Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 147


Al [Imran 3: 8–11

“We believe in it; it is all from our Lord alone.”3 No one derives true admonition from anything except the people of understanding. (8) They pray to Allah: “Our Lord! Do not let our hearts swerve towards crookedness after You have guided us to the Right Way, and bestow upon us Your Mercy for You are the Munifi- cent Giver! (9) Our Lord! One Day You will surely gather all mankind together, a Day about (the coming of which) there is no doubt. Surely Allah never goes against His promise.”

(10) As for the unbelievers, neither their wealth nor their offspring will avail them in the least against Allah. They shall be the fuel of the Fire. (11) (To them shall happen) the like of what happened to the people of Pharaoh, and those before them. They rejected Our signs as false, so Allah seized them for their sins. Allah indeed is severe in punishment. ▶

3 This might give rise to an unnecessary problem: How can people believe in “ambiguous” verses when the contents of these cannot be grasped? The fact is that a reasonable person will have faith that the Qur’an is the Book of God through his reading of its clear and lucid verses, rather than by learning fanciful interpretations of the ambiguous verses. Once so convinced, he is not likely to be troubled by doubts and anxieties caused by the ambiguities of a few verses.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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