Читать книгу Triumph Of Love Over Ego - Saeed Habibzadeh - Страница 6

Table of contents






About this book

Notes for the 2014 edition

Becoming or dying

Transformation or change

Learning or suffering

Objective or personal

Packaging and content

Discovering and inventing

Judging and acknowledging

Actual and perceived reality

Wrong address

Solution or quick fix

Solving or fighting problems

Life would be boring without problems!?

Do not dream your life, live your dream

Feeling good and feeling good

Good and evil

Cleverness and intelligence

Heart and mind


Knowledge and wisdom




Word, meaning, content

Jargon and specialist jargon

Listening and communication

Illusion or reality

Experience and maturity

Old and mature!?

Being an adult, not a child

Behaviour patterns, mechanisms and automatisms

Live or let live?


Character and personality

Self-promotion, self-realization and self-confidence

Self-promotion, self-expression and self-confidence

Art or artificial

Touchy or sensitive

True and false geniuses

Genius and chaos

Chaos and order


Comparison and value

Emancipation and equality


How valuable and important are you?

To please or not to please

Beauty knows no pain

Using others as a means to an end

Earning or being worthy

Love hurts?! Only egoists hurt!

Self-love and narcissism

Romantic or kitsch

True and false friends

Our love of animals and animal lovers

Animal shelters, zoos and circuses


Opposites attract

Morality and immorality

Traditions and true values

True and artificial values

Perfectionism and perfection

The self-proclaimed selfless helper

Identification and loss of identity

Role models or examples

Entertainment and dumbing down

Invented blame and actual guilt

Conscience and feeling guilty

Law or justice

Revenge is bitter

Revolution and rebellion

The hero

Urge and longing

Gratification or fulfilment

Want and need

Unassuming, frugal and humble

Wanting and wanting

Where there is light…

Good and necessary

Right and true

Making mistakes

Being scared of our own mistakes

All roads lead to Rome!?

Egoistic and true courage

Boredom and the adrenalin kick

Fun or joy?

Passion and devotion

Discerning or mistrustful

Trust and self-trust

Faith and the placebo effect

A good impression is not as good as you think

Manipulation and transformation

Calculating or planning?

Giving and investing


Doing good by conviction

Deception and disappointment

Expectation or desire?

True or false sympathy and compassion

Liberty and independence

Active and passive dominance

Signposts and instructions

Free will

Gurus and sects

Masters and students

Spiritual teachers


Respect and fear

Hostility and animosity


Safety and security

Life is hard and cruel

Indifference and resignation

Depression as a signpost

Mourning and moaning


Rotten and true compromise

Getting mixed up in something or participating

Autonomy and independence

Pride and humility


Self-fulfilling prophecies

Positive thinking

Being cool

Professionalism - keeping a distance

Consensus and unity

Alone or lonely?

Abilities, talents and gifts

Calling (or occupation) and vocation

Satisfaction and blissful happiness

Success or happiness


Competition and rivalry

The lucky failure


Appreciation and equivalent value

Wealth and poverty

Time is money


Standard of living and quality of life

Lottery and gambling

Lack is the mother of invention

Generosity and self-destruction

Tolerance or moral decline

Attack is the best form of defence!?

War and peace

Sport is murder


Envy, resentment and competitiveness


Noble, nobility or aristocracy?




Being in the past or being over

In the here and now

Laughing at or laughing with

Seriousness and taking ourselves seriously

In the abstract

What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over


Short-sightedness and impatience

Hope and hope


Assumed superiority


Overcoming the self and self-injury

Overcoming the ego or losing ourselves

Ego, egoism and selfishness


Honesty, sincerity and the courage to accept the truth

Accepting or putting up with


Enlightenment and salvation

The lightwalker

Triumph of love over ego

Angels of love (original)

Angels of love

Blessed are the merciful

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Triumph Of Love Over Ego

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