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VII-George Floyd and Bernell Trammel


On May 25th, 2020 a Black man named George Floyd was suffocated to death by an officer. After Floyd and a few others went to a store and paid with supposed “false” currency, the police were called. George Floyd had been moved from where he had been first handcuffed after the police arrived. Then an officer named Derek Chauvin proceeded to place his knee upon Floyd’s neck. Chauvin did not get off for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. George Floyd had died on the street, supposedly suffocated by Chauvin. In August, news from an official autopsy determined that Floyd has lethal methamphetamine in his body, swelling his lungs and not allowing him to breathe. However, liberals continue to ignore this news. This does not change the fact that it is a tragedy, but it changes the perspective of Floyd’s death. Floyd was heard in footage saying, “I can’t breathe.” People watching told the officers to do something however, nothing happened, and as a result, George Floyd died. This would cause outrage and change the course of world history in 2020. Protests began. These protests were against Police Brutality which had been shown even before George Floyd’s death. The Pandemic has not ended at this point. These protests shortly turned into riots. These riots began in Floyd’s hometown of Minnesota. “Thugs'' as President Trump calls them, were raiding stores, slapping a mannequin’s buttocks in front of cameras, killing innocents and officers, and blowing up or lighting police patrol cars on fire. This had come at a terrible time. The virus was starting to slow. However, now America, and now the world has to deal with riots and protests. Most Democratic mayors and governors alike were not doing much. The liberals had locked all their citizens up and now we are letting rampant thugs raid and steal from businesses. Tom Walz, the liberal governor of Minnesota finally told off his mayor after a few days, soon after deploying the national guard and slowing these riots. However, idiotic morons like New York governor Andrew Cuomo had not been doing anything. ANTIFA (Anti Fascists) has been marked as a terrorist organization by President Trump because of assault on officers during the riots and lootings. Trump then went on a phone call with all governors stating to “Dominate” and “Crack Down” on riots and lootings. Which was the right call. Still, liberals were not doing much, (apart from a few like Tom Walz) Trump then tweeted that he would get the military to deal with the riots. This, of course, caused the liberals to freak out. However, Trump has the right to do this. It is called the insurrection act, if the governors will not protect the rights of the citizens which they lawfully need to protect then Trump will do it himself. This caused more outrage calling Trump a dictator like the liberals have been for the past four years in Trump’s presidency. The liberals are corrupt and only look at it from one side. Late show hosts and annoying liberals are criticizing their president with non-valid points such as a tweet saying that he would crack down on riots. The liberals are getting out of hand. Floyd’s death is a tragedy, of course, no one can deny that however, these riots are not for him. An arrested man was questioned before being taken away by police asking why he is looting. He replied, “For that dough.” He had done a wrong action however, he complied with the questions and even admitted it was wrong. He also said, “It is also for Floyd, but mostly for dough.” Bill De Blasio is not helping the situation, instead, he decided to make it just worse. These rioters do not care for George Floyd. They do not, they care for money, it has become extremely clear. But Chris Cuomo compares it to the Boston Tea Party. Morons are in our government, more than ever. Trump is doing the right thing. A peaceful protest in Lafayette Square in Washington, DC was pushed back on orders by Trump. Trump had done this to take a photo-op with an almost burnt church. This is true and it is for a photo-op, but this is not the reason the country is falling apart. This is something you can be angry about. Trump was a week late, which is frustrating even for the Republicans and he did not need to take that stupid photo-op. But what about Cuomo, what he is doing, nothing. Though Trump did the photo-op he is doing more than Cuomo will ever do. These riots need to end now. Trump called for law and order and if the governors do not comply then do not be surprised to see the military in your state. Trump is doing exactly what he needs to. Yet the liberals continue to complain about Trump because they did not win the election. We continue to be baffled by the things the rioters are doing to things, as demonstrated in Philadelphia. In Portland, devastation. Federal officers are being pelted by rocks, and the Democrats continue to say and do nothing. Bill De Blasio threatens to sue Trump if he brings officers in New York. Ignorant mayors like him should not remain in political office. The only thing that is protested for rights is peaceful protests. Many signs containing the words, “I can’t breathe.” Chilling words. Perhaps words that will go down in history. All we know is that 2020 has not been a good start for the new decade in the world.

On July 23, 2020, a Black man named Bernell Trammel was murdered. Does this sound familiar? Bernell Trammel was a 60-year-old Black man who supported Trump and was holding many signs stating to re-elect Trump. He was murdered at approximately 12:30 pm. A primary suspect is a Black man. Many think his death was politically motivated. He lived in Rivercrest which is a neighborhood located in Milwaukee, where the Democratic National Convention was held. As radical liberals continue to state that they “support” Black Lives Matter, it has become clear that they do not care whatsoever about Trammel’s death. They have remained completely silent on the matter. The reason is that they only care about certain Black lives rather than all like they say. It is clear that the Democrats do not care about George Floyd, and they do not care about Black lives whatsoever. Trammel was not killed by a corrupt racist officer; he was killed by another Black man. The people in Rivercrest are mourning his death. Republicans want answers for what happened. Bernell was an innocent man taken for no reason similar to George Floyd. Trammel was a supporter of Black Lives Matter. However, in liberal eyes, it does not matter. They do not care because he supported Trump. Children are also being murdered in liberal-run cities yet the Democrats have no intention of doing anything about it. Where are the protests for Trammel? Nowhere. Some are acknowledging his death, which is excellent but, if the Democrats do care about Black Lives what about Bernell Trammel. The radicals must be held accountable for their actions, for their lies. Bernell was said to hate LGBTQ. However, John Self, a man who talked with Bernell Trammel for a few years, said, “He believed in democracy. He believed in his right to free speech, I do not think he ever once tried to convert you or change you. He would just tell you what he thought, he would listen to what you had to think, and then he would respect that.” Bernell Trammel was also a very religious man. Bernell Trammel shared many of his philosophical thoughts with Self. 58-WDJT a local Milwaukee new source says “Patricia Holland, who lives near the scene, was likely one of the last people to see Trammell alive.” Patricia Holland had told 58-WDJT “He was a happy person. He always talked to everybody that came by basically, say hi and speak to them, I have seen the ambulance and stuff, the police flying by my house, and I just said, 'Oh my god, What happened to him, I mean, it shouldn't happen to anyone. It's a senseless death." Many people in Rivercrest agree that Bernell Trammel made the area more diverse. Trammel is an example of corruption from the radical left, Bernell Trammel is another victim of Black-on-Black crime, and he is another victim of the chaos that is 2020.

So Blue They're Red

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