Читать книгу GRE 2022 For Dummies with Online Practice - Ron Woldoff - Страница 51

Developing Your Skills for Finding the Correct Answers


Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence questions are designed to measure two core proficiencies: interpreting the text and using the vocabulary. These are two distinct skills that you build separately but must use together.

Most of the vocab words that you encounter on the GRE are used commonly in most professional industries, including business and journalism. One student came in with a New York Times article that had three of the vocab words that we’d reviewed in class! Such words as ephemeral (fleeting), abscond (sneak away), and imbroglio (entanglement) stump exam takers every day but appear regularly in publications.

This chapter guides you through the basics, and Chapter 7 has the tough vocab. Interpreting the text can be challenging; otherwise, it’s no fun — and has no place on the GRE. The following sections give you an overview along with how you can eliminate incorrect answers.

GRE 2022 For Dummies with Online Practice

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