Читать книгу The Fintastic Diary of Darcy Dolphin - Sam Watkins - Страница 5


(That means ‘hello’ in Dolphinese, in case whoever is reading this is not a dolphin.) Yesterday was my birthday and my aunt Ditzy gave me this book. She said it is a diary.

I’ve never had a diary so I didn’t really know what to write in it. Aunt Ditzy wrote a recipe book called Super Seaweed Smoothies, so she is a proper real-life author. I don’t think anyone has actually bought it yet, but anyway she knows loads about writing and books and stuff. I asked her what you should write in a diary and she said, ‘Oh, you know, feelings, that sort of thing.’ I said I would try to write down at least one feeling a day.

So here goes – my first diary! Does that make me a proper author too, I wonder? I hope some interesting things happen this week. I can’t write ‘Went to school, had fish fingers for tea’ every day, can I? That would make pretty boring reading. But I’m sure I’ll have loads of exciting stuff to write about – I can just feel it in the water . . .

The Fintastic Diary of Darcy Dolphin

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