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Chapter 1
The Cloud and Microsoft Azure 101
Microsoft Azure 101
ОглавлениеMicrosoft has many solutions in the public cloud. The IaaS and PaaS services focus on Azure services, formerly known as Windows Azure, but rightly renamed, as many services are not Windows-centric. Although the focus of this book is on services related to infrastructure, primarily IaaS, this section will provide a high-level overview of all the key Azure services. It’s important to fully understand the capabilities that are available.
Figure 1.6 shows the three main building blocks of the Azure platform along with the networking and traffic management services that enable various types of connectivity. Azure Compute provides the primary compute capabilities, including virtual machines, cloud services, websites, plus the fabric controller, which manages all the virtual machines and hosts that provide the Azure platform. Azure Data Services, as the name suggests, provides storage, backup, and the SQL Server capabilities in the cloud, including relational databases (which are not available in the core Microsoft Azure component). Finally, the Azure App Services provide services such as access control, caching, directory services, and a service bus for communication between components within and outside of Azure. An Azure Marketplace facilitates the buying and selling of Azure applications, components, and datasets.
Figure 1.6 The three main building blocks of the Azure Platform: Azure, App Services, and Data Services
Once you decide what servers, storage, load balancing, and other goodness is needed to run your applications, you need to decide where you want those capabilities hosted. Microsoft has many datacenters distributed throughout the world; Azure applications can run from any of them. There are currently four datacenters in the United States, and two each in Europe and Asia regions. When an application is deployed to Azure, the customer can select where the application should be deployed. All Azure datacenters are paired to provide protection from site failure and data is replicated.
In the next sections, I will introduce you to many of the services available in Azure. Understand that it is a constantly changing service, and my focus is to simply provide you with an idea of the scope of services. For the most up-to-date list of available services and to get more details, visit http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/. Those services I will be covering in detail throughout the book, such as Azure Active Directory, Azure Automation, Azure Traffic Manager, and of course the networking, won’t be covered in this chapter. (I have another 400 or so pages to tell you about those.) Microsoft often releases new services in a preview mode. You need to apply for preview services before you can use them. To check to see the previews that are available and to sign up, use the Preview website here:
Microsoft Azure Compute
The main building block of the Azure platform is Microsoft Azure itself. Here you’ll find the key capabilities that enable the cloud-based hosting of applications and data. As Azure has evolved, so too has the naming and hierarchy of services. If you were able to look at what Azure was a year ago, the components would seem different from those I’m describing today.
The virtual machine, as shown in Figure 1.7, is the part that actually runs the applications, which could be a website, some custom middleware code, or some legacy application. All of the compute capabilities are enabled through virtual machines, which vary in size. Although virtual machines are directly accessible and used with Azure IaaS, other services, such as PaaS, websites, networking, and so on, are built using virtual machines; they simply may not be visible to you. I will focus on the IaaS virtual machines in this chapter.
Figure 1.7 The main components that make up Microsoft Azure Compute
A web role acts as the web server for your web applications, such as ASP.NET, Classic ASP, PHP, Python, and Node.js. The web role leverages IIS to run the web applications. If you request five instances of a website role for your web application, then behind the scenes, five virtual machines running IIS are created and load balanced, and all run your web code. If in the future you want additional instances, you just request additional instances, and Azure automatically creates new instances of the web role, deploys your custom code, and adds those new instances to the load balancing. Azure websites, which are separate from the web roles, provide a very fast way to deploy a web application.
A worker role is used to run tasks for backend applications that are not IIS web applications but leverage PaaS. As with the web role, when you deploy your application, you tell Azure how many instances of the role you want, and Azure distributes your application to all instances and balances load. Using worker roles, you can run applications such as Java Virtual Machines or Apache Tomcat. This is where the Azure flexibility shines.
You can use any combination of web roles, worker roles, and VMs to support your application. Some applications may only require web roles, some may need web and worker roles, and some can be deployed using just VMs. The point is the flexibility is there to create roles that meet the needs of the application you are deploying.
Azure Compute also features a Mobile Services set. These services are designed to provide the backend for mobile applications running on Windows, iOS, and Android platforms. Numerous services are available; some of the most useful allow integration into authentication services, such as Microsoft and Facebook accounts, and provide the ability to push notifications to devices.
An auto-scale capability allows multiple Azure virtual machines to be grouped together using a construct known as an availability set. Through configuration, you can specify the minimum and maximum number of virtual machines that should run and how scaling should be performed. For example, if CPU requirements in each VM exceed a certain amount, scaling should occur. To accomplish this, you must precreate all the possible virtual machines in the set. The Azure auto-scale then simply stops (deprovisions) and starts them as needed and optimizes your charges so that only the VMs needed are running. As of this writing, auto-scale will not automatically create new instances of virtual machines from a template. Azure does make it easy to request and instantly deploy additional instances of a role. Auto-scale also allows you to leverage the System Center App Controller, and you can programmatically request new instances by writing your own auto-scaling functionality.
The Azure fabric controller itself seems to work magic. As a customer, you can deploy your application, and Azure just spins up as many instances as you say. You can scale up or down at any time. Your service is always available per the Azure “99.95 %” monthly service level agreement (SLA). The operating systems and dependent services are constantly patched and tuned. The magic is enabled by the Azure fabric controller, which itself is a distributed application running on Azure that has a fabric agent that runs on all the virtual machines (except IaaS VMs) and hosts that make up the Azure compute fabric. The fabric controller constantly monitors, and if it sees a problem, it can spin up new instances of a role. If a request is made for more instances of a role, the fabric controller creates the new instances and adds them to the load balancer configuration. The fabric controller handles all patching and updates (again, except those VMs that are IaaS). Patching and updating is a key reason that Azure applications can be covered by the “99.95 %” SLA. You must deploy at least two instances of any role to take advantage of this capability, as the fabric controller will take down one instance, patch it, and then once that instance is running again, take down the other. As you have more and more instances, more instances can be patched simultaneously by grouping role instances in upgrade domains. When patching occurs, all instances within an upgrade domain are brought down and updated at the same time. Then, once complete, the next upgrade domain is updated, and so on.
Microsoft Azure Data Services
The ability to store data is critical to any service. Azure data services provide several types of storage and make them available to both Azure-based services and on-premises solutions.
Four primary types of storage are available:
Binary Large Object (BLOB) Azure offers an unstructured collection of bytes that can be used to store basically anything, including large media files. Currently BLOBs can scale up to 200 TB.
Tables Table storage can be confusing because these are not tables in the relational table sense. For relational database needs, Azure uses a SQL database. Tables are a structured store based on key-values. They are designed to store large amounts of data for massive scale where some basic structure is required, but relationships between data don’t need to be maintained. Azure tables can be thought of as a NoSQL implementation. These constitute a growing class of database management systems that don’t use SQL as their language or implement relational table capabilities.
Queues Queues primarily provide reliable and persistent messaging between applications within Azure. A particularly common use for queues is for the communication between web roles and worker roles. Queues have a basic functionality, which makes them fast. They don’t have familiar characteristics, such as first in, first out (FIFO). Instead, developers implement their own features on top of the Azure queue feature.
Files This is an SMB 2.1 implementation that provides an easy method to share storage within an Azure region. Using the standard SMB protocol, files can be created and read. The reads and writes are being implemented by Azure Storage.
Azure Drive is a feature that allows a BLOB to be used as a virtual hard disk (VHD) and formatted as a NTFS volume. Although it allows applications to interact with the BLOB as a volume, it is not actually a different type of storage.
Any data stored in Azure is replicated three times within the same datacenter, and any Azure BLOB, table, and file content are also geo-replicated to another datacenter hundreds of miles away to provide resiliency against site-level disasters. The geo-replication is not synchronous, but it is performed very quickly. There should not be much lag between the data content at the primary location and the geo-replicated location. Read-access is available to the geographically replicated copy of the storage if required. Applications interact with storage using HTTP or HTTPS. For the tables, the OData (Open Data Protocol) is used. OData builds on web technologies to provide flexible ways to interact with data.
Microsoft also features an import/export capability that provides a clean way to transport large amounts of data where transportation over the network is not practical. The import/export service copies data to a 3.5-inch SATA HDD that is encrypted with Bitlocker. The drive is then shipped to the Microsoft datacenter, where the data is imported and made available in your Azure account.
Where a relational database capability is required, Azure SQL databases, which provide relational data through a subset of SQL Server capability in the cloud, should be used. This gives the Azure application full access to a relational database where needed. SQL Azure is a pricing model separate from the Computer and Storage components of Azure, because you are paying for the SQL service rather than raw storage. Two types of database are available: Web Edition (10 GB maximum database size) and Business Edition (150 GB maximum database size). Billing is based on database size in gigabyte increments. SQL Reporting is also available.
Other types of service are available as well. For your Big Data Azure features, HDInsight is a Hadoop-based service that brings great insight into structured and unstructured data. A shared cache service is available to provide improved storage performance. Another service that is gaining traction is Azure Backup, which provides a vault hosted in Azure to act as the target for backup data. Data is encrypted during transmission and encrypted again when stored in Azure. This provides an easy-to-implement, cloud-based backup solution. Currently, Windows Server Backup and System Center Data Protection Manager can use Azure Backup as a target. Azure Site Recovery, which allows various types of replication to Azure, also falls within the Data Services family of services.
Microsoft Azure App Services
Azure App Services encompass various technologies that can be used to augment Azure applications. As of this writing, a number of technologies make up the Azure App Services, including the following:
Content Delivery Network (CDN) Azure datacenters are located all around the globe, as we’ve already discussed, but there are certain types of data you may want to make available even closer to the consumer for the very best performance of high-bandwidth content. The CDN allows BLOB data within Azure Storage to be cached at points of presence (PoPs). PoPs are managed by Microsoft and are far greater in number than the Azure datacenters themselves. Here’s how the CDN works. The first person in a region to download content would pull the data from the CDN, which originates from the Azure Storage BLOB at one of the major datacenters. The content is then stored at that CDN PoP, and from there, the data is sent to the first user. The second person to view the data in that location would then pull the data directly from the PoP cache, thus getting a fast response. Use of the CDN is optional and has its own SLA with a pay-as-you-go pricing structure based on transactions and the amount of data. Many organizations leverage the CDN for delivering their high-bandwidth data, even if it’s separate from an actual Azure application. CDN is easy to enable.
Microsoft Azure Active Directory Active Directory (AD) provides an identity and access management solution that integrates with on-premises (where required) and is leveraged by many Microsoft solutions, such as Office 365, in addition to your own custom solutions. Multifactor authentication is available and can enable your mobile phone to act as part of the authentication process; a code required to complete the logon can be sent in a text.
Service Bus Service Bus supports multiple messaging protocols and provides reliable message delivery between on-premises and cloud systems. Typically, problems occur when on-premises, mobile, and other solutions attempt to communicate with services on the Internet because of firewall and IP address translation. With Azure Service Bus, the communication is enabled through the Service Bus component.
Media Services Providing high-quality media experiences, such as streaming of HD live video, is the focus of media services. Various types of encoding and content protection are supported.
Scheduler As the name suggests, the scheduler queues jobs to run on a defined schedule.
Reliable vs. Best-Effort IaaS
I want to cover how a service is made highly available early on in this book; it’s a shift in thinking for many people, but it’s a necessary shift when adopting public cloud services.
For most datacenter virtual environments, on-premises means that the infrastructure is implemented as a reliable infrastructure, as shown in Figure 1.8. Virtualization hosts are grouped into clusters, and storage is provided by enterprise-level SANs. A stand-alone virtual machine is made reliable through the use of clustering. For planned maintenance operations such as patching, virtual machines move between nodes with no downtime through the use of technologies like Live Migration. The result is minimal downtime to a virtual machine.
Figure 1.8 A reliable on-premises virtual environment
This type of reliable infrastructure makes sense for on-premises, but it does not work for public cloud solutions that have to operate at mega-scale. Instead, the public cloud operates in a best-effort model. Despite the name, best effort does not mean it’s worse – in reality, it often is better. Instead of relying on the infrastructure to provide reliability, the emphasis is on the application. This means always having at least two instances of a service and organizing those services in such a way as to assure that those two instances do not run on the same rack of servers (fault domain). Further, the two instances can never be taken down at the same time during maintenance operations. The application needs to be written in such a way that multiple instances are supported. Ideally, the application is aware there are multiple instances and can perform certain types of recovery action where required. (See Figure 1.9.) Some kind of load-balancing technology is also needed so that incoming connections are sent to an active instance.
Figure 1.9 An example of design in a best-effort infrastructure
The reality is with a multiple-application instances model, the level of application availability is higher than when using a reliable infrastructure model. Although the reliable infrastructure provides zero downtime from planned maintenance operations (as does the best-effort infrastructure with multiple instances of the application on different fault domains), a reliable infrastructure cannot protect from downtime in an unplanned failure. If a host fails, the cluster infrastructure in the reliable model will restart the VM on another node. That restart takes time, and the OS and/or application may need integrity checks and possibly recovery actions because essentially the OS inside the VM was just powered off. In the best-effort infrastructure using multiple instances of the application, unplanned failure is covered without risk of corruption, as the other instance would still be running. Additionally, though the reliable infrastructure protects against host failure, it cannot provide protection if the OS inside a VM hangs or errors in some way that is not seen as a problem for the host environment. In such a case, no corrective action is taken, and the service is left unavailable. Using an application-aware approach, any issues in the application could be detected, and clients would be sent to the other instance until any problems were resolved.