Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 119


Al-Baqarah 2: 229

Should their husbands desire reconciliation during this time they are entitled to take them back into wedlock.78

Women have the same rights against their men as men have against them; but men have a degree above them. Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise.

(229) Divorce can be pro- nounced twice: then, either honourable retention or kindly release should follow.79 (While dissolving the marriage tie) it is unlawful for you to take back anything of what you have given to your wives unless both fear that they may not be able to keep within the bounds set by Allah. Then, if they fear that they might not be able to keep within the bounds set by Allah, there is no blame upon them for what the wife might give away of her property to become released from the marriage tie.80 ▶

78 This injunction only relates to a situation where the husband has pronounced divorce once or twice. In that case the husband retains the right to revoke the divorce before the expiry of [iddah (waiting period).

79 According to this verse, a man may pronounce revocable divorce upon his wife not more than twice. Should he pronounce divorce for the third time after revoking it twice, the wife will be permanently alienated from him.

80 In the terminology of Islamic Law this is known as khul[, i.e. a woman’s securing the annulment of her marriage through the payment of some


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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