Читать книгу Логистика - С. В. Саркисов - Страница 47

Часть 1
Основы логистики
Глава 5
Организация логистической деятельности в компании


1 Distribution «Organizing Logistics». April 1998. P. 29.

2 Williamson К. C., Spitzer D.M., Bloomberg Jr., Bloomberg D.J. Modern Logistics Systems: Theory and Practice//Journal of Business Logistics. 1997. № 2. P. 72.

3 Heskett J.L. Organizing for Effective Distribution Management. Distribution Handbook. New-York: Free Press, 1995. P. 828.

4 Bowersox D.J., Closs D.J. Logistical Management/The Integrated Supply Chain Process. The McGrow-Hill Companies Inc. 1996. P. 606–607.

5 Stable J.F. How to Manage Physical Distribution. Harward Business School. July-August 1987. P. 97.

6 Deheys D.W., Taylor Jr.L., Taylor R.L. Making Logistics Work at Firm//Business Horizons. June 1992. P. 44.


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