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VIII-A Democratic Dictatorship and Hypocrisy


It has become clear more than ever that a select group of Democrats support and appease communists and raiders during the George Floyd protests. As we all should know, appeasement doesn't work, used to try and stop World War II, and failed. These radical liberals appease to gain support. They also wish to silence our history to make us look bad, a clear example of this is when Tim Kaine said, “America didn’t inherit slavery, America invented slavery.” Which is not true whatsoever, Spain was doing slavery earlier in 1509 and had peaked in the 16th century, they mainly captured non-Christian people, this silencing of history is called the 1619 Project which should be classified as a method of suppression and propaganda amidst severe problems in our nation. The 1619 Project talks about America’s slavery in 1619. However, this does not make any sense, America did not exist until 1776, these were British Colonies preforming slavery in which we inherited. The 1619 Project is a foolish project that is a suppression tactic that is starting to be implemented into schools. If Joe Biden wins, this idiotic project and suppression of the people will spread rapidly. Joe Biden is only a figurehead of the radical liberals, these Marxist liberals appeased communists like England and France did Hitler, which most or all people know, caused Hitler to gain more. This is the same, these communists will begin to spread all over our nation because these radicals wish for the spread of communism, and the wish for the support of many communists, and how they will gain this political support is through appeasement. Suppression, oppression, and communism will spread throughout our nation because the Democrats wish to hold political office. This is no longer a game; these Democrats will ruin our country to hold political office. They appease the former CHAZ/CHOP, and many people who were in CHAZ/CHOP were communists, socialists, and anarchists. Which was the ideology of the Bolsheviks under Vladimir Lenin. These radical liberals, however, sided with these communists to gain support. These radicals all influence Joe Biden, and thus, after Joe Biden wins the election, our country could be ridden with communism, and ff you do not agree with the Democrat ideology and statements, they will make you be seen as a racist. If you are a Republican under Joe Biden’s presidency, you will be a racist, your race or thoughts don't matter. Goya’s CEO supported Trump and yet, Goya is being boycotted. This is suppression and it violates the first amendment, again, this is the suppression of United States citizens. Democrats were never like this until Trump was elected, Democrats were never trying to eradicate the other party for their power, and yet again, they are gaining power by appeasing. Unlike England and France, Democrats do not appease to stop things, they appease for their power, and their own benefit, in violation of Popular Sovereignty, the theory that the government provides for the welfare and benefit of all. The murder of Rayshard Brooks has also sparked outrage, and yet these radicals continue to appease. The Direct Attorney in Officer Rolfe's (Officer who shot Brooks in the back) case, Paul Howard, stated that Officer Rolfe was charged with aggravated assault after a man almost shot him with a taser, he then said Rolfe kicked Rayshard Brook’s body. This statement is an utter lie, as in the Bodycam footage, you could hear Mr. Rolfe saying, “Keep Breathing Mr. Brooks, keep breathing for me, keep breathing Mr. Brooks.” Not only is Paul Howard a liar, but several days earlier he stated that tasers are deadly weapons in which Rayshard Brooks stole from one of the officers, causing his death once he fired it at Officer Rolfe. Paul Howard also said that Mr. Brooks was calm and compliant which is true; before he was getting arrested, soon after he resisted arrest, stole a taser, and ran away, which is clearly not being compliant at all. Before the death of Rayshard Brooks, tasers were a deadly weapon, and afterward, it isn't, this is nothing like George Floyd; what Derek Chauvin did to George Floyd is wrong, but what Rolfe did is not the same thing, he shot Mr. Brooks because he feared for his life, and afterward he told Brooks to “Keep Breathing..." he clearly did not want Rayshard Brooks to die. The situation could have been avoided if he aimed for a different area rather than Mr. Brook's chest, stopping Mr. Brooks but not severely injuring him.; however, it was an in-the-moment action, Rolfe feared for his life and other people’s lives, Rolfe is not a criminal. Many protesters state that Atlanta is a discriminated city which is not true. The Atlantic Mayor is African American, as well as Paul Howard who was lying. Atlanta has many African American people living there, however, agendaMayor Bottoms agrees with this, in order to appease the protesters, so they vote Democrat. No doubt what happened to Mr. Brooks was a tragedy, but it was not intended as Paul Howard says. The radical liberals are ignorant as they continue to criticize white people for being racist towards Black people which is not entirely true. They do not care that people are in danger. They side with Marxist, communist, and anarchist movements, such as the BLM movement. The idea that Black Lives Matter is true; however, the movement is an anti-capitalist, communistic, and anarchist movement, and Joe Biden is completely silent on statues in our history being torn down by lawless rioters, they tear down these statues purposefully to destroy our nation, and to blame Trump for the country's downfall. Confederate statues have a purpose to be torn down, despite having a historical significance, they were put up by racists who believed in the lost, however, statues of Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson Abraham Lincoln, the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment made up by BLACKS during the American Civil War being taken down by protesters is unacceptable. Joe Biden is a weak political puppet of the radical left. The radical left wants to create a government completely ruled by radical liberals, these radical liberals only care about white-on-Black crime because they want Blacks to support their political agena, and they solely do this to gain political office and political power. They were completely embarrassed by their failure in 2016 to win the election, so in 2020 they will do anything in their power to create chaos so they will gain political office, just as the Confederacy was humiliated when they lost the Civil War. They appease and they continue to appease the wrong people to gain political power. CNN, CBN, NBC, and most other news sources are mostly liberal propaganda networks. CNN is a fake news network when they speak of Trump and his actions, just as President Trump states, and if Trump is not re-elected our country will fall into radical left hands.

They do not care about racism at all, they care about political power, an example being Bubba Wallace. Bubba Wallace, a famous Nascar driver, found a noose in a garage locker, at first much thought this was racist, which is understandable, and many people were convinced, even Ben Shapiro a famous right conservative speaker; however, soon after the scandal erupted, the FBI concluded that the rope was in that locker since October 2019. The person who put that rope there had no idea that Bubba Wallace would be in the garage at any time, the FBI concluded the rope is used to close the garage door, Bubba Wallace took that garage less than two weeks before the rope was found. This is not Bubba Wallace's fault by no means, however, the radical left news networks use this scandal to prove that America is systemically racist. They wish to defund the police and get rid of the law and order in our country; Joe Biden must not be elected because he will ruin security, he will ruin law and order in this country, and he will ruin the United States as a whole. The Democrats in the United States are very foolish, and very hypocritical when Joe Biden was accused of Sexual Assault by Tara Reade who has a lot more evidence than Christine Ford, but the Democrats ignore this. However, when a Republican is charged with sexual assault, they need to charge him immediately, their excuse is similar to that of, “We know Joe. He would never do something like that.” Which frankly is an excuse that does not prove anything. The Democrats also support paying illegal-immigrants $1200, we did not have the money or time to pay such bills to illegal-immigrants, our country was in an economic disaster, and radicals found the time to pay illegal immigrants $1200. Again, these Democrats give out these bills to appease illegal immigrants and convince them to vote for Biden, it is the Democratic party's rampant appeasement again. They do it to gain political office, so they can start their reign over America, and a very important step to their takeover, is the media. Fox News is a propaganda network as well as CNN, however; they bring on many Democrats and are paying respects to fallen Democrats who died of age or illness, while Democrats call Republicans who died, “idiotic” or “stupid.” The difference between Fox and CNN is that CNN is a lying propaganda network. The Democrats lie about Russia meddling in the election, even though there is clear evidence left by the FBI showing that the now-disgraced, three-star general, Michael Flynn did not do anything with the Russians. These Democrats will commit terrible actions to get their way, even if they look stupid or idiotic, they do not care. It is about holding office and it is about political power within the United States. Bill De Blasio, the Democratic mayor of New York, had stated that people were not allowed to enter the oceans. This transitions into a theory that the liberals are an authoritarian communist party, he said, “If you go in there, we will pull you back out.” This is authoritarianism, anyone who “disobeys” De Blasio’s order will most likely be arrested. Bill De Blasio is one of the weakest mayors in New York City. For one Bill De Blasio has authoritarian ways of dealing with minor situations such as if someone went in the ocean stating once again, “If you go in there, we will pull you out.” It is utterly authoritarian, and Democrats forget about it quickly. Bill De Blasio also approved a $1 billion cut from the NYPD, it is no surprise crime in New York City has jumped dramatically, reminding many of New York in the 1990s, plagued by crime. Fireworks in New York have gone insane, stopping many from sleeping, and in one case hit a young boy looking out the window. Yet Bill De Blasio’s inability to be effective is causing many problems, and “governor” Andrew Cuomo is not helping the situation at all. The Democratic party especially in New York, Detroit, and Minneapolis are all ineffective and weak, our country spirals into chaos while Bill De Blasio and his weak colleagues do nothing. De Blasio is a total idiot and will go down in history as ineffective and weak, however, Governor Whitmer's actions are even worse. She denies the right to buy seeds, seeds from stores, tt is purely totalitarian and authoritarian. Whitmer keeps her people locked inside killing, even more, people with other conditions are dying because they cannot reach the hospital, it has become unbelievable to think that this woman is abusing their power, these radical liberals are acting like Stalin to gain political power amidst a possible election. They commit terrible actions to gain power, Obama was an appeaser to the Iranians and yet again, appeasement does not work. Not only do they continue to appease, but they do not know their history either, the Democrats wore scarves of a tribe that committed towards slavery, another example of liberal ignorance. They allow protests by BLM protesters, however; when Republicans protest it is not allowed, they continue to say that these BLM protests are not violent when businesses are burned down or robbed, and guns are stolen, and yet again, they do this to appease, it has become clear to me, and it should become clear to all, that their whole goal is to appease. These Democrats cannot hold power. Chris Cuomo is also asking stupid questions to his foolish brother, while people are slowly dying within nursing homes, Chris Cuomo asked his brother, “Do you think you are attractive?” These Democrats also support the CCP, who lied about the Coronavirus, and they support the CCP so they can blame Trump for their mistakes, and in general he Democrats cause problems so they can blame Trump for their mistakes. They cause problems by not dealing with problems, they deny help from Trump to establish an order which is very foolish and idiotic especially in cities like Chicago and Portland. They also claim that Trump is politicizing the Coronavirus which is not true as the Democrats are politicizing the virus, blaming Trump for its very existence in the United States, they criticize him for being racist because he closed the country earlier than they wanted. It is an utter disgrace. Why do many people continue to believe that the Democrats are the better party when in actuality they are liars and cheats? Whitmer is an authoritative mayor. She locks down her state and makes buying seeds illegal during the lockdown. The pandemic was not supposed to be a revolution, but when Whitmer and other stupid Democratic governors become authoritative, we have these protests. People are angry. She is an authoritarian dictator, a StalinistcontinuesStalinism committing almost purges like Stalin. Telling officers to arrest people because they go outside This is not the communist regime of the 1930s. The liberals control the Media and the celebrities are totalitarians. The Democrats also support Andrew Cuomo, who sent seniors with the virus to nursing homes killing many more. These are all contributing factors to the Democratic dictatorship and control they want to have. The Democrats are very foolish and ignorant, and they continue to lie and appease their way to power, people need to open their eyes that our country is at risk. Idiotic people all over the internet and all over the news continue to believe that Joe Biden is a savior to the United States, however, I assure you he is a puppet of the radical left who wish to destroy the nation. The radical left continue to appease Marxist movements in order to gain political votes, it is a rigged election system, and they are doing everything in their power to make sure that they are going to win this election because they failed in 2016. The liberals are anarchists, communists, Marxists, Maoists, Stalinists, and socialists, these ideas are the main ideas that will destroy the nation, the United States has been fighting communism, Marxism, Maoism, stalinism, and socialism for a very long time, yet Democrats wish to put these ideologies into place, they are anti-capitalist and they're anti-United States. They wish to appease everybody, so that they can gain political votes, in order for Biden to have a political win. Our country is already in ruins, our cities on fire, and statues are being taken down, the liberals wish to silence our history by ensuring the 1619 project. which is a project which will eradicate previous truthful history, they wish to poison the minds of children by spreading a narrative that is not true whatsoever. The 1619 project would silence American history, and yet liberals continue to state the United States did not inherit slavery from the English colonies at all even though, in 1619 the country of the United States did not exist. It was not until 1776 that the United States became a country. Slavery was inherited by the English colonies. United States did not create slavery and is it existed previous to the English colonies as well in Spain. The 1619 project will completely eradicate intelligence and trust in our nation forcing teachers and educators to tell lies. And if these educators will not go by the 1619 project they will be labeled as racist. The 1619 project is a lie and it is a sham. The 1619 project states, “One critical reason that the colonists declared their independence from Britain was because they wanted to protect the institution of slavery in the colonies, which had produced tremendous wealth. At the time there were growing calls to abolish slavery throughout the British Empire, which would have badly damaged the economies of colonies in both North and South.” If any party is like a dictatorship, it is the Democratic party. They are trying to implement liberal propaganda everywhere, and if Biden is elected this project will go federally, it silences our history; it brings down the and it should not be put into place. However, the 1619 project is already being put in place in several liberal states. Left cities are continuously being attacked are usually the ones on fire and are usually the ones under protest control. Trump repeatedly offers help, however, they deny it every single time. These liberals deny this because they have a political agenda to fulfill. This political agenda is a Democratic-run society. In 50 years, Biden did not do anything to help racism in the United States. Trump has done more than Biden has ever in three years compared to 50 years. Biden is too weak and too frail to become President of the United States. Biden is a political pawn of the radical left and he will do anything the radical left will tell him to do, he is a puppet of the radical left who continues to control him to fulfill the left radical agenda. They do not want him to win, they want political power in the government. It is a disgusting, but true fact that they are doing this, to win the election. They let protesters and they let rioters destroy the nation so they can blame it on Trump, and sadly, it is working. They are poisoning the minds of Americans to gain political support. They appease and they poison people's minds so that they will be on board with the political agenda of the Democrats. Ocasio Cortez is a communist who does not like capitalism, BLM is an anti-capitalist anti-United States movement, and yet so many support it. CNN claims Jews who died in Pittsburgh in 2018 were “Trump's” fault instead of caring about the deaths of the innocent. The liberals are ignorant hypocritical communists, they must be stopped, and they must lose the election so that we do not have future problems. The Democrats continue to support the idea that there is something wrong with America. They have this though so deeply in mind, they plan to cancel July 4th. They are so ignorant and continue to appease everyone who comes to mind to gain support. They are so radical they plan to cancel July 4th, all together, if the Democrats are to win the election, our life as we know it will be gone, these Democrats continue to lock-down their states to not gain cases. However, many people are restless of their terrible communistic reign over them and will gladly agree with the statement that the Democrats are flawed and ignorant. The Democrats are ineffective at keeping their populace happy. These Democrats are too paranoid to do anything and continue to try and justify statues being torn down, and to some degree, are failing. The Democrats spread a false narrative to help their political standings in the race. It is unacceptable, they blame Trump and the Republicans as a party for the Coronavirus even though many of the cases come from the Blue States. However, the Coronavirus is on a rise in many red states as well. The Democrats continue to make false claims. When the president was at Mount Rushmore, they stated the fireworks were “too dangerous.” These Democrats do whatever they want and say whatever they want to make sure they will win the election because of what happened four years ago. It is unacceptable, the lies they spread put our country at risk. These Marxist and quite frankly authoritarian dictatorial parties must be defeated in 2020 or else our country will fall and spiral into disaster. They continue to spread the narrative that the Republicans are authoritarian, and some radicals are calling Trump, “Stalin.” What the liberals want to implement into our country, will lead to socialism and a dictatorship in the nation. In which the dictatorship will be run by radical Democrats who wish to spread the agenda that they are America’s great leader. These radical Democrats must be defeated once and for all as they slowly take over America’s freedom. Goya’s CEO supported Trump and yet Goya is being boycotted. This is suppression and it violates the first amendment. What we fought so hard in 1776 is being wasted by a foolish party who wants power in the US. However, foolishly many people are too blind to see what can happen if the Democrats win office. Biden continues to say that Trump is a foolish leader even though he is too foolish to realize what day it is and where he is. Biden is a political pawn. He is a puppet. Trump needs to win the elections so that our country is not destroyed. The Democrats use racism as a political tool to gain voters. The Democrats spread a false narrative to help their political standings in the race. It is unacceptable. They blame Trump and the Republicans as a party for the Coronavirus even though many of the cases come from the Blue States. However, Coronavirus is on a rise in many red states as well. The Democrats continue to make false claims. When the president was at Mount Rushmore, they stated the fireworks were “too dangerous.” These Democrats do whatever they want and say whatever they want to make sure they will win the election because of what happened four years ago. It is unacceptable, the lies they spread put our country at risk. These Marxist and quite frankly authoritarian dictatorial parties must be defeated in 2020 or else our country will fall and spiral into disaster. They continue to spread the narrative that the Republicans are authoritarian, and some radicals are calling Trump “Stalin.” What the liberals want to implement into our country will lead to socialism and a dictatorship in the nation. Sean Hannity is not wrong about Democrats taking the biggest power-grab in history. Democrats clearly want to implement court-packing into the supreme court meaning they will add new seats, these new seats will be filled with biased liberal judges who will charge anyone they see fit with a crime, just as in the French Revolution, anyone could lie about people they hate, to get them arrested. This person can get arrestedSenate and charge by the liberal courts with a hate crime, the possibilities are endless, and not only this, but liberals wish to implement two new states to get new liberal senators to have the majority in the senate, and therefore be in more control of the government. This is truly the biggest power-grab and all of these programs, and ideas, are going to happen, in my eyes, people this is not a conspiracy theory, because if they truly weren't going to court-pack, they would have told the American people. These Democrats have become a danger to our society and this dictatorship will be run by the most radical of Democrats, who wish to spread the agenda that they are America’s savior. These radical Democrats must be defeated once and for all as they slowly take over America’s freedom.

But it is not only politicians that are ignorant, Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel, both Democratic late show hosts, were under fire for both being in blackface around 20 years ago. These two political figures, being Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon, had lectured many people on how to act and what to do. Jimmy Kimmel called President Trump, “hypocritical” but never once talked about Democratic hypocrisy. Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon were people who were trying to be funny, but for most people on the internet, they were not. They are two idiots trying to make a point. They both are examples of Democratic hypocrisy. Jimmy Fallon begged for forgiveness when he appeared in blackface on SNL in the late 1990s. Jimmy Kimmel was in blackface imitating former NBA player Karl Malone. Fox even obtained rare audio of Kimmel saying the N-word while impersonating Snoop Dog. Yet he will be forgiven when others or not because he is a liberal that lectures people. Jimmy Kimmel went on a break from his unfunny show when the video of him in blackface resurfaced. Jimmy Fallon is not in the exact situation; Jimmy Fallon is not as big a lecturer as Kimmel, however, this situation is similar to the Megyn Kelly scandal when she was kicked from live television when she discovered to have worn blackface for a Halloween costume. Yet Kimmel will be forgiven, although he put on blackface as two peopl, Karl Malone, and Oprah Winfrey. Kimmel is known for lecturing Trump, and now that it had announced that he had done these racist acts, many people will lose interest in Kimmel; however, the left will indefinitely forgive Kimmel because of his liberal views, which is hypocritical and unfair.

So Blue They're Red

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