Читать книгу GRE 2022 For Dummies with Online Practice - Ron Woldoff - Страница 57

Eliminate wrong answer choices


The final step to knocking out these questions is eliminating the wrong answer choices. Now that you know what the sentence is saying, the wrong answers are clear.

Here’s the example question again, this time with the answer choices provided.

Directions: For each blank, select one entry from the corresponding column of choices. Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.

Coerced by his kids into watching The LEGO Movie, Andy was (i) _____, although the movie surprisingly turned out to be (ii) _____.

Compare the answer choices, one at a time, to the words you already came up with on your own (reluctant and awesome). Cross thrilled and excited off the first list, because they have nothing to do with reluctant. Similarly, lousy and subpar are far from awesome. The correct answers are Choices (C), hesitant, and (F), a blast, which both match your predictions and make sense when you read the sentence.

These questions can be challenging, so if you’re not sure whether an answer choice should be crossed off, don’t spend time on it. Instead, mark it as “maybe” and go on to the next answer choice. Usually, you’ll finish reviewing the answer choices with one marked “maybe” and the others eliminated. Go with the “maybe” choice and move on.

Worst case, if you have to guess, you’ve narrowed down the answers to guess from. Then mark the question for review and return to it later.

These verbal questions should take you less than a minute each, saving you valuable time for the time-intensive Reading Comprehension. (For more on GRE Reading Comprehension, read over to Chapter 5.)

GRE 2022 For Dummies with Online Practice

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