Читать книгу Freedom Earned - Ronald Price - Страница 14


Chapter 9


It was the sudden traffic in Emory’s ears that brought him back to reality. Some airliner was asking permission to climb to a higher altitude so his passengers could be comfortable. Emory scanned his instruments, made a few minor changes to his controls, and rechecked his time and airspeed to ensure a timely arrival. He activated his autopilot, and all systems were operating normally. He got up and went aft to the passenger cabin.

“Everything okay, Emory?” the senator asked when he saw him enter the cabin.

“Senator, everything is fine. We should meet our ETA as planned.”

The senator’s laptop computer was open and all he needed to do was finish a code and hit enter on his keyboard. The modem would hum, and a coup d’état would begin.

Key commanders would act in unison at strategic bases scattered across the country, simultaneously moving into position with all the might and force at their command, deploying specially trained troops to intervene in state and federal agencies. They would put National Guard commanders that were not reliable under house arrest in all the selected states and sections. The House and Senate would be closed, and all members in both the House and Senate outside the coup would be placed under arrest as well. They would detain all at highly classified detention centers in a southwest state, arid and desolate, well out of harm’s way. C-5 Galaxy and C-17 Globemaster II aircrafts waited to transport them safely to the detention centers. Dividing them up would be necessary. Placing them into separate centers and commingling the weak with the hard-liners would be necessary to control them.

The council would step in and declare a state of siege and, for the good of the country, place it under military control. They planned to suspend all constitutional rights temporarily and then implement the new powerful laws, returning the country to the people.

They would relocate the United Nations out of the United States, and diplomatic ties with all nations would be temporarily suspended. All foreign-dominated industries would be seized. Controlling interests would be negotiated.

A specially trained drug task force would be hitting the drug czars where it hurt the most, right in their own backyards. Any intervention from the host government would bring massive retaliation from the rebel-led United States.

All known members of drug rings would be arrested along with their lawyers and jailed. The world would learn they meant business. The news would be censored, and the gangs in all our major cities would find it hard to operate working on chain gangs.

All subversive would be picked up and held in holding camps until the country is stable. It was time to act. After all freedom is earned, and it’s something everyone has to work for to keep. Elements that were against the people and the disposed constitution would need to be returned with all amendments plus one. That one would guarantee it forever.

The senator’s thoughts were interrupted when Emory announced, “Senator, we will be arriving soon another forty-five minutes if this light traffic keeps up a slight overcast with light rains in DC. We’ll start our descent in about twenty minutes. Is there anything I can do for you now?”

“No, everything is fine. Please contact Michael on the scrambler and have him take over the doomsday alert status for me. Buzz me when he’s up and online so I can shut down. Then get me the counsel coordinator. I need to set up a meeting when we arrive in Washington.”

“Yes, sir.” Emory grabbed a cold drink from the fridge and returned to the cockpit, scanned his instruments, and put on his earphones. He then listened to the air traffic controllers doing their thing as he approached his destination.

Michael had stayed at the base to interrogate the woman they had brought in to decide if a situation was developing that could jeopardize the plan. It was inherent all loose ends were tied up if they were going to be successful. His concentration was interrupted when the phone rang. He reached down and picked up the handset.

“Yes, I’ll be right there. Make her comfortable. See that she’s fed.”

Michael put on his tie, sprayed a little cologne on, and slipped a 9 mm Smith and Wesson into his shoulder holster and then went out the door. It was time to see how much this pretty young woman knew.

Freedom Earned

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