Читать книгу Mastering Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services - Savill John - Страница 5



The book you are holding is the result of 20 years of experience in the IT world; over 15 years of virtualization experience that started with VMware, Virtual PC, and now Hyper-V; and many years focusing on public cloud solutions, especially Microsoft Azure. My goal for this book is simple: to make you knowledgeable and effective in architecting and managing an Azure-based public cloud environment. If you were to look at the scope of Azure functionality in a single book, that book would be the size of the Encyclopedia Britannica. My focus for this book is the infrastructure-related services, including virtual machines in Azure, storage, networking, and some complementary technologies. I will also show you how to automate processes using technologies such as PowerShell, how to integrate Azure with your on-premises infrastructure to create a hybrid solution, and how to use Azure as a disaster recovery solution. Although public cloud infrastructure services are relatively new, Microsoft is one of only two vendors that qualifies as a leader for a solution in the public cloud Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Gartner Magic Quadrant. In addition, Azure is being used by many of the largest companies in the world.

I am a strong believer that doing is the best way to learn something. I therefore highly encourage you to try out all the technologies and principles I cover in this book. Because Azure is a public cloud solution, you don't need any local resources except for a machine to connect to Azure and use PowerShell. Ideally, you will also have a small on-premises lab environment to test the networking to Azure and hybrid scenarios, but you don't need a huge lab environment. For most of the items, you can use a single Windows Server machine with 8 GB of memory to enable a few virtual machines to run concurrently. In this book, sometimes I provide step-by-step instructions to guide you through a process, sometimes I provide a link to an external source that already has a good step-by-step guide, and sometimes I provide a link to my videos to ensure maximum understanding.

This book was one of the most challenging I've written. Azure is updated so frequently that it was necessary to update the book while writing as capabilities changed. The Microsoft product group teams helped greatly, giving me early access to information and even environments to enable the book to be as current as possible. To keep the content relevant, I will be updating the digital version regularly, and I have created an application, Mastering Azure IaaS, available in the Windows Store, that provides easy access to the external links, videos, and code samples I use in this book (which I will also update with new information). You can download the application from www.savillte.ch/mstrazureapp and from the Windows Store (see the following figure). You must download this application and use it as a companion to the book. As you read each chapter, look at the application for videos and other information that will help your understanding. I do not specifically call these references out in the text of the book.

Mastering Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services

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