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So this morning I was feeling excited!

This is because in assembly Mr Snapper, the head teacher, announced that there is going to be a pet show on Salmonsday! There will be loads of different competitions for different skills, so if your pet is super-good at something you can enter them into that competition and maybe win a prize!

Our teacher, Miss Carp, stuck a big poster up on the classroom wall. Everyone crowded round to have a look. It was covered in stars and in big sparkly letters it said ‘PETS FACTOR’. Underneath that was a list of all the competitions. My friend Ozzie Octopus said that he will enter Cuke, his pet sea cucumber, in the ‘Animal or Vegetable?’ game. And Myrtle Turtle said she’d put Squishy, her vampire squid, in for the Talent Show. Squishy can turn herself completely inside out, which I think is quite talented.

I looked at the poster. ‘Pet Fancy Dress – that sounds fun! I’m going to sign up for that one,’ I said.

‘But Darcy, you haven’t got a pet,’ Myrtle said.

‘I’ll ask Mum tonight if I can get one. She’s bound to say yes.’

So earlier this evening I told Mum all about the pet show and how I really wanted a pet.

Mum gave me her ☹ face and said, ‘Darcy we’ve talked about this before and you know how I feel. Pets are too much trouble and blah blah blah blah blah . . . anyway, the answer is NO.’

I think she might be thinking about it.

Hmmph. Everyone has a pet except me. It’s not fair.

Flippering fishsticks, I didn’t realise you could have so many feelings in one day!

The Fintastic Diary of Darcy Dolphin

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