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Foreword 1
Circular Economy and Engineering

Circular economy and engineering: process thermodynamics as an essential chemical engineering tool for the design and control of the processes encountered in the factory of the future within the framework of Industry 4.0

Process engineering involves the sciences and technologies that optimally transform matter and energies into products required by a consumer and into nonpolluting wastes. Today, it takes part in the framework of circular economy and engineering (monitoring of products and processes from cradle to grave), and the optimal transformations of matter and energies must be carried out to design the factory of the future, taking into account the emergence of Industry 4.0 and the voluminous amount of data (Big Data movement).

Modern (green) process engineering is deliberately oriented toward process intensification (i.e., producing much more and better, with use of much less resources). This involves a physical-chemistry multidisciplinary and multiscale approach to modelling and computer simulation, in terms of time and space, from the atomic and molecular scales. This involves the equipment and the reactor scales, up to the scales of the overall factory (i.e., the design of a refinery, a chemical, a textile or a cement complex plant from Schrödinger equations).

To meet this multidisciplinary and multiscale approach, the preponderant and irreplaceable concept and background of chemical thermodynamics appears in all its splendour, and more generally, this concerns the thermodynamics of processes for the multiscale control of these processes.

It is clear that studies that discuss thermodynamics of processes must cover chemical thermodynamics (open or closed systems with or without chemical reaction, phase equilibrium) and the energetics of processes (thermal cycles, heat pump, degraded energy, exergy). However, these studies must also be illustrated with examples of real multiscale physicochemical applications. This will prepare or help or contribute to the design, the development and the control of the processes that will be encountered in the factory of the future, by means of methodologies and techniques to obtain reliable thermodynamic data that will contribute to the abundance of data (Big Data/Industry 4.0).

A big thank you to Professor Salah Belaadi, leading expert in education and research in the field of thermodynamics of processes, for offering such an instructional and didactic book, whose chapters mainly present exercises oriented towards industrial applications.

This book on thermodynamics and energetics of processes is a guide (a vademecum), which I am personally convinced will be of great benefit to a large number of university teachers and researchers, and engineers and technicians active in today’s economy sector, as well in the very near future.


Former director of ENSIC Nancy and ESCPE Lyon, France

Former president of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering

Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés

CNRS/ENSIC/University of Lorraine

Thermodynamic Processes 2

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