Читать книгу Thermodynamic Processes 2 - Salah Belaadi - Страница 8



The aim of this book is to reduce apprehension toward thermodynamics and to make it more familiar to those who have to use it, both on completion of apprenticeships, training and retraining, as well as to those conducting research and reflection on the evolution of processes at the time of transformation of matter and/or energy.

The need to write this book was apparent to me, after so many years of teaching at various university levels, after the unequivocal statement: the difficulty encountered by students – or engineers working in companies or research groups – to solve concrete problems in thermodynamics comes from the fact that the manuals, which cover applications of the concepts of this discipline, are too didactic.

Hence why I propose an original approach for this book - to use thermodynamics as a resolution tool – indispensable for mastering a process of energy transformation and/or matter using one or more thermodynamic concepts. Thus, this book is not structured according to the progression of the teaching of the concepts of thermodynamics, but rather according to the evolution of the scientific difficulty compared to the state of the thermodynamic system studied from closed systems to energy processes. Thermodynamics is above all “the science of the evolution of the states of a system, whatever it is”.

The book derives its interest from the very definition of this science, accepted by the scientific community for a long time as the “mother of sciences”. Indeed, everyone agrees: “If thermodynamics does not solve everything, without it, we will not solve anything.” This is all the more true for the physicochemical processes of matter and energy transformation.


January 2020

Thermodynamic Processes 2

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