Читать книгу The Fintastic Diary of Darcy Dolphin - Sam Watkins - Страница 8



Last night I couldn’t sleep thinking about how I could persuade Mum to let me have a pet. Then – click! I had a brainwave. Mum’s always moaning she’s got too much to do. If I was really, really helpful she might let me have a pet as a reward!

I got up really early so I could get as much helping done as possible. I even made a chart in case I needed proof of my helpfulness to show Mum (she can be very forgetful sometimes).



5 am: Took Mum and Dad prawnflakes in bed. Dad groaned and Mum rolled over but I know they were secretly pleased.

5.30 am: Vacuumed the floor. Not a huge success. The vacfish got too full up and, well . . . it exploded!

6.30 am: Tidied the toy cave and got rid of loads of old toys. My little brother, Diddy, screamed his lungs out until I explained that it’s for a good cause. Then he sulked in a corner all day refusing to eat.

7 am: Weeded the vegetable patch. I might have accidentally weeded some of Dad’s prize sea lettuces, but I don’t think he’ll notice.


4 pm: Helped Mum do the shopping. Mum never buys enough Jiggling Jellies, so I helped her by putting every bag on the shelf into the basket. Weirdly, Mum didn’t seem to find that very helpful.

5 pm: Made dinner. I did fish fingers and mushy seaweed with Jiggling Jellies on top. Dad said he wasn’t hungry, but I think he was impressed with my creative cookery skills.

6 pm: Washed up. Broke one or maybe several things. Well, we didn’t need all those dishes, anyway. Dad’s always moaning that there’s too much washing up.

After dinner I said I would make Mum a nice cup of sea. She squeaked.

‘NO! I mean, no thank you, Darcy.’

I was a bit hurt. ‘But Mum . . . I thought if I was really helpful you might let me . . . um . . . have a pet?’

‘A pet? I said yesterday –’

‘Please? I’ll be really good! I’ll help all week! I’ll make dinner every day and I’ll do the washing . . . and the ironing . . . and . . .’

Mum’s fins started twitching. ‘OKAY! Okay – you can get a pet. A small one. Just, please, that’s enough helping for today, Darcy!’

Dad looked as if he wanted to say something, but he had a mouthful of prawnflakes (weird – I thought he said he wasn’t hungry?). But it didn’t matter, because Mum said yes! Now I can’t sleep again – thinking about all the adventures I’m going to have with my new pet!

Feeling of the Day: ECSTATIC.

The Fintastic Diary of Darcy Dolphin

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