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Using natural resources efficiently


An environmentalist may see the environment as separate from humanity. However, farmers consider themselves stewards of the environment as they protect their land while producing food for people to eat.

While many people have a romantic image of who a farmer is, the reality is that today’s farmers have a broad understanding of natural resources, the biogeochemical nature of the earth, and the integrity of the biosphere. In other words, they’re scientists!

Modern farmers understand that a sustainable food system must remain within the planetary boundaries without irreversible impacts to the ecological systems. Even though the resources utilized to grow and produce food are sometimes under scrutiny, ultimately farmers are working toward increased production while using fewer resources (less land and water).

In fact, agriculture has to produce enough food for 10 billion people by 2050, while using fewer resources. This will require a team effort across the globe for innovation and partnership.

Regenerative agriculture is a relatively new term used to describe a holistic, principles-based approach to farming and ranching that focuses on the health of the ecological system, not just the production of crops or food. It may include a plan for cow grazing to restore pastures and grasslands. When animals graze, they add nutrients back into the soil, helping capture the carbon released. You may find a lot of different commentary surrounding this term; however, some of the practices used in regenerative ag aren’t new. Many U.S. farms have adopted processes that support this idea over the years, including no-till farming and utilization of cover crops. By limited or non-tilling of land, a farmer can maintain a more nutrient-rich soil. Planting cover crops helps maintain soil erosion and build organic matter.

Zero Waste Cooking For Dummies

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