready and preprogrammed. You know the number. Remember, freedom must be earned.”

The members of the board silently got up and left the conference room. The top men in government from both parties, military generals from all services, and members of the president’s own cabinet returned to their lives, with a true belief they would be saving the country and restoring democracy. In most of their minds, they knew from the lowest levels of government to the highest, they were manipulating the people and taking advantage of both the government and big business. America needs big business and most of all she needs the little guys too. They’re what made America what it is.

America’s ability to let the small entrepreneur create and grow was something that had been lost. The yoke of outrageous medical costs put on the neck of small business to control them was bankrupting the people at an alarming rate. The hospitals were reeling in excessive wealth with the high cost of service. Most doctors lined up patients like cattle, moving from room to room, seeing, diagnosing within three or four minutes, and not being able to remember a patient’s name without the aid of a patient’s file. It boiled down to no money, no cure. If you needed government help, you had to lose everything for Medicaid to work.

Drug costs had skyrocketed in this country, but in others, the costs were way below the American market, and they came from the same factories. Congress had changed bankruptcy laws in favor of the banks and credit card companies. It had become a joke. Congress had established a fee on all e-mail delivered to computers that went directly to the Postal Service, a fee that was unearned, fees that paid them for their inefficiencies. That too riled the new American public.

Yes, this government was in need of a complete overhaul. These were just a few of the problems the committee was concerned with—maybe not big to some, but they were the ones with which the population was concerned, health, jobs, homes, decent drug costs, nourishing food to eat, and a safe country to live in without fear of a child being kidnapped or assaulted and having teachers they could trust and a moral society for all to believe in. They all wanted to go back to decency. God knows what a mess it’s in now.

Freedom Earned

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