Читать книгу Authentically African - Sarah Van Beurden - Страница 10



AA BuZaAfrikaans Archief Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (African Archive, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
AAIAmis de l’Art Indigène (Friends of Indigenous Art)
AAIAfrican American Institute
ABAAcadémie des Beaux Arts (Academy of Fine Arts)
AFAAmerican Federation of Arts
AIAAssociation Internationale Africaine (International African Association)
AICAAssociation Internationale des Critiques d’Art (International Art Critics Association)
ANCArchives Nationales de la République Democratique du Congo (National Archives of the Democratic Republic of Congo)
ASAIAteliers Sociaux d’Art Indigène (Community Workshops for Indigenous Art)
COPAMICommission pour la Protection des Arts et Métiers Indigènes au Congo Belge (Commission for the Protection of Indigenous Arts and Crafts)
FIKINFoire Internationale de Kinshasa (International Fair at Kinshasa)
IMNZ/CInstitut des Musées Nationaux du Zaïre/du Congo (Institute of National Museums in Zaire/Congo)
IRSACInstitut pour la Recherche Scientifique en Afrique Centrale (Institute for Scientific Research in Central Africa)
MNLMusée National de Lubumbashi (National Museum of Lubumbashi)
MPRMouvement Populaire de la Révolution (People’s Revolutionary Movement)
MVIMusée de la Vie Indigène (Museum of Indigenous Life)
NMAANational Museum of African Art
RMCARoyal Museum for Central Africa
SIASmithsonian Institution Archives
Authentically African

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