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5.5.4 Legacy stream cipher modes
ОглавлениеYou may find two old stream-cipher modes of operation, output feedback mode (OFB) and less frequently ciphertext feedback mode (CFB).
Output feedback mode consists of repeatedly encrypting an initial value and using this as a keystream in a stream cipher. Writing IV for the initialization vector, we will have and . However an -bit block cipher in OFB mode will typically have a cycle length of blocks, after which the birthday theorem will see to it that we loop back to the IV. So we may have a cycle-length problem if we use a 64-bit block cipher such as triple-DES on a high-speed link: once we've called a little over pseudorandom 64-bit values, the odds favour a match. (In CBC mode, too, the birthday theorem ensures that after about blocks, we will start to see repeats.) Counter mode encryption, however, has a guaranteed cycle length of rather than , and as we noted above is easy to parallelise. Despite this OFB is still used, as counter mode only became a NIST standard in 2002.
Cipher feedback mode is another kind of stream cipher, designed for use in radio systems that have to resist jamming. It was designed to be self-synchronizing, in that even if we get a burst error and drop a few bits, the system will recover synchronization after one block length. This is achieved by using our block cipher to encrypt the last bits of ciphertext, adding the last output bit to the next plaintext bit, and shifting the ciphertext along one bit. But this costs one block cipher operation per bit and has very bad error amplification properties; nowadays people tend to use dedicated link layer protocols for synchronization and error correction rather than trying to combine them with the cryptography at the traffic layer.