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V-Vietnam, Cuba, and North Korea


Vietnam is important in communist history because of the Vietnam war and its fight against communism. The war had begun in the early 70s. But afterward, Vietnam did not become as important in the Cold War. But the Vietcong were Vietnam is important in history because of the Vietnam war and its fight against communism. The war had begun in the late 1950s. But afterward, Vietnam did not become as important in the Cold War. But the Vietcong were very powerful, and the Vietnam war was pretty horrible for the American soldiers. Vietnam's government is Marxist-Leninist like most socialist countries today. The August Revolution would bring a communist rise in Vietnam. During major colonization from European countries, France and Japan had taken control of Vietnam. French rule was politically repressive and exploitative. In 1945 Japan finally staged a Coup against the French. It was successful, however; the Japanese did nothing to the government. Thus, Japan had no governmental influence in Vietnam. In 1941, Hồ Chí Minh formed the Viet Nam Doc Lap Dong Minh. “Việt Minh” is also a name. Hồ Chí Minh was a Vietnamese nationalist who would stage the August Revolution against the Japanese. Famine had been going through the country starving many including Japanese soldiers. However, the famine was more evident in the North than in the South thus the Japanese depended on the South for survival. When the Japanese finally surrendered on August 15th, 1945, Hồ Chí Minh’s “Việt Minh” launched an insurrection immediately. Five days later on August 19th, the Việt Minh took control of Hanoi seizing the Northern Government. In the South, Hồ, Chí Minh was unable to get government control causing a divide in the country. The Soviet Union and China would soon support the North and the United States would show support for the South in the 1950s when France gave up Indochina. The system of support was similar to the Korean war. In 1964 tensions began to rise when an American and North Vietnamese boat crashed. An order was passed from Lyndon B Johnson in which military presence would be allowed in Vietnam. This would spark the beginning of the Vietnam War. The United States feared the “Domino Effect.” This was the theory that if South Vietnam fell to communism would other countries near it fall as well? Thus, the United States was very keen on defending South Vietnam. During this war, the drafting would be put into effect. Most dates were called. Men born in the years between 1945 and 1953 were required to serve in the military. The last draft would be in 1973 towards the end of the 19-year war. This draft would cause many to flee to Canada to avoid the draft, however, avoiding a draft could have severe consequences. The only draft dates not to be called were, February 29th-31st, April 31st, Jun 31st, September 31st, and November 31st. Many young men would serve. Ultimately the war was a disaster for the United States. In the United States pressure to end the war was rising. In 1973 a ceasefire began but tensions were very high, POWs in Vietnam would also begin to be given back to the United States. On January 27th the United States withdrew from Vietnam, two months later on March 15th, 1973, President Richard Nixon stated that the US would intervene if the North launched an invasion; however, this was unpopular and vetoed. In 1975, two years after the United States left Vietnam the North launched a campaign. On April 30th, Saigon fell. The North had taken full control of Vietnam. Saigon then was renamed Hồ Chí Minh City and remains the name of the former Saigon. Vietnam has changed since 1975 introducing economic reforms allowing it to get involved with world politics and the economy is getting better and better as the years go by, and US-Vietnam relations are better. Not only were political tensions rising in Vietnam but in the 1950s many groups were planning revolution and political change in Cuba. Fidel Castro and 80 supporters had sailed out to Cuba. Castro began to gain power and his political party the "July 26th Movement." This was a reference to July 26th, 1953 when a group attacked barracks in an attempt to revolt against the Cuban dictator, Fulgencio Batista. Fidel Castro was a very liberal person, which the likes of Bernie Sanders, a self-proclaimed Democratic socialist, commemorate for helping education. However, Fidel Castro executed thousands. In 1956 Castro established a base and defeated Batista’s armies in 1958 establishing a communist rule in Cuba. The United States Department of State has estimated 3200 deaths from the year 1959-1962, other estimates range from 4000-33,000. Whatever the number is, Castro, executed thousands in Cuba. The United States was at first happy with the thought of the Revolution, thinking it would bring democracy to Latin America, once Castro legalized the Communist Party, relations began to dissipate, as the United States was fighting to destroy communism. Only about 10 years earlier the United Nations was fighting in Korea against communist forces. In 1960 Dwight D. Eisenhower approved a group of trained Cuban refugees to attack and bring down Castro’s regime. The operation was done under President John F. Kennedy and was a complete failure. The Cubans supported many Soviet actions. The Cubans took place in the Yom-Kippur war. This was a mistake as they were defeated by Israel along with the Arab nations involved. Under the leadership of Barack Obama, relations with Cuba improved slightly. Cuba remains a socialist country to this day.

Another region affected by the rise of communism in Korea. North Korea is a communist country. It is considered to be one of the most dangerous countries because one wrong move and you could be arrested and tried in court. North Korea is an unfree country and the public cannot express opinions in the country of North Korea. The public is being held captive by the leader and most are not to leave. Though these facts, it is still a tourist attraction because of its danger. North Korea was suspected to kill a trade official who had left Korea, due to fear of the Coronavirus spreading. North Korea claims to have 0 cases, however; North Korea’s 0 cases could be lies. An American tourist reportedly ripped down a poster of propaganda, what happened to him is rather disturbing. He was sent to prison until the USA made an agreement and he was sent home. The man could barely walk, almost dead, and was home, unconscious. Soon after arriving, he died. The parents of the man speculate that he was beaten, but it will forever be a mystery. During the end of the first Sino-Japanese war, a war fought between China and Japan, Japan was victorious and had annexed Korea. After Japan surrendered on August 15th, 1945, Korea split into two, the communists and the anti-communists. The April Revolution would also occur in 1960 when protests against Syngman Rhee, the ruler of South Korea. Rhee was of course very anti-communist, and he used this fact to cover up incidents. A famous one was Kim-Ju-Yul, who was a student. His dead body was found by a fisherman. The original conclusion was that he drowned, however, the truth came out when protesters broke into the hospital where his body was being kept and discovered his skull was almost split in two, the conclusion being tear gas had struck his skull killing him. This sparked outrage, many protesting for Syngman Rhee to resign which in the same year of 1960 he did, Yun Pusan being his successor. This revolution proved that neither South Korea nor North Korea was stable countries. Both having major issues. The Korean war occurred early in the Cold War period. Similar to the Vietnam War, the goal was to stop the rise of communism. China had had a successful takeover of the Chinese Government one year before the Korean War. The Korean war is mostly forgotten and took place from 1950 to 1953. The Korean War began after the United States and the Soviet Union liberated Korea from Japanese control. It was split into two in the 38th Parallel, in the North, a communist government supported by China and the Soviet Union, in the South an anti-communist country, supported by the United States. Both of these governments claimed to be the rightful governments of Korea, eventually, this led to war after the North began an invasion of the South. The North pushed far in the first two months, a loss for the United States was likely. However, an amphibious counterattack was launched. This cut off many North Korean Troops. However, the Chinese soon launched a surprise invasion forcing South Korean troops and American troops to retreat. Soviet Pilots were also providing air support covertly. The UN fought alongside the South Koreans. The UN was made of troops from the US, UK, Canada, Turkey, Australia, Philippines, New Zealand, Thailand, Ethiopia, Greece, France, Columbia, Belgium, South Africa, Netherlands, and Luxemburg. 90% was made up of the United States military. Medical support included Denmark, Israel (who would have its war soon), West Germany, India, Norway, and even Sweden. On July 27th, 1953 an agreement was signed, and Korea was again split on the 38th parallel. Seoul, South Korea’s capital city. In 1925 a group of Korean communists had a secret meeting. During this meeting, the Communist Party of Korea was formed. Earlier in 1916 a Korean living in Russia joined the Bolsheviks soon before the revolution and the rise of communism in Russia. Her name was Alexandra Kim, she is known to be the first-ever Korean communist. A year later Lenin sent her east to Siberia to put down anti-revolutionary forces. She would put down these forces with Korean forces thus she met two men named Yi-Dong-Wi and Kim Rip. Alexandra along with Yi-Dong-Wi and Kim Rip would get others to join their communist cause. On June 28th, 1918 the first Korean communist party would form which was known as the Korean People's Socialist Party. The leaders of the 1925 Communist Party of Korea were Kim-Yong-Bom and Pak Hon-Yong. The communist party would soon be implemented into the communist international which was an organization supporting world communism. It would be implemented in 1928. However, disagreements between other groups caused their disbandment. Korean communists moved to China which was going through its revolution and war with Japan. Koreans and Chinese forces would fight against the Japanese in the 1930s when they began invading. After South Korea was liberated in 1945, Pak-Hon-Yong became the Secretary of South Korea. Communication with the northern Soviets was done rarely. The north was liberated by the invading Soviets. Many Korean communists began to return from their exiles. Korean nationals were very important in the rise of communism in Korea. A leader was not chosen until Kim-Il-Sung arrived in Pyongyang. He was a captain in the Red Army during World War II. The North Korea Bureau of the Communist Party of Korea was established in which Kim-Yong-Bom would be the leader. Kim-Il-Sung was a part of the Bureau. A few months after the Bureau’s founding, Kim-Il-Sung would take the position of Chairman. The name was changed to “Organizational Committee of the Communist Party of North Korea” however it was often called the Communist Party of North Korea. The New People's Party, the Democratic Party, and the Chondoist Chongu Party along with the North Korea Bureau formed together to create the North Korean Fatherland United Democratic Front. In 1949, the Workers Party of North Korea and South Korea merged to become the Workers Party of Korea (WPK), on the same day June 30th, Kim-Il-Sung took power over North Korea as Chairmen. Vice chairmen were Pak Hon-Yong and Alexei Ivanovich Hegay. Pak Chong-ae, Kim Sam-Yong, Yi Sung-yop, Kim Ch ask, Pal Il-u, Kim Tu-Bong, were all in the politburo until Kim-Il -Sung like Stalin would purge members. In the next five-years of the WPK, they would be focused on the Korean War. In 1950 the United Nations took control of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and thus many from the Workers Party of Korea (WPK) fled to China. China and North Korea declared war, they had recaptured Pyongyang, which was captured by UN forces. They took Seoul; however, was pushed back to Pyongyang and the “Armistice Line” on the 38th parallel would remain. The WPK soon re-took control of the Nation. Though Kim-Il-Sung held power, he did not have absolute power, and thus to maintain his control he would purge political enemies to his reign similar to Stalin’s purges in the 1930s. Alexei Ivanovich Hegay (Ka-Ai). Kim-Il-Sung would use Alexei Ivanovich Hegay as a scapegoat for North Korea’s problems; he demoted him and eventually removed him from all of his posts. On July 2nd, 1953 he committed suicide. Kim-Il-Sung would also purge the leader of the Yanan Faction, Mu Chong blaming him for North Korea’s problems as well causing him to leave for China where he died later that year. As the Korean War ended, rumors spread of a coup being planned by South Korea thus Pak Hon-Yong was arrested for “spying.” He was put on trial for being a United Nations agent since his rise and was supposedly executed in 1955. Yi Sung-yop suffered the same fate after similar charges to Pak-Hon-Yong. Kim-Il-Sung died in 1994 after suffering from a heart attack in Pyongyang when his son, Kim-Jong-Il. Kim-Jong-Il assumed power in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Workers Party of Korea. He became the General Secretary of the Workers Party. In the 1980s Kim-Jong-Il continued to gain political power as his father grew older. Kim-Jong-Il in the same period was beginning to be called the “Dear Leader” while his father was known as “Great Leader” In 1991, Kim-Jong-Il became Supreme Commander of the Korean People's army and now had military power. A year later Kim-Il-Sung announced that he supported his son, to take over North Korea’s internal affairs. Hwang Jang-yop, a defector, had told the west of North Korea's increase in autocracy seen in multiple communist countries, and ironically the Russian Empire was autocratic. It is said that Kim-Jong-Il wanted the people in power and the populace to obey and be obedient descending him into a power-hungry glorified state which eventually all communist dictators descended into. In his reign, he became a part of a triumvirate with Kim Yong-Nam and Choe Yong-rim. Despite Kim-Jon-Il’s involvement with the triumvirate he still ruled with autocracy. Kim-Jong-Il was known for being completely vapid and ignorant when dealing with the economy. The North Korean economy began to decline in the 1990s. In 1997, North Korea’s main rival, South Korea, and other Asian countries' stock markets collapsed. In addition to the economic struggle in North Korea, only about 20% of North Korea had land suitable for farming, and failure to sustain the industry caused an increase in the economic downturn and a severe famine within North Korea. Instead of solving the economic crisis, Kim-Jong-Il decided to increase his military power while his people were suffering. The “Military First” policy would see that the military would be the primary goal in North Korea, instead of solving problems. In the 2000s Kim-Il-Sung began economic reforms similar to China. The North Korean currency “won” was planned to be devalued which was approved by Kim-Jong-Il however, this was a failure but had caused further chaos. Although Kim-Jong-Il was incompetent for the North Korean economy, he was a great foreign manipulator. Kim in 1998 had caused the South Korean president, Kim Dae-Jung implement the "Sunshine Policy” in South Korea. This policy’s goal was to increase relations between South Korea and North Korea. Which would allow South Korean projects done in North Korea. Kaesong Industrial Park was built because of the Sunshine Policy. The United States and North Korea signed an Agreed Framework that would halt North Korean nuclear programs. How secret projects continued and after North Korea admitted to continuing these programs tensions between South Korea, the United States, and North Korea rose as the United States began supplying weapons to the South. Kim protested that it was for security reasons. Kim-Jong-Il wanted attention and glorification among his people on his birthdays; mass celebrations would be held in honor of himself. Many were too afraid to not celebrate or honor Kim-Jong-Il in fear of punishment. Even in 2004 many saw North Korea as one of the most oppressive countries. A supposed 200,000 political prisoners were being held in North Korea. Throughout the 200s many reports claimed in 2003 that Kim-Jong-Il died of diabetes. Some also speculated after missing many public appearances including the 2008 Olympics that he was seriously ill. In Japan, it was reported that he collapsed due to a cerebral hemorrhage. Kim Sung-ho who was the South Korea national intelligence director stated “Kim appeared to be recovering quickly enough to start performing his daily duties” Kim Jong-Nam, Kim-Jong-Il’s son traveled to France to get a neurosurgeon to work on his father. During Kim-Jong-Il’s health crisis many were beginning to consider a successor to Kim-Jong-Il in the event he died. Kim sons, Kim Jong-un, Kim Jong-Nam, and Kim Jong-Chul were all considered to succeed him. However, Kim Jong-Nam had traveled to Tokyo with a fake passport. He was discovered and arrested, he said he was traveling to visit Tokyo Disneyland. This had humiliated himself and Kim-Jong-Il and was quickly considered to not be able to rule. Thus, Kim-Jong-Un was considered to be the successor to Kim-Jong-Il if Kim-Jong-Il was to die. In 2009, Kim-Jong-Il returned and was re-elected at the Supreme People’s Assembly. A year later in 2010, Kim was re-elected as General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea. Continuing his strength in political power. In 2011, a new report stated Kim-Jong-Il died of a heart attack while traveling on his armored train. Kim-Jong Unofficially succeeded him to become the new leader of North Korea. On December 28th, a funeral for Kim-Jong-Il occurred in which portraits of Kim-Jong-Il were produced, and his birthday became a national holiday known as the “Day of the Shining Star.” The Order of Kim Jong-Il became an official medal by the North Korean government. In 2009 it was announced that Kim-Jong Un would be the official successor. Kim-Jong-Un was given the rank of “Dae Jang” which is equal to being a four-star general. Soon after portraits of Kim-Jong-Un were released and his name was mentioned as he slowly rose to fame. In 2010 Kim-Jong-Un was appointed vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission. He also became vice-chairmen of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party. Soon after Kim-Jong-Il died Kim-Jong-Un was immediately hailed as the successor of North Korea. That same year he was announced Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army. In 2012 he was announced wonsu, meaning marshal. Like his father, Kim Jong-Un is in a political triumvirate. Kim Jae-ryong and Choe Ryong-Hae were or still are a part of this triumvirate. Cho Ryong-Hae’s position is to deal with the world foreign affairs, while Kim Jae-Ryong deals with the North Korean government, Kim Jong-Un is the leader of the armed forces. Despite similarities between him and his father, after Kim Jong-un was put into power, he began to change policies. Kim Jong-un went to a concert known as the Moranbong concert in which was an all-female band, which was uncommon in North Korea. Kim Jong-Il’s former chef, Kenji Fujimoto returned to North Korea and stated “Stores in Pyongyang were brimming with products and people in the streets looked cheerful. North Korea has changed a lot since Kim Jong-un assumed power. All of this is because of leader Kim Jong-un.” This could all be North Korean propaganda; however, the United States will never know. Unlike his father, he appeared more often and was better at running the North Korean economy. He had implemented a “Socialist Corporate Responsible Management System” which allowed businesses to engage more in business affairs privately but implementing a socialist distribution system. Like his grandfather, Kim Jong-un committed purges within North Korea. Jang Song-Thaek, Kim’s uncle, was arrested and executed for treachery along with his family and relatives O Sang-hon, a reporter, was said to have been executed by a flamethrower. North Korea has tested over 90 missiles, supposedly and continues to test nuclear weapons under Kim Jong-un. In 2018, Kim had met with multiple figures including President Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Moon Jae-in, the president of South Korea. When Coronavirus had spread, he claimed to defeat it when he issued the country to be in isolation. However, as time went on, he appeared less frequently. It was reported that Kim gave authority to his sister. As of August, Kim Jong-Un is supposedly in a coma and is very ill.

So Blue They're Red

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