Читать книгу Thermodynamic Processes 2 - Salah Belaadi - Страница 2


Table of Contents


Foreword 1

Foreword 2


1 Equilibria of Liquid/Vapor Phases 1.1. Exercises 1.2. Problems 1.3. Tests 1.4. Detailed corrections

2 Allotropic Solid/Solid Equilibria 2.1. Exercises 2.2. Problems 2.3. Tests 2.4. Detailed corrections

3 Solid/Vapor Sublimation Equilibria 3.1. Exercises 3.2. Problems 3.3. Tests 3.4. Detailed corrections

4 Process Energetics 4.1. Exercises 4.2. Problems 4.3. Tests 4.4. Detailed corrections


10  Nomenclature

11  References

12  Index

13  End User License Agreement

List of Tables

1 Chapter 1Table 1.1. Liquid/liquid solubility limitsTable 1.2. Composition of liquid and vapor phases at equilibrium at 1.009 atmTable 1.3. Properties of pure bodies (1) and (2)

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Liquid/vapor equilibrium curve of benzeneFigure 1.2. Curves of gm as a function of the MEK titerFigure 1.3. Curve for Figure 1.4. Schematic showing the deposition curve as a function of titerFigure 1.5. Curve for y1 = f(x1) and bubble curveFigure 1.6. Curves for hex, sex and gex as a function of x1Figure 1.7. Curve for hm = f(x1)Figure 1.8. Curve for Figure 1.9. Curves for T = f(x1) and T = f(y1)Figure 1.10. Curve for α12 = f(x1)Figure 1.11. T = f (x,y) diagramFigure 1.12. Cyclic transformation at the equilibrium stateFigure 1.13. N2 “pure body” diagram

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. Iron/carbon equilibrium diagramFigure 2.2. Phase diagram of the iron/tin binaryFigure 2.3. Phase diagram of the binary Cu(1)/Pb(2)Figure 2.4. Isobaric l/s equilibrium diagram of Li(1)/Na(2)Figure 2.5. Equilibrium curve of H2O(1)/H2O2(2) mixtureFigure 2.6. Diagram of cadmium/leadFigure 2.7. Diagram of a solubility curve of a componentFigure 2.8. Different phases of the iron/tin diagramFigure 2.9. Deposition curve T=f(x1)Figure 2.10. Indium/tin phase diagramFigure 2.11. Diagram (T, x2) at constant P of Li(1)/Na(2)Figure 2.12. Thermal analysis curve (T,t) at constant PFigure 2.13. Phase diagram of water/hydrogen peroxideFigure 2.14. Thermal analysis curve T = f(t)Figure 2.15. Crystallization diagram of the binary HNO3/H2OFigure 2.16. Thermal analysis curve of the binary HNO3/H2OFigure 2.17. Solid/liquid and liquid/vapor diagrams of the binaryFigure 2.18. Thermal analysis curve of the binary H2O/C2H5OHFigure 2.19. s/l and l/v equilibrium diagrams of the binary H2O/C2H6O2Figure 2.20. Thermal analysis curve of the 10% glycol mixture

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. Curve Cp = f(T)Figure 3.2. Curve lnP = f(1/T)Figure 3.3. Amount of H2 produced as a function of moles of FeFigure 3.4. Equilibrium diagram of a pure bodyFigure 3.5. Breakdown of sublimation processFigure 3.6. Interpolation curve T = f(P)Figure 3.7. Sublimation and evaporation curves of H2O

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Nozzle 1Figure 4.2. Nozzle 2Figure 4.3. System overview (σ)Figure 4.4. The Lenoir cycleFigure 4.5. Joule cycleFigure 4.6. Dual cycleFigure 4.7. Otto cycleFigure 4.8. Diesel cycleFigure 4.9. Diagram of a heat transformerFigure 4.10. Diagram of dry ice productionFigure 4.11. Diagram of a jetFigure 4.12a. Diagrams of the Carnot cycle in different coordinate systemsFigure 4.12b. Diagrams of the Carnot cycle in different coordinate systemsFigure 4.13. Diagram of the engineFigure 4.14. Cycle of gas in the turbineFigure 4.15. Diagram of a combined systemFigure 4.16. Synoptic diagram of the setupFigure 4.17. Thermodynamic cycle of airFigure 4.18. Curve P = f(V)Figure 4.19. Representation of the cycle in coordinates (T,S)Figure 4.20. Diagram of two different heating modes: (a) cooling using water at ...Figure 4.21. Diagram of the production areaFigure 4.22. Synoptic diagram of the production areaFigure 4.23. Diagram (P, )Figure 4.24. Thermal diagram of the skating rinkFigure 4.25. Joule cycleFigure 4.26. Pulsejet engine cycle



Table of Contents

Begin Reading











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Thermodynamic Processes 2

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