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5.8 Summary


Many ciphers fail because they're used badly, so the security engineer needs a clear idea of what different types of cipher do. This can be tackled at different levels; one is at the level of crypto theory, where we can talk about the random oracle model, the concrete model and the semantic security model, and hopefully avoid using weak modes of operation and other constructions. The next level is that of the design of individual ciphers, such as AES, or the number-theoretic mechanisms that underlie public-key cryptosystems and digital signature mechanisms. These also have their own specialised fields of mathematics, namely block cipher cryptanalysis and computational number theory. The next level involves implementation badness, which is much more intractable and messy. This involves dealing with timing, error handling, power consumption and all sorts of other grubby details, and is where modern cryptosystems tend to break in practice.

Peering under the hood of real systems, we've discussed how block ciphers for symmetric key applications can be constructed by the careful combination of substitutions and permutations; for asymmetric applications such as public key encryption and digital signature one uses number theory. In both cases, there is quite a large body of mathematics. Other kinds of ciphers – stream ciphers and hash functions – can be constructed from block ciphers by using them in suitable modes of operation. These have different error propagation, pattern concealment and integrity protection properties. A lot of systems fail because popular crypto libraries encourage programmers to use inappropriate modes of operation by exposing unsafe defaults. Never use ECB mode unless you really understand what you're doing.

There are many other things that can go wrong, from side channel attacks to poor random number generators. In particular, it is surprisingly hard to build systems that are robust even when components fail (or are encouraged to) and where the cryptographic mechanisms are well integrated with other measures such as access control and physical security. I'll return to this repeatedly in later chapters.

The moral is: Don't roll your own! Don't design your own protocols, or your own ciphers; and don't write your own crypto code unless you absolutely have to. If you do, then you not only need to read this book (and then read it again, carefully); you need to read up the relevant specialist material, speak to experts, and have capable motivated people try to break it. At the very least, you need to get your work peer-reviewed. Designing crypto is a bit like juggling chainsaws; it's just too easy to make fatal errors.

Security Engineering

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