Читать книгу Piece Of Mind - Sandy MacGregor - Страница 15

Questions and Answers


Will I be able to achieve all three?

Yes, you will. You will be able to achieve relaxation in 30 seconds. You will obtain a way to clarify and achieve a goal faster. Say if your goal is to obtain high distinctions in final exams or to release weight, then you'll be able to start working on it in this book. It could be your primary aim for reading this book and you will certainly be able to experience and obtain some accelerated learning skills.

How important is having a goal?

One of the things that the science of dreams has shown is that happiness is a journey. Happiness comes from moving towards a goal, not actually getting it.

To remain happy always have a goal that you are working towards. A famous guru describes the secret of happiness as “BE HAPPY”. In other words a verb – a doing word.

What about recall and memory can these be improved?

Yes, absolutely – that will be covered, in fact there will be some exercises on that. I will tell you about memory and how it occurs and how you'll be able to put information into the brain whereby you'll be able to recall more easily. Our memory is fantastic – it's recall that we need. To improve recall we need to take the correct action to ensure that the information goes to long term memory.



Piece Of Mind

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