Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 126


Al-Baqarah 2: 244–6

Indeed Allah is Bounteous to mankind; but most people do not give thanks in return. (244) So fight in the Way of Allah and know well that Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (245) Who of you will lend Allah a goodly loan which He will return after multiplying it for him manifold?86 For Allah has the power both to decrease and increase, and to Him will you be returned.

(246) (O Messenger), have you thought of what happened with the elders of the Children of Israel after Moses? They asked one of their Prophets: “Set up for us a king so that we may fight in the way of Allah.” He said: “Would you possibly refrain from fighting if fighting is ordained for you?” They said: “And why would we not fight in the way of Allah when we have been torn from our homes and our children?” ▶

86 “Goodly loan” signifies whatever one gives to another person selflessly, and from absolutely pure motives. God describes whatever man spends in this manner as a loan made to none other than Him, and He undertakes to repay that loan and to repay it several-fold.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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